Mild-mannered cabbie Charlie Slater is the glue that holds his troubled family together. As the Slater girls lurch from crisis to crisis, it’s their dear old dad who is their rock.
The storms that have battered the Slater family have been many – from the revelation that Kat was Zoe’s mother, to Little Mo’s domestic abuse and subsequent rape, Lynne losing her baby, and Stacey’s bipolar diagnosis. But without Charlie’s support, and endless mugs of tea and sympathy, it’s unlikely they’d have weathered them.
Harry Slater
Belinda Peacock
Freddie Mitchell
Sean Slater
Mary Slater
Mother (deceased)
Frederick Slater
Father (deceased)
Brian Slater
Nephew (deceased)
Charlie met Brenda after Jean pretended to be him online.
Peggy Mitchell
Charlie had his eye on her, but his brother Harry had more luck. Harry even proposed, but then the Slater family secret came out.
Viv Slater
Charlie was happily married to Mo's daughter. He nursed her until her death in 1999 following a stroke.