van Inwagen, Peter
Peter is The John Cardinal O�Hara Professor of Philosophy at the University of Notre Dame. He has written on metaphysics, philosophy of logic, philosophical theology, and Christian apologetics. He stresses ultimate questions such as the nature of the world, the reasons for its existence, and our place and purpose within it. His books include Material Beings; Metaphysics; The Problem of Evil; and Persons: Human and Divine (with Dean Zimmerman). Here is how Peter frames the problem of free will: �Perhaps we should begin with this question: What is the �problem of free will�? Like those other great 'problem' phrases that philosophers bandy about, 'the mind-body problem,' 'the problem of universals,' and 'the problem of evil,' this phrase has no clear referent. There are obviously a lot of philosophical problems about free will, but which of them, or which combination of them, is the problem of free will? I will propose an answer to this question, but this proposal can be no more than just that, a proposal. I propose that we understand the problem of free will to be the following problem. There are seemingly unanswerable arguments that (if they are indeed unanswerable) demonstrate that free will is incompatible with determinism. [Determinism is the thesis that the past and the laws of nature together determine, at every moment, a unique future. The denial of determinism is indeterminism.] And there are seemingly unanswerable arguments that (if indeed . . . ) demonstrate that free will is incompatible with indeterminism. But if free will is incompatible both with determinism and indeterminism, the concept 'free will' is incoherent, and the thing free will does not exist�. [which must mean that] at least one of the three arguments I have presented, each of which is prima facie correct, contains some error? But which? And where does the error (or where do the errors) lie? That is the problem of free will�. The problem of free will, I believe, confronts us philosophers with a great mystery. Under it our genius is rebuked. "Topic Videos
- Arguing God from First Cause? (Peter van Inwagen)
- How Free is God? (Peter van Inwagen)
- Do Diverse Religions Give Complimentary Insights? (Part 1 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- Do Diverse Religions Give Complimentary Insights? (Part 2 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- Does a Fine-Tuned Universe Lead to God? (Peter van Inwagen)
- Arguing God from Being? (Peter van Inwagen)
- Does Evil Disprove God? (Part 1 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- Does Evil Disprove God? (Part 2 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- Is God Necessary? (Peter van Inwagen)
- What is God Like (Peter van Inwagen)
- If God Knows the Future, What is Free Will? (Peter van Inwagen)
- Does Philosophy Illuminate Religion? (Peter van Inwagen)
- What is Free Will? (Peter van Inwagen)
- Debating God's Existence? (Peter van Inwagen)
- What Things Really Exist? (Part 1 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- What Things Really Exist? (Part 2 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- How does Metaphysics Reveal Reality? (Part 1 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- How does Metaphysics Reveal Reality? (Part 2 of 2) (Peter van Inwagen)
- Why is There "Something" Rather than "Nothing"? (Peter van Inwagen)
- Why a Mind-Body Problem? (Peter van Inwagen)
- What is the Nature of Personal Identity? (Peter van Inwagen)
- What are Possible Worlds? (Peter van Inwagen)
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