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Dayton crime dropped in 2009

Only homicides rose last year, but those are down early this year.

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By Tom Beyerlein, Staff Writer Updated 12:46 AM Tuesday, May 25, 2010

DAYTON — Crime fell in every category last year except homicide, and police Chief Richard Biehl says there is even good news in that category.

After leading the state in the homicide rate in 2009, incidents are down 40 percent — nine this year versus 15 at this time last year.

“Homicide is the smallest portion of violent crime overall,” Biehl said. “The number of homicides year to year does not define whether a community is safe or not.”

Dayton had a 2009 homicide rate of 2.55 per 10,000 population, the highest of the six largest Ohio cities, including Akron (0.97), Cincinnati (1.65), Cleveland (1.84), Columbus (0.96) and Toledo (1.13), a Dayton Daily News analysis shows.

Dayton had 39 homicides last year, up from 34 in 2008, but the 2009 numbers were down markedly for forcible rape, aggravated assault, property crime and motor vehicle theft. There were smaller declines in robbery, burglary, theft and arson.

Biehl credits the decrease in violent crime to police efforts to fight gun crimes.

Nationwide, violent crime was down 5.5 percent, while property crime declined by 4.9 percent, the FBI reported. All four categories of violent crime — homicide and non-negligent manslaughter, forcible rape, robbery and aggravated assault — declined.

Like Dayton, Cincinnati and Columbus had lower numbers in most of the FBI’s 10 categories.

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