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The Glossary is neither a statement of law nor an interpretation of the law, and its status is only an introductory guide to planning issues and should not be used as a source for statutory definitions.
Land Compensation | Provisions for the compensation of land compulsorily acquired in the public interest. (See also CPOs) |
Landbank | The stock land with planning permissions but where development has yet to take place. The landbank can be of land for minerals, housing or any other use. |
Landfill (including land raising) | The permanent disposal of waste into the ground, by the filling of man-made voids or similar features, or the construction of landforms above ground level (land-raising). |
Landfill Directive | European Union requirements on landfill to ensure high standards for disposal and to stimulate waste minimisation. |
Landfill Gas | The gas generated in any landfill site accepting biodegradable material. It consists of a mixture of gases, mainly methane and carbon dioxide. |
Landscape Appraisal | A method of assessing appearance and essential characteristics of a landscape. |
Landscaper Character | The distinct and recognisable pattern of elements that occur consistently in a particular type of landscape. It reflects particular combinations of geology, landform, soils, vegetation, land use and human settlement. |
Lawful Development Certificate | A certificate issued by a local planning authority, on application, stating that an existing (LDC 191) or proposed use (LDC 192), or other forms of development, can be considered as lawful for planning purposes. |
Layout | The way buildings, routes and open spaces are placed or laid out on the ground in relation to each other. |
Leachate (usually associated with landfill) | Water coming into contact with decomposing waste materials and which has drawn pollutants out of those materials into solution thereby contaminating the water. |
Legibility (in terms of settlement patterns) | A legible area is one with a strong sense of local identity. Locations, streets, open spaces and places that have a clear image and are easy to understand. For example, a location that is easy to find your way around. |
Life Cycle Analysis | A technique intended to quantify the total impact of a product during its production, distribution, use and recycling, treatment or disposal. Can be applied to sustainable waste management. |
Lifetime Homes Standards | Criteria developed by a group convened by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation in 1991 to help house builders produce new homes flexible enough to deal with changes in life situations of occupants e.g. caring for young children, temporary injuries, declining mobility with age. |
Light Rail | A local railway or tram system, sometimes capable of sharing roads with traffic and heavy railways. |
Limits of Development | Limits of development identify the area within which development proposals would be acceptable, subject to complying with other policies contained in the Development Plan. They seek to prevent development from gradually extending into the surrounding countryside. |
Listed Building | A building of special architectural or historic interest. Listed buildings are graded I, II* or II with grade I being the highest. Listing includes the interior as well as the exterior of the building, and any buildings or permanent structures (e.g. wells within its curtilage). English Heritage is responsible for designating buildings for listing in England. |
Listed Building Consent | Consent required for the demolition, in whole or in part of a listed building, or for any works of alteration or extension that would affect the character of the building. |
Listed Building Enforcement Notice | A notice issued by a local planning authority if work is carried out on a Listed Building without consent, and requiring that the building be brought back to its former state or other remedial works. |
Listed Building Purchase Notice | A notice served on a Local Authority where Listed Building consent is refused or is granted subject to onerous conditions, and where the owner can demonstrate that land is incapable of reasonably beneficial use. |
Local Agenda 21 | A comprehensive action strategy prepared by local authorities to help achieve sustainable development. |
Local Area Agreement (LAA) | A three year agreement, based on local Sustainable Community Strategies, that sets out the priorities for a local area agreed between Central Government, represented by the Government Office (GO), and a local area, represented by the local authority and other key partners through Local Strategic Partnerships (LSPs). |
Local Centre | A small group of shops and perhaps limited service outlets of a local nature (for example, a suburban housing estate) serving a small catchment. Sometimes also referred to as a local neighbourhood centre. |
Local Development Documents (LDDs) | These include Development Plan Documents (which form part of the statutory development plan) and Supplementary Planning Documents (which do not form part of the statutory development plan). LDDs collectively deliver the spatial planning strategy for the local planning authority's area. |
Local Development Framework (LDF) | The Local Development Framework (LDF) is a non-statutory term used to describe a folder of documents, which includes all the local planning authority's local development documents. An LDF is comprised of:
The local development framework will also comprise of:
Local Development Order (LDO) | An order made by a local planning authority extending permitted development rights for certain forms of development, with regard to a relevant Local Development Document. |
Local Development Scheme (LDS) | The local planning authority's time-scaled programme for the preparation of Local Development Documents that must be agreed with government and reviewed every year. |
Local Housing Company | A local authority-promoted housing development and management organisation, possibly with wider regeneration objectives, likely to be established in partnership ownership between a local authority with other public and/or private sector organisations. |
Local Landscape Designation (for example, 'Area of High Landscape value') | Non-statutory and locally designated areas outside the national landscape designations, which are considered by the local planning authority to be of particular landscape value to the local area. |
Local Listing (or Building of Local Importance). | Locally important building valued for contribution to local scene or for local historical situations but not meriting listed building status. |
Local Nature Reserve. | Non-statutory habitats of local significance designated by local authorities where protection and public understanding of nature conservation is encouraged. (See also Site of Nature Conservation Importance or Site of Biological Interest). |
Local Need Housing | Housing requirements generated by the indigenous population rather than by in-migration. |
Local Plan | An old-style development plan prepared by district and other local planning authorities. These plans will continue to operate for a time after the commencement of the new development plan system, by virtue of specific transitional provisions. |
Local Planning Authority | The local authority or council that is empowered by law to exercise planning functions. Often the local borough or district council. National parks and the Broads authority are also considered to be local planning authorities. County councils are the authority for waste and minerals matters. |
Local Strategic Partnership (LSP) | An overall partnership of people that brings together organisations from the public, private, community and voluntary sector within a local authority area, with the objective of improving people's quality of life. |
Local Transport Plan | A five-year integrated transport strategy, prepared by local authorities in partnership with the community, seeking funding to help provide local transport projects. The plan sets out the resources predicted for delivery of the targets identified in the strategy. Local transport plans should be consistent with the policies and priorities set out in the Regional Transport Strategy as an integral part of the Regional Spatial Strategy. |
London Plan | The Mayor of London is responsible for producing a new planning strategy for the capital. This replaces the previous strategic planning guidance for London (known as RPG3), issued by the Secretary of State. The London Plan is the name given to the Mayor's spatial development strategy. Regional Spatial Strategies are made outside of London. |
Low Demand Housing (or areas of housing abandonment) | A location where the housing market has collapsed or is close to doing so resulting in a low demand for housing or actual abandonment. See also Housing Market Renewal. |
Low Cost Home Ownership programme | An important mechanism for delivering a variety of government objectives since the 1980s. The programme has consisted of a number of schemes with differing characteristics and objectives, which have evolved over time. |
Low level restoration | The re-establishment of land following mineral extraction, without infilling (filling the hole created by extraction). |
The Glossary is neither a statement of law nor an interpretation of the law, and its status is only an introductory guide to planning issues and should not be used as a source for statutory definitions.
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