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You do a very good Bruce Forsyth impression
Will you be taking over from Bruce on strictly come dancing if Mr. Forsythe decides to retire ?

They've already approached me. I won't wear the wig.

Damian: Could you ever get that Dr Brighton stuff released? ( At least on iTunes or something. I'd pay for it without hesitation, it's brilliant.

Thank you, Damian. There are quite a few albums of mine that have never seen the light of day. What I may do is to start up my own myspace page and feature songs from one album for a period of time then press a LTD amount of CDs of said album and sell via paypal and mail order. Just an idea for now.
I'm actually very busy at the moment learning how to play Lotus Eaters songs. They are a band from the 80's who's single "The First Picture Of You" had been a fave of mine.
I've joined them on bass and we're playing the Liverpool Philharmonic 25th July this year.

Meenie: Was it a hard decision to quit Cardiacs ?

It was strange coz I never fell out with them. I just got busy with The Wildhearts which was paying my rent so had to go. We had only been doing a gig a year at The Astoria so it was quite a low point for the band so I had to go and do something else. I'd have loved to have come back at some point even if it was just one gig or one tour (maybe a Sing To God Tour complete with "big heads backdrop?!!!) but I'm not sure how that'd sit with Kavus.
I still love them all...they are my brothers!

do you feel like Kavus is/was now sleeping with your bird (in a sense)

No, not at all. Kavus was working as guitar tec with Cardiacs for 8 years before he became the guitarist. He's always been a massive part of the set up since he first turned up and started "entertaining" us.
Sometimes me and Kavus really pissed off Tim and sometimes even David Murder with our tendency to give it fuck at any given moment.(at ALL given moments.)
We make up really irritating songs with  harmonies and drag others in against their wish to respect our harmonies and to join in.
I'd even once suggested to Kavus that he should take my place if I couldn't do it anymore. This dates back to '95 when I turned up late for a soundcheck and saw Kavus filling in for me.
I think he's fitted in perfectly and his playing's great.

Schlep: I would like to hear the version of "The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway" that you and Bob Leith made to impress Tim - if we're asking to open the suppressed Jon Poole archives.

Oh yeah, that was tagged on the end of that Ad Nauseam cassette that we gave to Dominic along with a cover of "To go Off" . I don't think we'll be letting either of those out of the vaults. really is for the best!!

Pheeel: Do you consider "Silvery" a Cardiacs or Goddamn Whores song or neither?

I consider it a Jon Poole song. My original 1996 demo is exactly the same as the Cardiacs version.
The Whores did it in the Cardiacs support set to try and get a few Cardiacs fans on side!I re-demoed it as a guitar only version which we gave out free with the Whores first album.
I have re-recorded it for the 2nd Whores album complete with keyboards. It's more like the Cardiacs version than the 2nd demo version I leaked out on that Cardiacs support tour.
In fact the Whores 2nd album has quite a few songs with keyboards including one song that sounds more like a Cardiacs song than anything I've ever written.

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