Europe: Highest Temperature
Record Value | 48.0°C (118.4°F) |
Date of Record | 10/7/1977 |
Length of Record | 1956-present |
Instrumentation | Maximum/Minimum Thermometer |
Geospatial Location | Athens, Greece[36°06'N, 23°47'W, elevation: 236m (774ft)] |
Athanasios D. Sarantopoulos, Hellenic National Meteorological Service, Division of Climatology & Applications, Department of Control and Processing of Climatological Data
Information supplied by Dr. Athanasios D. Sarantopoulos indicates that two cities (Athens and Elefsina) reached temperatures of 48.0°C on 10 July 1977. Unconfirmed reports also indicate that a set of Spanish stations may have hit 48.0°C during the 2003 heat wave.