It must be one of the longest teases in Australian (political) history. Almost three years have passed since John Howard was interviewed by Philip Clark on ABC radio in Sydney. The date was July 26, 2000 - the Prime Minister's 61st birthday. In response to a soft question, Howard volunteered that he would consider his "own political future" when he turned 64.
The Prime Minister did not spell out a retirement date when his likely successor, Peter Costello, might expect to take over as Liberal Party leader. But he dropped a number of apparent hints - declaring that "nothing is forever" and indicating that he was "not so indispensable and so important and so vital that ... the Liberal Party would be bereft" without him.
Last Tuesday, after some thousand days of speculation, the Prime Minister finally advised that he would "continue as leader" - apparently for the foreseeable future. He was reported to have told his colleagues that, during his interview with Philip Clark, he had "run off at the mouth". Now, John Howard is no fool. What's more, he has a good understanding of the media. Which raises the question - if the Prime Minister realised that he had made undisciplined comments about his future in July 2000, why were they not corrected any time before last Tuesday?
Howard has matured as a political operator over the past decade. Early in his career he was an able politician who occasionally drifted into commentary. As Prime Minister, he has frequently declared that he is not a commentator. It's just that, every now and then, he reverts to old habits. As on July 26, 2000, when he found himself commenting on his own political longevity.
It always seemed inherently unlikely that the Prime Minister was intending to retire early. Howard lives for politics and would not readily contemplate life without Australia's top political job. Moreover, Janette Howard - as the leading member of the John Howard Fan Club - very much enjoys her role as prime ministerial spouse.
John Howard and Peter Costello have worked well together for more than a decade. But they are not particularly close and, consequently, it is unclear how well the latter knows the former. It seems that, in mid-2000, the deputy took his leader's words at their (apparent) face value. He was entitled to do so. After all, it was John Howard who had raised the "when-I'm-64" issue.
Peter Costello spelt out his position in an interview with ABC TV's 7.30 Report on November 27 last year. Asked about Howard's intentions, the Treasurer replied: "Well, the PM has said that he will consider his position next year and he will do that - he's a man of his word."
Clearly Costello had no idea that his leader had come to consider that he had "run off at the mouth" for raising the leadership issue in the first instance. It seems that the Treasurer was unaware of this salient fact until last week. In view of this, his disappointment on hearing that Howard will be continuing as Prime Minister is quite understandable. Put simply, the Treasurer deserved better.
Without question, Peter Costello has performed well since he entered federal politics in 1990. He has been a more effective treasurer than Howard was during Malcolm Fraser's government. And he has been a more loyal deputy than Howard was to Andrew Peacock in the mid-1980s.
Asked by Michelle Grattan last Tuesday whether he could "rule out ever, under any circumstances, challenging the Prime Minister", Costello replied: "Someone with the track record of loyalty that I've shown doesn't have to answer questions like that." It has been noted that this response was almost identical to that proffered by John Howard on December 7, 1984 - when asked about his leadership intentions vis-a-vis Andrew Peacock. I was Howard's chief-of-staff at the time. The response to the anticipated question was workshopped before the media conference held immediately after the 1984 election.
It was widely known at the time that Howard wanted Peacock's job and he did not wish to be seen to lie about his intentions. As we walked from the deputy leader's office in Old Parliament House, across King's Hall to the Senate side (where the media conference was held), Howard rehearsed his answer. Peacock, and all others present, got the message.
According to reports from the Liberal Party meeting last Tuesday, Costello made it known that he would be a more loyal deputy to Howard than Howard was to Peacock. The Prime Minister is said to have responded along the lines that Peacock encouraged a challenge to his position as deputy leader.
So he did - in September 1985, when John Moore (with his leader's endorsement) tried to displace Howard. When the manoeuvre failed, Peacock stepped down. Peacock's essential tactical error was not to play down Howard's latent challenge, which took the form of attempting to outperform his leader in both workload and policy development. It is unlikely that Howard will make the same error.
Costello indicated his intention last Tuesday to contribute to the "political debate" on a "wide range of issues". The following day he said that "one of the values" he was anxious to promote turned on the need for Australia to be "a tolerant society".
Despite the media interest that this comment raised, it is difficult to see the Liberal Party being undermined by its deputy leader extolling the benefits of tolerance. This, after all, was an aim espoused by Robert Menzies when he founded the party six decades ago.
In his address to the Liberal Party national convention in Adelaide on Sunday, Howard declared that a "massive achievement" of his Government had been to change "the way Australians see themselves". He went on to bag an (unnamed) group of so-called "self-appointed cultural dietitians" who want to "navel gaze about what an Australian is".
It is unclear whether the Prime Minister was attempting to undertake a pre-emptive strike against his deputy's call for tolerance. In any event, one of the Howard Government's few policy failures has been its inability to win what have been termed the "culture wars". Witness the Government's apparent dissatisfaction with the ABC and the National Museum of Australia - the chairman of each body was hand-picked by the Prime Minister.
It is likely that the Coalition will win the next election, particularly if it is a head-to-head contest between John Howard and Simon Crean. However, by raising and then junking the possibility of an orderly leadership transition, John Howard has damaged Peter Costello - one of the most able treasurers and effective deputy leaders in the Liberal Party's history.
It has been a high cost to pay for a quite unnecessary tease.
Gerard Henderson is executive director of the Sydney Institute.
Email: [email protected]
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