"Minqi Li has accomplished something different and very important. He has placed the 'rise of China' from the Mao era to today in the context of the history of the entire world-system. He makes a persuasive case that the very success of capitalist methods in China has so overloaded the capacities for accumulation of the world-system as a whole that this rise has become a major factor in the coming demise of the world capitalist system. This is a book which explains much that seems a puzzle and challenges the received opinion of many analysts. It should be read by all concerned persons."         --------        Immanuel Wallerstein


The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-Economy

(Pluto Press, October 2008) by Minqi Li


Table of Contents                  Preface                Buy the book here, here, and here



Minqi Li (Curriculum Vita)


Interviews with Paul Jay, on China’s Economy, Society, Environment and Intellectual Trends (August 11-15, 2008, see the interviews here)

(Paul Jay is the Senior Editor and CEO of the Real News Network and former Executive Producer of the Canadian television debate show “Counter Spin.”  The Real News Network is the world’s first viewer supported daily video news network, based in Washington, D.C. and Toronto.)


The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World-Economy (April 25, 2008, presentation)


Climate Change and the Imperative for Socialism (April 25, 2008, presentation)




Capitalist Development and Class Struggle in China

(This is a book manuscript completed during 1993-1996)

English Version







Fall 2008


Economics 4020(001)


Econ 4020-Fall 2008-Homework 1



Economics 5060/6060(001)


Other Readings


Energy and Environment Readings


Global Economy Readings