Vehr: The Flowering of Catholicism (1931-1967)
Under Urban J. Vehr, the diocese planted by
Machebeuf and nourished by Matz and Tihen came into full flower.
Vehr, a handsome and debonair prelate, transformed a poor diocese
into a thriving one. Recognizing this, Pope Pius XII in 1941 made
Vehr an archbishop and Denver an archdiocese, with primacy over the
Diocese of Cheyenne and the newly created Diocese of Pueblo.
At his 777 Pearl Street mansion, Vehr entertained mayors and
governors, cardinals and a future pope. He transformed the old home
used by bishops Matz and Tihen into the chancery office and
converted the Schleier mansion at 1665 Grant Street into a home for
Catholic Charities. He hired master architect Jacques Jules Benoit
Benedict and, later, Benedict's assistant, John K. Monroe, to
provide distinctive and consistent Renaissance revival design for
many of the 404 new churches, schools, and archdiocesan structures
built during his long reign. To administer this ecclesiastical
empire, Vehr appointed an auxiliary bishop and a small army of
While bringing style and prestige to the Denver archdiocese, Vehr
never forgot the essentials. Trained as an educator, he made the
training of priests and of every Catholic child his top priority.
His dream was to endow every Colorado community with a thriving
parish, complete with church and rectory, school and convent.
Vehr, like Machebeuf and Matz, spent formative years in the
Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Born there on May 30, 1891, he was the
first of six children for Anthony and Catherine Hamann. He was born
and raised in Price Hill, a neighborhood noted for its prosperous
Germans and for being almost 100 percent Catholic. Urban J. Vehr was
one of four future bishops who grew up within a few blocks of the
Vehr family home at 209 State Street. His father, a mechanical
engineer, sent his son to St. Gregory School and to Xavier, the
Jesuit university in Cincinnati. After completing priestly studies
at St. Mary of the West Seminary in Norwood, Ohio, Vehr was ordained
on May 29, 1915, by Henry Moeller, the archbishop of Cincinnati.
Father Vehr's first assignment was as assistant pastor at Holy
Trinity parish in Middleton, Ohio. Six years later, in 1921, he
became chaplain of the motherhouse of the Sisters of Charity at Mt.
St. Joseph on the Ohio. In this convent on the outskirts of
Cincinnati, the handsome young priest learned how to work
congenially with nuns, a talent that would benefit the Diocese of
Father Vehr became assistant superintendent of schools for the
Archdiocese of Cincinnati in 1922, and, after earning a Master of
Arts degree in education at the Catholic University of America, he
was named superintendent. As superintendent between 1923 and 1926 of
the first-rate Cincinnati schools, Vehr gained experience that
enabled him to transform Colorado's Catholic schools into a better
educational system.
Father Vehr's next position, as rector of St. Gregory Minor
Seminary, likewise prepared him to manage and upgrade St. Thomas
Seminary in Denver. In 1927, the young priest was elevated to
monsignorial rank by Pope Pius XI. Following studies at the Collegio
Angelico in Rome, Monsignor Vehr was consecrated a bishop in the
Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains, Cincinnati, on June 10, 1931.
Archbishop John J. McNicholas handed Vehr the bishop's crooksymbolizing the leadership he must give his flockand the bishop's mitera helmet symbolizing divine protection. After
consecrating this promising native son, the Cincinnati archbishop
continued to counsel the young bishop, whose first assignment was to
the small and distant Diocese of Denver.
Denverites were delighted with this charming gentleman who had the
deep voice of a trained orator. At forty, he was the youngest bishop
in the United States. Some feared that Denver was just the first
step of a career that would lead him to larger cities and higher
ranks. Bishop Vehr, however, fell in love with Colorado and lived
out his life in the Highest State.
His early days in Denver
Vehr arrived in Denver on July 16, 1931, at 7:25 A.M., in the
private coach of the president of the Rock Island Railroad. Three
hours later at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, he was
installed as bishop of Denver by the archbishop of Santa Fe, Albert
T. Daeger. Afterwards, the priests of the diocese staged a banquet
for their new bishop at the Argonaut Hotel, where Monsignor O Ryan
gave a brief talk on the history of the Denver diocese, and the
clerics presented Vehr with a check for $1,000 and a brand new black
Studebaker automobile.
Bishop Vehr soon broke in his car; he visited every parish in his
diocese. While a staff priest did the driving, Vehr used his car as
a mobile office for briefings on the affairs of the parish that
would be the next stop. He found Colorado to be a vast,
depression-haunted state of soup lines and dust storms. As was the
case throughout America during the 1930s, roughly a third of the
work force was unemployed. The bishop could scarcely tell which were
more depressed, the mining towns turning into ghosts or the farming
villages blowing away in black blizzards.
To cheer up his flock and his priests, the bishop logged
30,000 miles a year during his first decade in Denver. Vehr used his
ample sense of humor to win over priests, with whom he shared the
latest jokes and news. He made a habit of staying in each parish
rectory, no matter how humble, to share the lives of his priests,
leaving a thoughtful gift behind when he drove on. Struggling
parishes often received checks from Bishop Vehr, and some of them
followed his suggestion that they help themselves by starting credit
unions. He aspired to be a builder but actually lost parishes
during the depression decade, when the number fell from 111 in 1930
to eighty-seven in 1940.
Vehr wisely sought the advice of his predecessor, Bishop
Tihen. The two carried on a congenial correspondence, with Bishop
Vehr sending Tihen $500 now and then "as a little compensation
from the Diocese of Denver" and inviting him to visit the Denver
chancery where "your rooms are always ready."
Vehr settled into the bishop's home and chancery at 1536
Logan behind the cathedral. As the depression worsened, the bishop
found himself besieged by beggars.
"We couldn't get our work done," Vehr recalled years
later. "Someone was running to answer the door every few
minutes." The bishop did not want to turn indigents away
empty-handed but eventually decided to try to get something in
return for his handouts. He began leaving a broom out on the front
porch as a hint. "That worked for about one good sweeping,"
the bishop recalled. "Soon we noticed that before coming to the
door the men would take a handkerchief out of their pocket, wrap it
around their hand, and then complain of an injury which kept them
from handling a broom."
Such inconveniences of combining a church office and a
churchman's home ended for the new bishop in April 1932, when the
John L. Dowers purchased the John Porter house at 777 Pearl Street
from Porter's widow, Louise Coors Porter. The Dowers announced the
gift with the explanation: "We feel we have a very fine bishop
here and we want to see him comfortably housed for his great
This elegant home, a 1923 design by Denver architects Ernest
and Lester Varian, was a large Jacobean place with formal gardens.
The bishop moved his red easy chair into the living room and began
lining the walls with his many books and art works, including nine
Albrecht D rer prints. Another room he converted into a private
chapel. The elegant formality of this domestic scene was frequently
shattered by the bishop's two Boston bull terriers, Patsy and
Queenie, barking invitations to play ball.
Three Sisters of the Most Precious Blood came from Dayton, Ohio, to
care for the bishop and his house as well as to help with the food
service at St. Thomas Seminary. Bishop Vehr rewarded his secretary,
housekeeper, and cook by taking them for strolls through the Capitol
Hill neighborhood or escorting them to the Denver Symphony or to
Monsignor Bosetti's operas. To avoid scandal, he always took all
three nuns.
After daily Mass in his private chapel, the bishop spent his
mornings at the chancery office behind the cathedral. He brought to
diocesan affairs some of the systematic Teutonic regimen he had
learned in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Pastors were required to
keep thorough records and send a complete copy each year to Vehr.
These annual reports were then cataloged by seminarians at St.
Thomas's and bound in heavy volumes for storage at the chancery.
To avoid the conflicts over church property that had plagued bishops
Machebeuf and Matz, Vehr had all of it, including parish properties,
put in the ownership of "Urban J. Vehr, Bishop of Denver."
In his 1931 episcopal bulletin on this matter, Vehr asked each
pastor to send to the chancery copies of the titles, mortgages,
deeds, abstracts, and full legal descriptions of all parish
properties. On his annual confirmation visits to each parish, Vehr
would make sure its affairs were in order.
Thanks in part to such systematic precautions, Vehr's reigneven
though it was longer than that of any other Denver prelatewould
be the smoothest. He took every precaution to avoid even the
appearance of impropriety. When someone gave him stock in a
dog-racing track, for example, Vehr reported: "I disposed of
thos'se shares, as I do not care to be publicly identified in the
event that their list of stockholders ever became public." Vehr's
only "vice," apparently, was smoking Pall Mall cigarettes.
He quickly dismissed any priest caught in a scandalous situation and
pledged each new cleric to five years of total abstinence from
alcohol. He required each to take an examination in the sacred
sciences each year for five years following ordination. "Priests
were told they only needed two black suitsone for summer and
one for winter," Monsignor William Jones recollected in 1987,
And if you were going to have a car, he recommended
that it be small and black. He told priests that their clothes,
their Roman collar, their cars were symbols, speaking for the clergy
and the church. If you followed the rules, Bishop Vehr oftentimes
rewarded priests with a black Borsalino hat which he sent from Rome
with your initials in it.
Bishop Vehr's strict treatment of his priests earned him
their respect, according to Monsignor Thomas P. Barry, who
reminisced in a 1986 interview:
Bishop Vehr was a German with an Irish sense of
humor. He developed a folksy western American outlook that helped
him get along with everybody. He never gave any priest a short deal.
If he nailed you, it was your own fault. He had a complaint from
some old bag that I wasn't taking care of my mission at Walden.
Bishop Vehr gently but firmly rebuked me so I went back and built
St. Ignatius Chapel out there.
Great Depression and Catholic Charities
In church pews on Sunday, Catholics were bombarded with pitches from
the pulpit. Prompted by Bishop Vehr's episcopal bulletins, priests
encouraged donations to the Denver Community Chest, to the American
Red Cross, and to the World War II effort. Numerous Catholic
charities were also promoted on specified Sundays. There was an
annual collection for "the orphan homes of the diocese" and
requests for "discarded furniture, clothing and materials of all
kinds" for the Catholic Benefit Shop at 1335 Lawrence Street,
which was operated by the DDCCW. "Every Catholic home in this
city," Bishop Vehr urged, should have and fill a donation bag
for this shop whose proceeds helped finance the Church's community
Community centers overflowed with needy people during the depression
decade. Monsignor John R. Mulroy, director of Catholic Charities,
incorporated the Denver Diocesan Community Centers in 1933, hoping
to bolster their shoestring financing. This reorganization helped to
secure Denver Community Chest funding. By 1933, Catholic Charities
had recruited many volunteers, including twenty physicians, eighteen
attorneys, eight dentists, eight optometrists, and the services of
the National Catholic Federation of Nurses. In 1933, the worst year
of the Great Depression, the three Denver clinics assisted around
7,000 people. In 1933, Catholic Charities was designated as a
distributor of federal relief funds, and Monsignor Mulroy was chosen
as chair of the Denver Council of Relief Agencies, a body overseeing
distribution of federal relief. Monsignor Mulroy received, in 1939,
an assistant, Reverend Elmer Kolka, who ultimately helped
establish the Blue Cross Health Plan in Colorado, served as
chairman of the Denver Housing Authority, and replaced Monsignor
Mulroy when he retired as director of Catholic Char-ities in 1955.
Catholic Charities converted the Schleier mansion at 1665 Grant
Street into its home base. The basement was made into a commissary
from which to supply the hungry hordes who walked in the front door.
Social worker Genevieve B. Short, then a fresh graduate of the
University of Denver Social Work School, recalled in 1987 that she
would interview walk-ins. After determining how many children and
dependents they had, she would provide them with the allotted pounds
of dried beans, cheese, flour, and whatever other foodstuffs had
been donated. For clothing, indigents were sent to the St. Vincent
de Paul Society.
Whenever possible, the diocese cooperated with President
Roosevelt's New Deal depression-relief programs. For example, Bishop
Vehr asked parish priests to offer weekly services at the two dozen
Civilian Conservation Corps camps established in Colorado to provide
youths with work. The $30-a-month federal check to cooperating
clergymen also served as relief for priests, whose salaries then
ranged from $400 to $600 a year.
As the State of Colorado and the City of Denver balked at funding
depression-relief programs, the burden fell on the federal
government and private agencies such as Catholic Charities. Despite
the shortage of revenues, Bishop Vehr supported an expanded charity
program. "Charity and generosity of spirit," he said,
"must be the guides of man's life because they can curb the
damaging word and the hostile act."
A major depression-era accomplishment was the Mullen Home for Boys.
Before his death on August 9, 1929, J.K. Mullen told his wife and
daughters of his hope to build an industrial school for
underprivileged lads. After his death, the John K. and Catherine S.
Mullen Benevolent Corporation and a Mullen daughter, Mrs. John L.
Dower, strove to follow the wishes of the great philanthropist. In
1931, they acquired the 900-acre Shirley Farms Dairy on South Lowell
Boulevard. The Christian Brothers were recruited to establish the
home, which first opened temporarily on the Regis College campus.
Bishop Vehr blessed the new grounds at 3601 South Lowell Boulevard
on April 14, 1932. By 1938, Mullen Home boasted a chapel,
classrooms, dormitories, a gymnasium, cattle and poultry sheds, a
tool house, a dairy house, and a greenhouse. Fifty boys lived at the
Mullen Home, attending classes and helping the Christian Brothers
produce annually around 500 tons of alfalfa and thousands of bushels
of wheat, barley, oats, and corn, as well as operating the dairy.
The Mullen Home accepted homeless teenagers and those from foster
homes. The Mullen Benevolent Association constructed two new
classroom buildings in 1950 and a $70,000 auditorium in 1952. The
home began developing a championship athletic program. In 1966, the
boarding school closed and was replaced by a foster home plan. Thus,
what had begun as a training school for deprived lads during the
depression evolved into one of Colorado's better prep schools.
The Church's counterattack on economic and social problems
exacerbated by the depression led to good works on many fronts. Camp
Santa Maria and Camp St. Malo continued to give youngsters summer
experiences in the mountains, as well as exercise, wholesome food,
and classes in catechism and crafts. The Catholic camp movement was
furthered in 1938 when Martin Holland donated to the diocese the
Bendemeer Lodge and Resort. This summer camp for underprivileged
children of all creeds was operated until 1947 by the Catholic
Daughters of America of the Court of St. Rita, who also opened Camp
Mont Rita in Nederland in 1932. These two pioneer girls camps were
closed in 1947, and the Catholic Daughters replaced them with Our
Lady of the Rockies Camp at the old Wagon Wheel Ranch five miles
west of Evergreen.
In the Northern Colorado city of Greeley, Father Bernard Froegel of
St. Peter parish organized and supervised various mission stations
for migrant laborers. Catholic Family Welfare, a bureau of Catholic
Charities, maintained offices in Greeley, Colorado Springs, and
Pueblo as well as five offices in the Denver area.
The Children's Department of Catholic Charities reported in 1934
that it was being overwhelmed by
an almost endless army of boys, young men, women and
girls passing through Denver by auto, train and on foot in the quest
of that elusive goalemployment. . . . [A] conservative estimate
of over 1,500,000 boys and girls are stranded on the highways. . . .
The Sisters conducting the five orphanages of the Diocese are
supplying not only shelter, food and education but also reclaiming
bodies and souls that had been broken by the Depression.
The Sacred Heart Aid Society, oldest of diocesan charities, was
reinvigorated by the support of the Diocesan Council of Catholic
Women. These ladies helped the society to continue offering a
variety of services, ranging from telephone calls to flophouse
rooms. The St. Vincent de Paul Society sprang into the "Catholic
Action" recommended by one of its founders, Frederick Ozanam.
The society sponsored a clothing program, institutional and hospital
visitations, a Big Brothers program, a foster home, and juvenile
court pro-bation services. The Denver society, with around 150
members in nineteen parishes during the 1930s, opened a salvage
bureau at 1615 Larimer Street. With the help of the Knights of
Columbus, the St. Vincent de Paul Society operated a Denver Shelter
House that, in 1932, provided 23,332 free meals and 9,962 nights
Denver's black community was another neglected population that
attracted the attention of Catholic Charities. With Bishop Vehr's
encouragement, St. Augustine's Colored Study Club was organized in
the 1930s, with the idea that Denver's blacks would one day have
their own parish.
The multifaceted programs of Catholic Charities during Vehr's years
defy a complete survey. Monsignor John R. Mulroy, the director of
Catholic Charities, concluded in his Annual Report for 1934
that "only the recording angel himself could give a complete
account of the all but overwhelming volume of work carried on by the
self-sacrificing workers of Catholic Charities."
The Second World War
Depression hardships and unemployment lingered until the United
States entered World War II in 1941. With a humming wartime economy
at home, Colorado Catholics began focusing on the suffering of
wartorn countries abroad. Elmer Kolka supervised Colorado's War
Relief Services for the National Catholic Welfare Conference. The
Bishops War Emergency Fund and the St. Vincent de Paul Society
helped by collecting canned goods and clothing to be sent overseas.
Rationing, including that of meats, and the emphasis on a healthy
military and domestic work force led to a change in dietary laws. In
a 1942 episcopal bulletin, Vehr announced that "Pope Pius XII,
for the duration of the war, dispensed priests, religious and the
faithful . . . from the Lenten obligation of fasting and of
abstinence on Fridays except the Fridays of Lent."
Doing their part to alleviate the shortage of nurses, Mercy, St.
Anthony, and St. Joseph hospitals in Denver all expanded their
nursing school programs. Catholic school children chipped in by
buying war bonds and stamps, even after they reached the
archdiocesan goal of $100,000 in the spring of 1942.
Father Mulroy, showing his characteristic concern for underdogs,
sought to help the German prisoners of war in Colorado. An estimated
600 POWs at camps in Fraser, Gould, and Kremmling were visited
weekly by Monsignor Thomas Barry, then pastor of St. Peter's in
Kremmling. Monsignor Barry recalled years later: "Those Germans
were very religious. They sang the Mass with me in Latin and at
Christmas time they filled the air with their lovely German
During the war, Catholic Charities closed the Workingman's Club on
Larimer Street and St. Anthony Neighborhood House. These two
institutions providing food and shelter for unemployed young men
were not so badly needed as the war brought either jobs or military
service to many of their former customers. Catholic Charities
shifted to supporting USO centers in various Colorado cities to
provide entertainment and sociability for military personnel.
Catholic women rallied to the effort to bolster the morale of
servicemen in many ways, including free dinners at Denver's Knights
of Columbus Hall at 1575 Grant Street.
When the war ended in 1945, churches throughout Colorado celebrated
with a Holy Hour of Thanksgiving and exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament as well as the prolonged, joyous ringing of church bells.
Catholic Charities established a Displaced Persons Service to help
European victims of the war find new homes in Colorado. Elmer Kolka,
asssistant director of Catholic Charities, oversaw this effort,
which by 1951 had resettled thousands of refugees. In subsequent
years, the bureau turned its attention to helping immigrant workers,
also. The annual Catholic Charities budget topped the $1-million
mark in 1949, by which time the staff had grown to twenty-five.
Newcomers included Reverend William J. Monahan, who had earned his
Masters of social work degree at the Catholic University of America.
After joining Catholic Charities in 1947, he promoted its increasing
Denver becomes an archdiocese
War's end enabled Vehr finally to receive the papal pallium he had
been given by Pope Pius XII on November 21, 1941. That year, the
pope had recognized the flowering of the Denver diocese by making it
the twenty-first archdiocese in the United States. The Most Reverend
Archbishop Amleto Giovanni Cicognani, the apostolic delegate to the
United States, installed Vehr as archbishop on January 6, 1942. The
sound of a trumpet and the voices of Monsignor Bosetti's magnificent
choir opened the installation cere-monies at the Cathedral of the
Immaculate Conception. The Most Reverend John McNicholas, who had
consecrated Vehr as a bishop in Cincinnati and advised him on
diocesan affairs, gave the sermon. Afterward, Mayor Benjamin F.
Stapleton and Governor Ralph L. Carr honored the new archbishop in a
civil ceremony at the Denver Municipal Auditorium. Anyone missing
the church or civil ceremonies could see them on the newsreel
highlights at the Paramount Theater downtown.
Denver, which had previously been in the province of the Archdiocese
of Santa Fe, was now its own archdiocese. This new status,
Archbishop Vehr pointed out, achieved "a civic advantage for
Denver and another recognition of the growing importance of this
region." Vehr's installation attracted the greatest gathering of
bishops ever assembled in the Rocky Mountain West. Visiting
dignitaries included Monsignor Giovanni B. Montini, then Vatican
secretary of state for internal affairs, who would be elected pope
on June 21, 1963. The future Pope Paul VI stayed in Vehr's home on
Pearl Street and toured the Mile High City.
Simultaneously with the creation of the Denver archdiocese, the
Vatican split Colorado in half by creating the Diocese of Pueblo.
Sacred Heart Church in Pueblo became the cathedral seat for the
first bishop, Joseph Clement Willging, installed by Archbishop Vehr
on March 12, 1942. Willging guided that diocese until his death in
1959. His administration and early history of the Pueblo diocese are
recaptured in Monsignor Patrick C. Stauter's book The Willging
Years. The restructured Denver diocese included thirty-three
counties in Northern Colorado with 87,907 Catholics, while the
Pueblo diocese consisted of the thirty counties of Southern Colorado
with a Catholic population of 78,373.
The new Metropolitan See of Denver included the Suffragan See of
Cheyenne as well as that of Pueblo. The Diocese of Cheyenne, which
had been created in 1887 as a part of the Archdiocese of Dubuque,
Iowa, was placed within the new Denver archdiocese in 1941. Patrick
A. McGovern, the bishop of Cheyenne since 1912, remained in that
post until his death in 1951.
Archbishop Vehr, after traveling 30,000 miles a year to cover all of
his Colorado parishes, was delighted with the reorganization. The
symbol of his new office, the pallium made from the wool of Vatican
City sheep, finally arrived in Denver on April 17, 1946. Samuel
Cardinal Stritch, the archbishop of Chicago, bestowed the pallium on
Vehr in ceremonies at the cathedral in Denver. As the only
archdiocese between Dubuque, Iowa, and San Francisco, Denver
dominated a Rocky Mountain hinterland of some 200,000 Catholics.
Between the depression of 1893 and the Great Depression of the
1930s, Coloradans had experienced relatively slow economic and
population growth. Few anticipated that after World War II the state
would undergo a boom comparable to that of the 1870s and 1880s. This
postwar explosion was triggered by massive federal spending and the
opening of many new federal jobs. Colorado's cool, dry, sunny
climate and recreational outlets also made it a target for Americans
on the move. Denver grew from a sleepy city of 322,412 in 1940 to a
metropolis of over a million by the 1960s.
Many of these newcomers were young Catholic couples and soon
parochial schools were overflowing. Archbishop Vehr began a campaign
to raise $3.5 million to acquire school sites and build or add to
schools. The archdiocese ambitiously acquired fifty sites, generally
consisting of at least five acres. Vehr dreamed of building a
complete parish plantchurch and rectory, school and
conventwithin walking distance of everyone in the metropolitan
This grand dream grew ever more expensive as the number of Catholics
in Colorado almost tripled during the Vehr era, climbing to 376,832
by 1967. The percentage of Catholics in the Denver metro area also
climbed, from about 16 percent in 1941 to around 25 percent by 1970.
To accommodate this tremendous growth, Archbishop Vehr, launched, in
1965, the Archdiocesan Development Program, renamed the Archbishop's
Annual Campaign for Progress in 1971.
The building of schools and parishes
Archbishop Vehr, who had been trained as an educator and
administrator, made Catholic education his priority, using the
slogan: "Every Catholic Child in a Catholic School." He
insisted that a school rather than a church be the first building in
new parishes. Vehr wisely let public school planners decide where
growth justified new schools. Taking advantage of the extensive
research, personnel, surveys, and projections of the public schools,
he purchased land near new public schools. This plan worked, as the
Catholic population was geographically well integrated within the
general population. It also enabled Catholic schools to take
advantage of the public school policy of building schools close to
public parks and libraries.
Under Vehr, the parish building process typically began with
acquisition of all or part of a block. The first construction would
be a school with a large gym-cafeteria-assembly hall that
also served as a church. As the parish grew and gained financial
resources, it could strive to construct a separate church building.
At the crucial early stages of such campaigns, a $1,000 check would
arrive along with a letter of encouragement signed; "With every
good wish and blessing, I am faithfully yours in Christ, Urban J.
Vehr, Archbishop of Denver."
Vehr took a keen interest in each parish's building plans. The
archbishop, according to superintendent of schools Monsignor William
H. Jones, had pastors use archdiocesan approved architects and
discouraged the use of such cheap materials as cinderblock, wood,
and stucco. Consequently, the schools of the Vehr era became brick
and stone lessons in the use of sound and attractive architecture.
The World War II baby boom filled classrooms as quickly as they
could be built. By 1956, 20 percent of Denver's school population
was in Catholic classrooms. Catholic grade and high schools were
overflowing and had to turn away hundreds of applicants for lack of
To remedy the shortcoming, the archdiocese initiated a $3.5-million
Denver High School fund campaign that led to construction of
Machebeuf High School and additions to Annunciation, Cathedral, Holy
Family, and St. Francis de Sales high schools. Some of this funding
also went to Mullen, Regis, and St. Mary's Academy. Vehr's
long-range plan, which would never materialize, called for
construction of four new Catholic high schools in the four suburban
quadrants of the metro area.
Archbishop Vehr's commitment to Catholic schools led to a tremendous
improvement not only in the number but also in the quality of
Catholic schools. In 1934, Vehr created the position of diocesan
superintendent of schools. The first superintendent, Father William
D. McCarthy, worked with Vehr to improve and standardize textbooks,
courses, extracurricular activities, and the school calendar. Vehr's
keen interest in education was reflected in the fact that he
personally passed out diplomas to graduates not only at Loretto
Heights College and Regis College but also at joint graduations for
Denver high schools at the Denver Municipal Auditorium. He continued
to travel to outlying areas of the state each year to award other
high school diplomas.
Vehr likewise concerned himself with Catholic children in public
schools. For them, he relied on the Catholic summer school program,
correspondence courses, and weekend and after-school classes
sponsored by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD). The
Colorado efforts of the worldwide CCD program were directed by
Monsignor Gregory Smith from their inception in the 1930s until the
1960s, when the program became a part of the Education Office. The
Colorado CCD, according to Monsignor Smith, conducted as many as 161
summer school programs with over 14,000 students enrolled. It also
sponsored two-day retreats each year for students in the
Denver public schools. Monsignor Smith recalled in 1987:
We also had street preaching programs in the
smaller towns. We'd get a loud speaker and play popular music on
records to attract a crowd. Then Father Joseph Lilly, the scripture
scholar at St. Thomas Seminary, would get up and introduce
seminarian speakers. In small towns where they didn't have much to
do on weekday summer nights, people would pile up to listen. We didn't
make many converts, but we created some good will and got people
to think about God.
Archbishop Vehr also encouraged formation of Junior Newman Clubs to
help bring religous education to youngsters in non-Catholic high
schools and endorsed extracurricular activities, which tied youth to
schools and parishes. To encourage young interests in farming and
ranching, 4-H Club projects were promoted in parochial schools. The
archbishop was especially keen on establishing scout troops and dens
at the parish level. Over 2,000 Catholic Boy Scouts earned the Ad
Altare Dei award, which they received in the cathedral from the
archbishop. Vehr, who had been a scoutmaster himself, received
scouting's highest award to volunteers in 1967, the Silver Antelope
Religious sisters
While trying to give Catholic school children a full and
well-rounded education, Archbishop Vehr never lost sight of the
major reason for Catholic schools. "Religion," he told
the Rocky Mountain News in a March 25, 1945, interview,
"is a science and must be taught by capable religious leaders.
It is both an intellectual and moral direction which makes for
character building of the highest type."
Catholic nuns were the "capable religious leaders" recruited
in the archdiocesan campaign for parochial schools. In 1947,
Archbishop Vehr raised the annual salary of teaching sisters from
$350 to $400 a year. For this, nuns were also expected to teach
summer school and attend the refresher courses for teachers. Both
nuns and priests were encouraged to pursue graduate degrees in
education and in their special fields.
Despite poor pay, Colorado attracted new nuns. Like many other
greenhorns flocking to "Cool Colorful Colorado," the sisters
appreciated the salubrious climate and the spectacular Rocky
Mountain setting. The Benedictine sisters of Atchison, Kansas, a
branch of the order founded by St. Benedict in A.D. 529,
first sent sisters to Colorado in 1913. They began teaching at St.
Mary School in Walsenburg, a coal mining town with many immigrant
Catholic families whose children poured into St. Mary's, where
enrollment peaked at 831 in 1922. Even though the parish could not
afford to pay them a salary, the Benedictine sisters stayed.
Sister Alcuin Seer described the classroom scene at St. Mary's for
her colleague, Sister Alice Marie Hays, who recorded it in her
book, A Song in the Pines:
There were 128 on roll, ages five through ten, but I
never had more than 105 present at one time. Eighty-five sat in
desks; the others on radiators, window sills and floor. Even when I
tied the short pencils, which I managed to collect, around their
necks, they would come from recess pencilless. I soon learned to
understand "Me falta un l piz, no papel."
Thanks to the heroic efforts of the nuns, St. Mary's won
accreditation by the North Central Association of Colleges and
Schools in 1924. These Benedictines also labored in the poor
villages of the San Luis Valley. In Antonito, they accepted the
invitation of a struggling public school board to staff the public
school, starting in 1933. Nearby, in Capulin, state and local
officials offered to pay the sisters $75 a month to staff that
village's dilapidated, condemned schoolhouse. Sisters Placida,
Eulalia, Alphonsa, Julitta, and Vita arrived in the dusty hamlet of
Capulin and were shown to their conventa partially completed
house of adobe. Undaunted, the sisters pinned up their long serge
skirts and went to work. Monsignor Jones in The History of
Catholic Education in the State of Colorado described the scene:
There was no stove for cooking, and the nearest
water was two or three blocks away in the public well. In a diary
kept by one of the original band, a sister noted that nothing
bothered them as much as the size and number of flies and mosquitoes
and other sundry animals that flew in the open windows and cracks in
the wall.
Eighty Benedictine nuns from Atchison formed an independent Colorado
motherhouse in 1965, converting Mrs. Potter's Riding Academy in
Colorado Springs into the Benet Hill Priory (or monastery, as it has
been called since 1987). In 1988, sixty-one Benet Hill sisters
served in Colorado schools, parishes, hospitals, and other
ministries, including the Benet Hill and Benet Pines retreat
Persecution by Adolph Hitler and the Nazis led a venerable German
order of Benedictine sisters to establish a motherhouse in
Boulder. The Benedictine nuns bought 150 acres of the 160-acre site
of Sacred Heart of Mary parish. Mother Abbess Bendicta sent Mother
Augustina and sisters Boniface and Rita to open the the Boulder
convent on St. Joseph's Day, 1935.
These hard-working German women astonished their Boulder neighbors
by repairing dilapidated facilities next to the church. They
repaired roofs and cracked walls, fixed up sheds and barns, and
converted the old, unused 1872 Sacred Heart of Mary Church to a tool
shed. Five more "Lilies of the Field" soon arrived from
Bavariasisters Angela, Brigitta, Gertrude, Maria, and
Mechtildis. Each sister has a special task, be it milking the cows,
making butter, tending pigs, minding the beehives, driving the
tractor, or being a "cowgirl."
The Walburga Benedictines thrived in Boulder, building a new convent
in 1952 and running a model farm and ranch in rhythm with the
seasons and their chapel bells. By 1986, the St. Walburga Convent
had become financially independent of the Eichstaett Abbey in
Bavaria. Mother Abbess Franziska Kloos journeyed from Eichstaett to
Boulder to grant the Americans their independence. She found that
the number of American-born nuns equaled that of the German-born,
yet these women maintained monastic traditions, adorning their
convent with homemade tapestries and their library with manuscripts
that they illuminated in the medieval manner.
Besides awarding independence to the American priory, Mother
Franziska persuaded Pope John Paul II to raise its status to that of
an abbey. St. Walburga's prioress, Mother Mary Thomas Beil, promised
to keep sending "American nuns to Bavaria to expose them to the
European monastic traditions" of the Eichstaett Abbey founded in
"It's very hard for Americans to comprehend something that
old," Mother Mary Thomas observed. The late William E. Barrett,
whom some consider to be Denver's most notable novelist to date,
portrayed the life of German Benedictines in his best-selling novel,
The Lilies of the Field, which also became a play and a movie.
Mother Mary Thomas and her nineteen nuns opened a retreat house and
convent at 6717 South Boulder Road, where they also continue to
support themselves by raising cattle, chickens, horses, and llamas.
Dominican Sisters from Akron, Ohio, came into the archdiocese in
1963 to teach at Notre Dame Elementary School in Denver. Since then,
these Dominicans have established a small convent in Lakewood at
8060 West Woodard Drive. Four Dominicans from the Akron motherhouse,
founded in 1923, served the archdiocese in 1987 at St. Jude parish
in Lakewood and at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton parish in Fort Collins.
Still another branch of Dominicans, the Congregation of the
Immaculate Conception, with a motherhouse in Great Bend, Kansas,
came to the archdiocese in 1966 to staff Holy Trinity School in
The Sisters of St. Francis of Penance and Christian Charity first
came to Colorado in 1917 to staff the school of St. Elizabeth parish
in Denver. In 1938, these Franciscan women opened Colorado's first
novitiate after purchasing for $25,000 the former James B. Smith
residence at 5200 Federal Boulevard. They converted it into a
motherhouse for their new midwestern province. Mother Lidwina Jacobs
and her flock rechristened the three-story house and twenty-acre
grounds Marycrest. On August 18, 1938, Bishop Vehr blessed the new
chapel in the old house that had been refitted as a convent school.
Marycrest began, in 1949, offering credit courses for their own
Franciscan sisters in conjunction with nearby Regis College. These
classes proved popular and inspired Marycrest to construct a
$100,000 three-story building with classrooms, as well as offices
and a dormitory. Responding to the demand for Catholic education in
the 1950s, the Franciscans transformed what had been a school for
their novices into Marycrest High School in 1958. Beginning in 1962,
Marycrest accepted girls for grades nine through twelve. By the
1970s, enrollment peaked the 200 mark as the school emerged as the
female counterpart to nearby Regis High School. Marycrest, which
crowns a spacious hilltop site, remained until its 1988 closure a
tradition-minded all-girls school devoted to teaching religion and
the liberal arts.
The Poor Sisters of St. Francis Seraph of Perpetual
Adoration, who had founded St. Anthony Hospital in Denver in 1891,
established a motherhouse at the hospital in 1932 when they formed a
Western Province. On October 4, 1944, the order opened Mount St.
Elizabeth Retreat in Morrison, in what had been the old Jesuit
College of the Sacred Heart. Frank Kirchhof, a wealthy Catholic
contractor and president of Denver's American National Bank,
acquired the property, which had been reopened as the Hillcrest Inn
after the Jesuits moved their college to Denver. Kirchhof donated
the property, valued at about $50,000, to the Franciscan sisters to
be used as a retirement home. In memory of his deceased wife,
Elizabeth O Connor Kirchhof, it was renamed Mount St. Elizabeth and
housed thirty to forty elderly under the care of the sisters.
This Morrison retirement home closed in 1954 when the order
moved St. Elizabeth's to the old Oakes Home property in Denver. The
sisters purchased this site from the Episcopal Diocese of Colorado
in 1943 for $67,500. The Oakes Home had been a tuberculosis
sanatorium operated by the Episcopal Church at West 32nd Avenue and
Eliot Street. Founded in 1894 by the Reverend Frederick W. Oakes,
the property came to include architecturally exquisite buildings,
most notably the charming Chapel of Our Merciful Savior. Fine
landscaping also enhanced the ample grounds, which stretched from
32nd to 33rd streets and extended eastward a block and a half from
Eliot Street.
Following Oake's death in 1934, the home closed, having treated at
least 20,000 patients during the previous forty years. The Poor
Sisters of St. Francis converted this landmark into a motherhouse.
The chapel, an 1897 jewel by Denver architect Frederick J. Sterner,
was renamed Christ the King Chapel. The Franciscans converted the
historic tuberculosis sanatorium into their Western Province
motherhouse in 1943. Between 1943 and 1954, the complex was called
St. Joseph Convent.
In 1954, the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration moved
their motherhouse from the Oakes Home-St. Joseph Convent in
Denver to Colorado Springs. The fast growing convent and motherhouse
had been given a 1,200-acre property, the former Woodmen of America
Sanatorium, in 1954, by Mrs. Blevins Davis, the widow of a
prosperous oil man. Since that time, the order has been based in
Colorado Springs.
Meanwhile, back in Denver, the sisters converted the old convent
complex into St. Elizabeth's retirement home. Despite protest, the
sisters demolished much of the older complex in 1974, in order to
build more functional modern housing for their elderly patients. In
1988, they completed a fourteen-story high-rise addition of 144
apartments. St. Elizabeth Gardens, as the home was renamed in 1987,
endeavors to provide spiritual and physical care for approximately
300 senior citizens. Another group of Franciscan nuns, the
Congregation of the Third Order of St. Francis of Mary Immaculate
from Joliet, Illinois, came to Colorado in 1966, when they opened
St. John the Evangelist School in Loveland.
The Sisters of the Most Precious Blood were founded by Mother Maria
Anna Brunner in Castle Loewenberg, Switzerland, in 1834. They came
to the United States in 1844, establishing a motherhouse in Ohio.
While the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of Dayton came to
Colorado in 1931 to manage Archbishop Vehr's household and work at
St. Thomas Seminary, the Sisters of the Most Precious Blood of O
Fallon, Missouri, first came to Colorado in 1927 as teachers. They
took charge of St. Charles School in Stratton when the Presentation
sisters withdrew in 1927. In 1930, these nuns from Missouri adopted
St. Louis parish school in Louisville, which had been opened in 1905
by Benedictines who had been followed by Franciscans. Three Sisters
of the Most Precious Blood of Dayton, Ohio, opened Curé d'Ars School
in Denver in 1954. The Sisters of the Most Precious Blood left St.
Thomas Seminary in 1987, but about twenty remained in the
archdiocese, serving in teaching, health care, the Hispanic
ministry, and parish work.
Sisters of the Adorers of the Blood of Christ from Wichita, Kansas,
moved into the Denver archdiocese in 1946, when they opened Sacred
Heart School in Roggen. Sacred Heart parish, which had dedicated a
new church two years earlier, gave sisters Mary Lillian and Anita
the old frame church built in 1920. The two nuns partitioned the old
church so that Sister Mary Lillian could teach grades one to four in
one half while her coworker handled grades five to eight in the
Our Lady of Victory Missionary Sisters, an order founded in 1922 in
Chicago by the Reverend John J. Sigstein, found a sponsor in
Archbishop John Francis Noll of Fort Wayne, Indiana. The archbishop
gave the Congregation of Our Lady of Victory the Our Sunday
Visitor estate outside Huntington, Indiana, as a motherhouse.
Subsequently, the nuns frequently called themselves the Victory Noll
sisters. They came into the Denver archdiocese in 1944 at the
invitation of Archbishop Vehr. The Victory Noll sisters, whose
special mission is working with Hispanics, opened a youth center in
1948, in an old house on the corner of 22nd Street and Tremont Place
in downtown Denver. They also started other catechetical centers in
Greeley, at St. Augustine parish (1945) in Brighton, and at St. Mary
parish (1952) in Montrose. This order was very active in teaching
CCD summer school programs. In 1985, the Victory Noll sisters opened
a small novitiate at 3311 Tejon Street in northwest Denver.
Discalced (Latin for shoeless) Carmelites established the Carmel of
the Holy Spirit at 6138 South Gallup Street in Littleton in 1947.
This branch of the cloistered order, which was founded by St.
Theresa of Avila in 1562, moved into the country home and estate of
Denver architect Jacques Benedict, who had been the favored
architect of Archbishop Vehr. Benedict, a noted character and
bon vivant who converted to Catholicism late in life, sold
his elegant home one year before his death.
Four Carmelite nuns from the Carmel of Our Lady of Guadalupe in
Grand Rapids, Michigan, opened the Denver Carmel at the invitation
of Archbishop Vehr as the forty-eighth Carmelite convent in the
United States. By 1956, the cloister had grown to fifteen nuns when
Archbishop Vehr blessed a $118,000 addition. At the dedication
ceremony, hundreds of visitors inspected the cloister's
seven-by-eleven foot cells furnished only with a straw mattress, a
wooden stool, and a wash basin. "The whole reason for the
Carmel, its prayer and its penance, its silence and its
enclosure," Archbishop Vehr explained at the dedication, "is
to allow the Carmelite nun to devote her entire energies to the
worship, the contemplation, and the love of God." A new chapel
and another wing with room for twenty-one sisters was added in 1963.
The sixteen-acre site on Ketring Lake includes a small cemetery
where Mother Theresa Ruoffthe founding prioressand three
other Carmelites are buried. In a 1987 interview, Mother Judith, the
prioress, said, "Tell people that our sisters welcome messages
and will pray for peoples intentions."
The Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, founded in Paris in
1633 by St. Vincent and St. Louise de Marillac came to the United
States in 1854 to establish a motherhouse in Maryland. Daughters of
Charity first came to the Denver archdiocese in 1959 from their Los
Gatos Hills, California, motherhouse to staff the new Most Precious
Blood parish school. The order, until 1964, wore a distinctive
starched white sunbonnet habit with a "windmill" or
"flying geese" coronet modeled after those of
seventeenth-century peasant women in Normandy.
The Daughters of Charity withdrew from Most Precious Blood School in
1986, moving their operations to Immaculate Conception parish in
Lafayette. "There are three of us left in Colorado," Sister
Mary Elizabeth Reed said in 1987. "Here in Lafayette our work is
the work St. Vincent envisioned. We visit the poor in their homes,
bringing the Eucharist, praying with them, and taking them wherever
they want to go. In 1976, we opened Lafayette's Carmen Center to
provide food and clothing for the poor."
Only God, it has been said, knows how many orders of nuns there are.
Over thirty different sisterhoods have worked in Colorado since the
1860s. As the nuns have concentrated on good works rather than on
gaining recognition for themselves or their orders, entire orders as
well as hundreds of individual sisters have escaped attention.
Among the less well-known orders are the Sisters of St. Joseph of
Stevens Point, Wisconsin, who came to Colorado in 1926 to staff St.
Joseph Polish Catholic School in Denver. Servite sisters, who are
also known as the Servants of Mary, came from Omaha, Nebraska, to
Welby, a northeastern suburb of Denver, in 1920, to open the grade
and high school of St. Mary of the Assumption parish. The Servite
sisters closed this high school in 1950 to concentrate on the new
Mount Carmel High School in Denver, which they ran until its 1968
Declining numbers of vocations have forced some
sisterhoods to withdraw from Colorado. The Sisters of the Holy Cross
from South Bend, Indiana, for instance, opened a novitiate at
Blessed Sacrament parish in Denver in 1977, only to close it six
years later.
Archbishop Vehr presided over a golden age for Catholic nuns
and parochial schools. Religious vocations flourished, and Vehr
introduced to the archdiocese a dozen new sisterhoods, and several
hundred new nuns. Nuns in traditional garb and their uniformed
pupils filled burgeoning schools that earned reputations for good
teaching, good manners, good sports, and good discipline.
Parish plants typically consisted of an impressive,
traditional-style church, a rectory with a pastor and several
assistant pastors, and a convent filled with teaching sisters.
"Those were the days," recalled one Sister of Loretto,
"of the proud and possessive pastor who could defy the
superintendent of schools and declare St. Patrick's Day a holiday
for everyone!"
To promote an esprit de corps among all the different orders,
Archbishop Vehr staged two parties a year for the sisters.
Practically all 400 nuns from all the orders-except the
cloistered Carmelites and Walburga Benedictinesattended the
archbishop's Labor Day party at Loretto Heights College and
Christmas party at St. Thomas Seminary. Sister Rosemary Keegan, SL,
recalled these galas with glee some thirty years later:
After the party luncheon came the bingo game and
some wonderful entertainment of songs and silliness by fathers
Bernard Giblin, OFM and Fabian Joyce, OFM, along with Monsignor
Richard Heister. Then the archbishop handed out dollar bills with
the admonition that no superior could take it awayeach sister
had to spend it herself. After the fun and games, there was a new,
current movieat a time when sisters were not allowed to go to
Introductions at these festivities led to committees and cooperation
between the orders, to shared retreats and shared strategies on how
to improve parochial schools. These two annual parties were a
well-deserved treat for the sisters, whose work did not end when the
school year closed in June.
Many teaching nuns sat on the other side of the teacher's desk
during the summer, pursuing refresher courses and degree programs at
various colleges and universities. Dozens of others prepared for new
and more difficult teaching assignmentssummer school sessions
in rural areas lacking Catholic schools.
Nuns also played a starring role in bringing the federal Head Start
program to Colorado. Head Start, one of the most successful War on
Poverty programs initiated under President Lyndon B. Johnson, began
its nationwide efforts in 1965. It was the first federal
comprehensive preschool education program. Although open to all
children, Head Start was most interested in giving children from
lower socioeconomic backgrounds a head start on their education.
Mayor Thomas G. Currigan and War on Poverty director Corky Gonzales
wanted a Head Start program for Denver. Monsignor William Jones,
superintendent of schools of the Archdiocese of Denver, helped steer
some of the first local programs into core city Catholic schools.
Sister Rosemary Keegan, SL, a Denver nun specializing in early
childhood education, did much of the groundwork to get the program
rolling by the end of 1965.
Ladybird Johnson, wife of the president, came to Denver on September
11, 1965, to help launch the program. Three youngsters from
Annunciation parish program, coached by Sister Keegan, presented the
first lady with a bouquet of flowers and a St. Christopher medal
blessed by their assistant pastor, C.B. Woodrich.
Ultimately, All Saints, Annunciation, Cathedral, Guardian Angels,
Holy Rosary, Presentation, St. Anthony, St. Cajetan, St. Elizabeth,
St. Joseph Redemptorist, and St. Patrick parish schools housed Head
Start programs, as did many public schools. Head Start introduced
children to reading, writing, and arithmetic, as well as to museums,
music, dance, recreation, and other enrichments.
St. Thomas seminary
Tremendous growth characterized the Vehr years, with the creation of
forty-three new parishes and expansion of many existing ones. The
archbishop hoped to staff these parishes with St. Thomas Seminary
graduates, a strategy that put a severe strain on the seminary, as
the archbishop explained in a March 23, 1953, letter to his priests
and people: "St. Thomas Seminary, where our priests are trained,
is taxed beyond capacity. We have facilities for 140 students, but
are forced to house 220. . . . The seminary is forced to turn away
students each year owing to a lack of space." In this letter,
Archbishop Vehr announced a campaign to expand the seminary and
asked each of the 161 parishes to do its fair share. By June,
$3,658,116 had been pledged to the Seminary Campaign, of which $2.6
million was actually collected during the next two years.
The seminary had flourished during the 1940s, reaching an enrollment
of 200 students by 1950. Yet the only new building of the 1940s had
been a small stone and wood canopy to shelter the old St. Mary
Church bell. Initially hung at St. Mary in 1865, this bell was
installed in Holy Ghost Church in 1905. When replaced at Holy Ghost
by an electric carrillon in 1942, the bell had been brought to St.
Thomas Seminary and kept in storage until the World War II
armistice, when seminarians hastily built the canopy one morning in
order to ring the bell while President Harry S. Truman read the
peace proclamation.
In 1947, this bell was moved into the memorial bell tower completed
on the northeast corner of the grounds and dedicated to alumni who
had served in World War II. The belfry, built of Boulder flagstone
and Del Norte lava stone, is now illuminated and houses the bell,
which is inscribed, "Cast by J.G. Stuckstede and Bro. St. Louis
NOBIS," and bears the names of donors John Felter and Amelia
Guiraud. This one-ton bell is thought to be the city's oldest.
Celebrated as "Old Faithful" or "Vox Dei," it still
graces the seminary campus.
In 1950, St. Thomas's built an $80,000, two-story, red brick convent
to house ten Sisters of the Most Precious Blood, who served the
seminary. Architect John K. Monroe designed the convent with rooms
for sixteen sisters, in harmony with Benedict's master plan for the
seminary. In 1986, the Precious Blood nuns were replaced by the
Sisters of St. Joseph of Mexico (Hermanas Josefinas de M xico), who
care for the Vincentian fathers and their seminarians.
Ground was broken for the seminary rec-reation center on Alumni Day,
October 12, 1950. The lower level, completed in 1951 and named
Bonfils Hall in honor of May Bonfils Stanton, contained a
kitchenette, large meeting hall, and a stairway up to the
gymnasium-auditorium. This $110,000 project designed by John F.
Connell, a Denver architect, was finished in 1953.
Thanks to the 1953 Fair Share campaign, St. Thomas's opened, in
1956, a major new facility, which has been variously called the
Theology Building, the St. Pius X Wing, and the Classroom Wing. The
dedication cere-mony for this three-story addition drew 4,000 people
to the seminary grounds on June 10, 1956. They came for a dual
celebrationthe 25th anniversary of Vehr's installation as
bishop of Denver and the dedication of the St. Pius X Theology
Building. James Francis Cardinal McIntyre, archbishop of Los
Angeles, presided over the ceremonies, which attracted thirty-nine
Cardinal McIntyre blessed the $1.5 million Theology Building, which
contained eighty-nine student rooms, eight classrooms, twelve
faculty suites, guest rooms, lounges, and a chapel with five altars
for instruction classes in liturgy. The new buildings were designed
by John K. Monroe, long-time assistant and protégé of Jacques
Benedict. They complimented Benedict's chapel and tower, creating a
spacious campus of Renaissance and Romanesque revival buildings.
The library wing, completed in 1956 and designed by Monroe to match
the rest of the campus, now houses nearly 150,000 volumes. It is one
of the largest Catholic theological libraries in the country and is
open to the community at large. The C. Blake Heister Periodical
Room, completed in 1973 and named for a prominent Denver layman
killed while climbing Long's Peak, contains a wealth of religious
magazines and newspapers.
By 1965, enrollment at St. Thomas's reached its all-time peak, 274
seminarians. To promote vocations, Archbishop Vehr helped to
establish the Serra Club, a lay organization to encourage and
financially support religious vocations. "The priesthood,"
Vehr declared, "is the greatest fraternity in the world . . .
the greatest gift God can bestow."
Theatine fathers established a second Catholic seminary in Denver in
1955. The Theatines, an order founded in Italy in 1524 by St.
Cajetan, first came to the United States in 1906. They worked among
Hispanic peoples and had established a novitiate in 1934 in the
Southern Colorado town of Antonito. In 1951, the order purchased
seven acres at East Mississippi Avenue and South Birch Street within
walking distance of St. Thomas Seminary. There, the Theatines built
St. Andrew Seminary for about $170,000, naming it for a Sicilian
saint who forsook his law practice after he found that the
profession led him to utter falsehoods in court.
Archbishop Vehr, on May 18, 1955, blessed this seminary, which has
become the North American headquarters for the Theatine fathers. To
accommodate growth, a high school preparatory seminary was built a
few years later next to the original three-story, Spanish colonial
revival seminary building. The Theatines, in 1986, celebrated the
canonization of a seventeenth-century Theatine, Joseph Cardinal
Tomasi. Reverend Mark Matson of St. Andrew's led an
eighty-seven-member U.S. Theatine delegation that presented Pope
John Paul II with a pair of K-2 skis engraved with his name, a ski
pass to Aspen and Vail, a red Coors ski sweater, and two cases of
Coors beer.
Msgr. Joseph Bosetti
In guiding the Denver archdiocese through its golden age, Archbishop
Vehr established the deanery system to provide leadership for
outlying regions. He relied on the senior priests selected as deans
as well as on two dozen monsignors. If Vehr's use of the monsignori
strengthened church administration, it created some hard feelings.
"When Archbishop Vehr made me a monsignor," reported
Monsignor Thomas Barry, "he told me, Every time I give one of
you priests the purple, I make the others blue ."
One of the most gifted of Archbishop Vehr's monsignors
was an Italian priest who would not only develop a marvelous choir
but also give Coloradans grand opera. Joseph Julius Bosetti was born
in Milan on New Year's Day, 1886. Educated in Italy and in
Switzerland, he became an avid skier and mountaineer as well as an
enthusiastic student of both theology and the fine arts. An Alpine
guide at the age of twenty, he was said to have once scaled the
14,780-foot Matterhorn in twenty-one hours.
After his ordination, Father Bosetti taught philosophy for
three years at the Bethlehem Institute in Switzerland. Then, in
1911, he agreed to missionary work in the distant, mountainous, and
semicivilized realm of Colorado. Bishop Matz first assigned him to
organize a parish for the many Italian families in Welby, a small
community of Italian farmers just north of Denver in Adams County.
Bosetti bicycled around the area, enrolling parishioners and
pleading for donations to establish Assumption parish.
Bishop Matz appointed Bosetti assistant pastor at the cathedral
after its completion in 1912. The majestic cathedral needed more
than a few feeble voices, lost in the grand Gothic interior and Matz
urged Bosetti to organize a large, male choir trained in classical
For his prized cathedral choir, Bosetti began writing his own music
and Masses, collaborating with McMenamin on an original operetta,
"Bethlehem." After the operetta's success, the two priests
formed the Denver Grand Opera Company. Bosetti served as the
director and McMenamin as the business manager. Bosetti staged his
first opera, an $800 production of Cavalleria Rusticana, in
1915, at the old Broadway Theater. When this and other operas proved
to be popular, the Denver Grand Opera Company began, in 1933, to
stage more lavish productions at the Denver Municipal Auditorium.
Proceeds were donated to Catholic Charities, giving patrons
philanthropic as well as cultural motivation.
Maestro Bosetti imported star leads from New York and built his eras
around them, using the best local talent he could find. His 1935
production of La Traviata featured two young Coloradans,
Frank Dinhaupt and Jean Dickerson. Dinhaupt later became the New
York Metropolitan Opera star Francesco Valentino, while Dickerson
rose to celebrity status as radio's "Nightingale of the
Airwaves." La Traviata would also be Bosetti's final
production; in 1951, the opera company folded when his health
The Denver Grand Opera Company shows became legendary annual galas,
as Monsignor Gregory Smith recollected decades later:
Bosetti introduced the first successful opera in
Colorado. Blocks of tickets went to each parish to sell. One way or
another we filled that auditorium night after night. It was great
sociability. Some of us went to the same opera six nights a week.
Even if Denverites weren't ready for opera, they got it.
Monsignor Bosetti, a cultivated man who taught several foreign
languages at Cathe-dral High School, became a prized figure in the
local arts community and in Denver society. To honor his cultural
contributions, the Italian government awarded him the Knight
Commander of the Crown of Italy in 1938 and, in 1949, the Star of
Italian Solidarity. This accomplished priest was likewise prized by
the Diocese of Denver. Bishop Matz appointed him chancellor in 1917,
and Bishop Tihen vested him as a monsignor in 1927; Bishop Vehr
appointed him vicar general, a post Bosetti held until his death.
Camp St. Malo was another of Bosetti's legacies. This archdiocesan
camp and conference center owes its existence to Bosetti's love of
mountaineering. To reward his cathedral choir and altar boys, he
took them camping at the mountain property of Cathedral parishioner
William McPhee. Bosetti subsequently persuaded McPhee, a wealthy
lumber baron, to donate the site as a Catholic camp and to erect St.
William's Lodge in memory of his late son, William McPhee, Jr.
Bosetti later induced the Malo family to fund what became Camp St.
Malo. Beautifully located on the eastern edge of Rocky Mountain
National Park near the base of Long's Peak, Camp St. Malo became a
summer haven for young boys from throughout the archdioceseand
a favorite retreat for local and visiting clergy.
Monsignor Bosetti's work with boys as a choir and camp director, as
well as a teacher, produced another major dividend for the
archdiocese. "Bosetti loved working with boys and they idolized
him," reported Monsignor Gregory Smith. "He fostered more
vocations to the priesthood than anyone in the diocese. He made Camp
St. Malo a breeding place for vocations."
Bosetti delighted in leading his boys into the outdoors. He treated
many of them to ski expeditions, a sport he helped to promote in
Colorado. Soon after his arrival in 1911,he took up skiing, to the
astonishment of many Coloradans who had never dreamed of such a
thing at that time. "Most people," Bosetti noted,
"thought we were crazy to come down mountains on sticks."
To celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary as a priest, Bosetti led a
hiking party up the Mount of the Holy Cross for a Mass on the
summit. For his thirty-fifth anniversary, he orchestrated a similar
hike up Twin Sisters Peak for an outdoor Mass. Bosetti's active life
came to an end on January 22, 1954, at Denver's St. Joseph Hospital.
One of Bosetti's former choirboys, Colorado Governor
Stephen L.R. McNichols, remembered him fondly in a 1987 interview:
Monsignor Bosetti was a tremendous guy, a
well-educated, cultivated old world gentleman. He cracked down on
cigarettes and messing around with girls, offenses for which you
could be kicked out of the choir. I was in his choir for eight or
nine years and we sang both at the cathedral and in his annual opera
at the Municipal Auditorium. He taught us to sing, and, at Camp St.
Malo, he taught us to ski, to swim, and to look for the stars.
Msgr. Hubert Newell
Another gifted administrator of the Vehr era was Hubert Michael
Newell. Throughout his long career, Newell probably did as much as
anyone to improve Catholic education in Colorado. Born in Denver on
February 16, 1904, Hubert grew up in an Irish clan blessed with
vocations. His identical twin Raymond became a parish priest, and
another brother, John, became a Jesuit priest. Hubert's sister,
Nora, married and produced three sons who became parish priests in
the archdiocese of DenverMonsignor William H. Jones, Father
Raymond Jones, and Father Charles T. Jones.
Hubert Newell graduated from Annunciation Grade School, Sacred Heart
High School, Regis College, and St. Thomas Seminary. After
completing a master's degree in education at the Catholic University
of America in 1937, Father Newell was appointed the second diocesan
director of education by Bishop Vehr. In that post, Newell sought to
standardize and upgrade Catholic schools, which varied frighteningly
in quality, in courses offered, and in facilities. In his first
year, Newell redesigned high school religious education as a
four-year program consisting of five forty-five-minute periods
each week devoted to doctrine, liturgy, Bible study, and church
history. Superintendent Newell worked to establish harmonious
relations with the public schools and with government officials and
agencies. This led to such valuable contributions to Catholic
schools as that of the Denver Visiting Nurse Association, which
initiated regular sight, hearing, weight, and height checks, as well
as immunization shots.
In collaboration with Bishop Vehr, who had established a Catholic
Parent Teachers Association while superintending schools in
Cincinnati, Father Newell started a PTA group for Denver in 1939.
The DDCCW, which had been formed in 1926, played a major role in
implementing the PTA program. The PTA helped school children to
purchase textbooks, first communion outfits, athletic equipment,
musical instruments, and play-ground apparatus. The PTA bolstered
schools with everything from assistance in the cafeteria lunch lines
to annual educational institutes. In 1941, Father Newell was honored
for establishing a PTA program that the National Council of Catholic
Women recommended as a national model. By September 24, 1947, when
Newell was consecrated coadjutor bishop of Cheyenne, Wyoming, the
PTA boasted more than 7,000 members in forty-two Catholic schools
throughout Colorado.
In Wyoming, Bishop Newell assisted Patrick A. McGovern, who had been
bishop of Cheyenne since 1912. Upon McGovern's death in 1951, Bishop
Newell succeeded him until his retirement in 1978. "I had a
wonderful, happy, and blessed time in Wyoming," he recalled in
an interview shortly before his death at St. Joseph Hospital in
Denver on September 8, 1987. His sister Nora died the same day in
the same hospital.
Under Hubert Newell and his successors, Catholic schools kept
expanding to accommodate the World War II baby boom. St. Mary's
Academy, the oldest private school, moved to a spacious new home
constructed on what had been the Hickerson estate at 4545 South
University Boulevard in the affluent Denver suburb of Cherry Hills
Village. After purchasing the estate for around $220,000, the
Sisters of Loretto converted the Hickerson mansion into twelve
classrooms, a chapel, and a convent for eighteen sisters.
St. Mary's Academy constructed a one-story, red brick classroom
building in 1953, next to the old mansion, which was converted to a
convent. The old St. Mary's at 1370 Pennsylvania Street in Capitol
Hill was sold and has subsequently been renovated as a deluxe office
building. In recent decades, St. Mary's added a new high school
buildingBonfils Halland the Bishop Evans Sports Center. On
their Cherry Hills campus, the Sisters of Loretto operate
coeducational elementary and middle schools, as well as the high
school for young ladies, which continues to be one of Colorado's
premier prep schools.
During the late 1940s and the 1950s, parish schools were built at a
terrific rate, particularly in the rapidly growing suburbs of
Denver. Archbishop Vehr took a lively interest in the construction
of each new school. As with new churches, he insisted on good
architecture and good materials. Jacques Benedict continued to be
the architect of record for many archdiocesan buildings, but his
assistant, John K. Monroe, increasingly did more of the work.
Monroe, like Benedict and Vehr, fancied a Mediterranean Romanesque
style with red tile roofs, square bell towers, classical motifs in
terra cotta trim, and Romanesque portals. Some of the loveliest
parish structures in the archdioceseGood Shepherd, Holy Ghost,
St. Catherine of Siena, St. Vincent de Paul, Christ the King, and a
now-demolished chapel in Evergreenwere built during the two
decades. Schools, convents, and rectories, as well as churches,
reflected a design consciousness that produced inspiring buildings.
Regis College
In 1931, shortly after his installation as the fourth bishop of
Denver, Vehr received glum news from Regis College. The Jesuit
school, which had been struggling for funds and students during the
Great Depression, informed him that without financial assistance it
would be forced to close in 1932. With Monsignor McMenamin, the
bishop came to the rescue by initiating a five year, $125,000
campaign, christened "Save RegisRegis Shall Not Close."
Bishop Vehr made the first donation, followed by forty-six priests
and innumerable lay people, Catholic and non-Catholic. Thanks to
this campaign and to the willingness of the Jesuit faculty to work
for little or no salary, Regis survived.
Not until 1945, however, did the college retire its $300,000 debt
and begin to expand facilities for the first time since the 1923
construction of Carroll Hall. World War II veterans returning to
college with the help of federal funding and loans began swamping
American colleges. By 1948, enrollment at Regis soared beyond the
500 mark. By scrounging around, Regis acquired a small fortune in
federal government surplus, including chairs, desks, file cabinets,
and even surplus army barracks from Fort Logan, which were converted
into classrooms and offices. In 1949, Archbishop Vehr dedicated the
new, 500-seat St. John Francis Regis Chapel. The old chapel was
remodeled as an addition to the rapidly expanding library.
Regis completed, in 1951, a $250,000 classroom building, Loyola
Hall, which also became the main adminstrative offices and the
language laboratory. During the 1950s, Regis began offering classes
at Lowry Air Force Base and at an extended campus in downtown
Denver. Under the presidency (1953-1968) of Father Richard F.
Ryan, SJ, Regis College finally enjoyed prosperity. High school
enrollment passed the 500 mark, while the college climbed to over
1,000. Full accreditation by the North Central Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schools finally came in 1952.
The campus erupted with new buildings: a 1957 dormitory named O
Connell Hall; a 1960 fieldhouse containing classrooms, offices,
lecture halls, and a swimming pool as well as a gym; a 1963 student
center; a 1964 dormitory called DeSmet Hall; Dayton Memorial Library
and a science building in 1966. To make room for all these new
developments, Jesuits in the on-campus cemetery were moved to a plot
at Mt. Olivet Cemetery. In 1968, Regis began admitting female
students. Traditionalists were further mortified when the Jesuits,
responding to student suggestions, lightened the college's stiff
requirements for course work in Latin, theology, and philosophy.
The McNichols family
Regis College produced some distinguished graduates, including the
first Catholic governor of Colorado, Stephen L.R. McNichols. In
office, McNichols proved to be exceptionally active and socially
conscious. More than any other governor, he promoted health,
education, and welfare. He created the Department of Institutions to
handle health care and prisons and the Department of Resources to
manage water, wildlife, and mineral resources. Furthermore, he left
the state with a restructured financial system and a budget surplus.
A long list of accomplishments during the McNichols administration
includes establishment of the State Parks and Recreation Department,
a modernized highway department, and Colorado's green and white
license plate with its mountainous horizon, which McNichols himself
Like many others, the McNichols clan had come to Colorado as miners.
"Grandfather McNichols left Ireland after the potato
famine," Governor McNichols recalled in 1987:
He settled in Iowa and as soon as his boys were old
enough to pick up a shovel he sent em to Colorado to make some
money in the mines. My dad, William H. McNichols, Sr., came to Aspen
that way, liked Colorado and stayed. He was clerk and recorder up
there and grand exalted ruler of the Elks. When Aspen faded he moved
around 1910 down to Denver where he found work digging sewers.
W.H. McNichols, Sr., soon graduated from sewer digging to
politics, serving as secretary of the state senate, secretary to the
state land board, deputy Denver city auditor, and Denver city
auditor, a post he held from 1933 until 1955. "Dad was known as
the watchdog of the city," according to his son Stephen. "He
knew that city charter like he knew the Hail Mary. And he said his
rosary every morning and always carried it with him."
The elder McNichols, who had only a seventh-grade education,
insisted upon Catholic schools for his four children. Stephen, the
youngest, graduated from Regis College and from the Catholic
University of America Law School. After working for the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, in a private Denver law firm, and as a
federal attorney, Steve was elected state senator in 1948,
lieutenant governor in 1954, and governor in 1957. Of his six years
as governor, McNichols said in 1987:
Many people, especially Catholics, told me a
Catholic could never be elected to statewide office in Colorado. So
did my predecessor, Governor "Big Ed" Johnson. Critics said
I would favor Catholic schools and neglect public schools. Well, I
did more for public schools than any governor in fifty years. Our
School Foundation Act redistributed funds to poorer rural schools.
We consolidated about 900 school districts into 127 much stronger
ones. We abolished those phony school districts set up by railroads
and other big corporations to save them from having to pay
significant taxes for a real district. These businesses reap the
profitswell-trained studentsfrom the educational system
and ought to help pay for education.
We beefed up CU in Boulder and its Denver campus. We
transformed the Colorado State Agricultural College in Fort Collins,
which then had only about 3,000 students and pigs and cows in the
center of the campus, into Colorado State University.
In office, my Catholicism guided me in many ways,
particularly in setting up treatment programs for health care, both
physical and mental. Mental hospitals and prisons can be distasteful
and depressing institutions to look at, but I m very proud of having
augmented the Pueblo mental hospital with creation of the Fort Logan
Mental Health Center and of my ongoing work to improve our penal
system in Colorado.
Governor McNichols engaged as his secretary his older brother,
William H. McNichols, Jr. After this taste of politics and
government, Bill jumped into Denver politics, serving as manager of
public works and deputy mayor, and then as mayor of Denver
(1968-1982). Like his brother the governor, Mayor Bill (as he
preferred to be called) presided over a golden age, marked by
economic prosperity and governmental concern for the
underprivileged, most notably in the form of public health,
education, and welfare programs.
Whereas Governor McNichols maintained a cordial working
relationship with Archbishop Vehr, Mayor McNichols established a
similar relationship with Vehr's successor, Archbishop James V.
Casey. After retiring from public office, both brothers remained
active in the Church. Mayor Bill took a special interest in the
Little Sisters of the Poor, cohosting their 1986 drive to raise
$50,000 for improvements at the Mullen Home for the Aged. Mayor Bill
chaired Archbishop Casey's Golf Tournament for Catholic Youth.
Governor McNichols served as the chair of the 1987 Archdiocesan
Centennial celebration. While exemplifying the growing role of the
laity in archdiocesan affairs, the McNichols family has also
facilitated a larger role for the church in providing community
services to all Coloradans.
The Denver Catholic Register
Monsignor Matthew Smith continued to make the Catholic
Register the most spectacular, nationally noted accomplishment of
the Archdiocese of Denver. Light shone all night long at the large
Register plant on Bannock Street, where editor Smith often
labored nocturnally, triple-checking copy and writing his
Registorials. By the 1950s, the Denver staff had grown to thirty,
and the Register system produced thirty-two editions for
dioceses around the country. Total circulation was more than
Some other dioceses followed the pattern established in Denver in
1939, when the Register began being distributed free to every
registered parish family. Parishes conducted an annual free-will
collection to help pay for this policy. Editor Smith and Archbishop
Vehr used the newspaper to promote St. Thomas Seminary, construction
of new parishes and other archdiocesan goals.
The National Catholic Press Association honored Smith in 1953,
noting that his "prophetic vision, pioneer energy and devotion
to Church and country have created the largest Catholic newspaper
system in the country."
"Matt carried the cross of poor health all his life,"
according to his brother Gregory. "His living habits were
irregular, although he did swim practically every day at the Denver
Athletic Club." Monsignor Smith continued to live in his
apartment at St. Rose Residence, where his workaholic nature began
to strain his health. In the spring of 1960, he went into St.
Anthony Hospital, where death came on June 15, 1960. "Matt
worked closely with the chancery all his life," recalled his
brother. "Unlike some Catholic journalists, he did not
regard himself as a divinely appointed scourge for
Bishop David Maloney
Although Archbishop Vehr's health began slipping in the 1960s, his
able assistants and systematic administration kept the church on a
steady course. The key man was David Monas Maloney, whom Pope John
XXIII appointed the first auxiliary bishop of Denver on November 9,
1960. Bishop Maloney came from a prominent Catholic family. His
father, James Maloney, was a civil engineer who came to Colorado as
construction engineer for Cheesman Dam. After the 1905 completion of
this dam, now a National Civil Engineering Landmark, Maloney stayed
on with the Denver Water Department as chief engineer and later
became chief engineer of the Colorado Highway Department. James and
his wife Margaret raised their six children in Littleton, where he
served several terms as mayor.
Their son David graduated at the head of his class from Littleton
High School. Unlike his brothers who all became engineers, David
entered St. Thomas Seminary. His studies also took him to Rome,
where he earned a doctorate in canon law and was ordained on
December 8, 1936. In 1943, after several years of parish work,
Archbishop Vehr asked Father Maloney to become full-time secretary
and assistant chancellor. After Monsignor Bosetti's death, Maloney
became chancellor in 1954 and was consecrated a bishop on January 4,
As auxiliary bishop of Denver, Maloney represented Archbishop Vehr
at the Vatican II Council, helping to draft precedent-setting
statements on the nature of the Church. Returning to Denver, Bishop
Maloney shouldered more and more assignments for the aging
archbishop. Although drastic changes were in the wind, Maloney
worked closely with Vehr to provide smooth, traditional leadership.
After Archbishop Vehr retired in 1967, and James V. Casey was
appointed the fifth bishop of Denver, Bishop Maloney was appointed
bishop of Wichita, Kansas, a post he held until his retirement in