1 lb. butter
25 lbs. chicken, cut in pieces and browned
5 lbs. beef, cubed and browned
5 lbs. onions browned with meat
5 lbs. celery, diced
5 lbs. carrots, diced
3 pecks potatoes, peeled and diced
5 lbs. shredded cabbage
5 lbs. fresh tomatoes, diced
1 cup salt
4 teaspoons pepper
1 cup chopped parsleyThe following may be added if desired
5 No. 2 cans whole kernel corn or equivalent of fresh cooked corn.
2 lbs. dried split peas, soaked overnight and cooked until tender
2 lbs. dried navy beans, soaked overnight and cooked until tender.After the meat is browned thoroughly, add seasoning and enough hot water to cook until tender. Remove chicken from bones and cut into cubes. Place all the meat in one very large container and add vegetables in the order given with reference to length of time for cooking each, with enough additional boiling water for cooking the mixture. Watch the mixture carefully to prevent sticking and burning.
Makes 25 gallons
Recipe thanks to Mrs. Mary Ann Defnet, Green Bay. Originally appeared in "Wisconsin's Folkways in Foods", 1948; Collection made by the Wisconsin Home Economics Association."
30 december 1997