Bacteria and their phages are the most abundant, widespread and diverse
groups of biological entities on the planet. There are about
5,000,000,000, 000,000,000, 000,000,000,000 bacteria on the planet, and
even more phages. Bacteria govern large part of our ecosystem, and are
believed to be responsible for 30-50% of the CO2 recycling in the
atmosphere. Phages come in two major groups, the virulent ones and the
temperate ones. A successful virulent phage always kills the infected
bacteria, whereas a temperate phage often co-exist within the bacteria
and provide immunity against a subsequent infection of some virulent
In an attempt to understand how the highly dynamical and co-evolving
system of bacteria and their predators govern itself we developed a
stochastic network model. The model, which deals with bacteria, and the
two distinct groups of predators represented by virulent and temperate
The model is designed to pose questions related to diversity in these
ecologies, and works with units that represent whole species or strains
of bacteria or phages. Accordingly, nodes represent whole strains of
bacteria or phages in the applet above rather than individuals, with
“speciation” and extinction modeled by duplication
and removal of nodes. Phage-bacterium links represent host-parasite
relationships and temperate-virulent phage links denote
prophage-encoded resistance. The effect of horizontal transfer of
genetic information between neighbor strains in the network is also
included in the dynamical rules, regulated by the global versus local
scroll on the right panel.
The java applet have 4 key parameters, which we do not known for the
real ecosystem. For all parameter sets, the observed networks evolve in
a highly dynamic fashion with a topology that always varies greatly
from time to time. Also, for all parameter sets, the ecosystems are
prone to collapse (one or more entire groups go extinct), unless
coexistence of all groups are maintained artificially by setting the
probability of speciation within each group to be independent of its
diversity (“Constrained”). This reflects the
behavior of an ecosystem where speciation rates are primarily set by
the availability of ecological niches.
Rosvall, I.B. Dodd, S. Krishna, and K. Sneppen, Network Models of
Phage-Bacteria Co-evolution.