A Bibliography of Northwest Coast
Anthropology and Archaeology
Keywords: Bella Coola, Chehalis, Chemakum, Chimakuan, Chinook,
Clallam, Coeur d'Alene, Columbia Salish, Colville Okanagan,
Gitskan, Haida, Haisla, Halkomelem, Heiltsuk (Bella Bella),
Kalispel, Kutenai (Kootenay), Kwakiutl, Kwakwala, Lummi,
Lushootseed, Makah, Nass, Nishga, Nitinaht, Nootka, Northwest
Coast, Oowekyala, Puget Salish, Quileute, Quinault, Salishan,
Sechelt, Shuswap, Siletz, Snohomish, Spokane, Squamish, Straits
Salish, Thompson, Tillamook, Tsimshian, Twana, Wakashan, Wishram.
This bibliography was originally prepared during my days at
the University of Chicago as an aid to my research. It is
strongest in Linguistics and weakest in Archaeology. Many of the
citations are older materials that will not show up in modern
databases. I have begun updating it again albeit at a very slow
rate and only as my time allows.
I have included no physical anthropology at this time. There
is a small group of "Unfiled Items" at the end which are
basically relevant history of a non-anthropological type. Also
there are a few natural history titles which were helpful to my
There are no Tlingit linguistic references at this time
either, I don't even remember why I did not include them
originally, probably because of their close connection to
Athabaskan and Eyak which languages were not included in my
I welcome and greatly appreciate your comments, suggestions,
additions, and corrections. I am missing full information
for several items, noted either by ??? or MORE INFORMATION
Revised: 7/14/2003
I HAVE ON THE (FILL-IN-THE-BLANK) TRIBE. While I am happy to provide this list
of sources, I do not own them and you will have to do your own research.
Finding materials on this list is probably easiest if you use
the "Find in page" button of your browser. Its location will vary with the
browser. Try your help button and see if you have one.
Acknowledgements: No bibliographer works in a vacuum. I have relied upon
both my own original bibliographies and those that others prepared for their own purposes.
I gratefully acknowledge the contributions that others have made to this page, both
knowingly and otherwise. Of course, all mistakes are my own.
Order of Entries:
- Abbreviation List
- Mosan Linguistics (Multi-family
comparisons, etc.)
- Chimakuan Linguistics
- Chinookan Linguistics
- Haida Linguistics
- Kutenai Linguistics
- Salishan Linguistics
- Tsimshian Linguistics
- Wakashan Linguistics
- Chinook Jargon
- Nootka Jargon
- General and Areal Linguistics
- Socio-Cultural Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Physical Anthropology. None there yet.
- Unfiled Addenda
- Natural History
- AAA-M Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association
- AA American Anthropologist
- AAAS-P Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and
- AAOJ American Antiquarian and Oriental Journal
- AAq American Antiquity
- AFS-M Memoirs of the American Folklore Society
- AMNH-AP American Museum of Natural History, Anthropological
- AMNH-M Memoirs of the American Museum of Natural History
- AL Anthropological Linguistics
- AR University of California Anthropological Record
- BAE-B Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology
- BAE-R Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology
- BLS Proceedings of the Berkeley Linguistic Society
- CJA Canadian Journal of Archaeology
- CJL Canadian Journal of Linguistics
- CLS Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Chicago
Linguistic Society
- COLN California-Oregon Languages Newsletter
- CUCA Columbia University Contributions to Anthropology
- GL General Linguistics
- HAIL Handbook of American Indian Languages
- HNAI Handbook of North American Indians
- IJAL International Journal of American Linguistics
- IJAL-NATS International Journal of American Linguistics,
Native American Texts Series
- IJAL-NATS-M International Journal of American Linguistics,
Native American Texts Series, Monograph
- IUPAL Indiana University Publications in Anthropology and
- JAF Journal of American Folklore
- JanL-SC Janua Linguarum, series critica
- JanL-SMJ Janua Linguarum, series maior
- JanL-SP Janua Linguarum, series practica
- JCA Journal of California Anthropology
- JCA-PL Journal of California Anthropology, Papers in
- JCGBA-PL Journal of California and Great Basin
Anthropology, Papers in Linguistics
- JSA-P Journal de la Societe des Americanistes, Paris
- KWPL Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics
- LACUS Linguistic Association of Canada and the U.S.
- LG Language
- LIn Linguistic Inquiry
- LS Language in Society
- LSM Language Science Monographs
- MALC Proceedings of the Mid-America Linguistics Conference
- NARN Northwest Anthropological Research Notes
- NARN-M Northwest Anthropological Research Notes, Memoir
- NMM-MS National Museum of Man, Ethnology Division, National
Museums of Canada, Mercury Series
- OSU-WPL Ohio State Universty Working Papers in Linguistics
- PAPS Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society
- PAES Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society
- PICA Proceedings of the International Congress of
- PIL Papers in Linguistics
- PIL-M Papers in Linguistics ,Memoir
- PNQ Pacific Northwest Quarterly
- RCAFL-P Publications for the Research Center in
Folklore and Linguistics
- RomPh Romance Philology
- SAS-P Publications of the Sacramento Anthropological
- SCOIL-R Report of the Survey of California and Other Indian
- SI-AR Annual Reports of the Board of Regents of the
Smithsonian Institution
- SIL Studies in Linguistics
- SIL-WP Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics
- SILPL Summer Institute of Linguistics Publications in
- SIU-OPL Southern Illinois University Occasional Papers in
- SJA Southwestern Journal of Anthropology
- TAPS Transactions of the American Philosophical Society
- TWPL Toronto Working Papers in Linguistics
- UCPAAE University of California Publications in American
Archaeology and Ethnology
- UCPL University of California Publications in Linguistics
- UH-WPL University of Hawaii Working Papers in Linguistics
- UMOPL University of Montana Occasional Papers in
- UPMAP University of Pennslyvania Museum Anthropological
- UW-WPL University of Washington Working Papers in
- UWPA University of Washington Publications in Anthropology
- VFPA Viking Fund Publications in Anthropology
- Adler, F.W. 1961. A bibliographical checklist of Chimakuan,
Kutenai, Ritwan, Salishan, and Wakashan linguistics, IJAL 27:198-
- Andrade, M.J. 1953. Relations between Nootka and Quileute,
IJAL 19:138-40.
- Klokeid, T.J. 1969. Notes on the comparison of Wakashan and
Salishan, UH-WPL 1/7:1-19.
- Morgan, Lawrence. 1980. Kootenay-Salishan Linguistic
Comparison: A preliminary study. University of British Columbia
M.A. thesis.
- Swadesh, Morris. 1953. Salishan-Wakashan lexical
noted by Boas, IJAL 19:290-1.
- -----. 1953. Mosan I: A problem of remote common origin,
IJAL 19:26-44.
- -----. 1953. Mosan II: Comparative Vocabulary, IJAL
Back to the Abbreviation
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- Andrade, M.J. 1931. Quileute texts. CUCA 12.
- -----. 1933. Quileute in HAIL v.3, BAE-B 40. Pages
- -----. 1953. Notes on the relations between Chemakum and
Quileute, IJAL 19:212-5.
- Boas, Franz. 1892. Notes on the Chemakum language,AA(os)
- Collins, J.M. 1949. Distribution of the Chemakum language
Indians of the Urban Northwest, ed. Marian W. Smith. New York.
CUCA 36. Pages 147-60.
- Eells, Myron. 1880. The Chemakum Language. AAOJ 3: 52-54.
- -----. 1887. The Twana, Chemakum, and Klallam Indians of
Washington Territory. SI-AR. Pages 605-81.
- Farrand, Livingston. 1910. Quileute. BAE-B 30. Pages
- Frachtenberg, L.J. 1920. Abnormal types of speech in
Quileute, IJAL 1:295-9.
- -----. 1920. Eschatology of the Quileute Indians. AA 22:
- Jacobsen, W.H. 1979. Chimakuan comparative studies in The
Languages of Native America. University of Texas Press. Pages
- Powell, J.V. 1971. Quileute deixis--A study of grammatical
markedness in Studies in Northwest Indian Languages. SAS-P 11.
Pages 91-109.
- -----. 1975. Proto-Chimakuan: Materials for a
reconstruction. UH-WPL 7/2.
- -----. 1972. The predicate in Chimakuan, UH-WPL 4/3. Pages
- ----- et al. 1972. Placenames of the Quileute Indians, PNQ
- ----- and F. Woodruff. 1971. A note on the Quileute entries
of Ethnobotany of Western Washington (by Erna Gunther) in Studies
in Northwest Indian Languages. SAS-P 11. Pages 110-6.
- ----- and F. Woodruff. 1976. Quileute Dictionary. NARN-M
- Swadesh, Morris. 1955. Chemakum lexicon compared with
Quileute, IJAL 21:60-72.
Back to the Abbreviation
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- Boas, Franz. 1888. Chinook songs. JAF 1:220-6.
- -----. 1894. Chinook texts. BAE-B 20.
- -----. 1901. Kathlamet texts. BAE-B 26.
- -----. 1904. The vocabulary of the Chinook language. AA 6:
- -----. 1911. Chinook. HAIL I. BAE-B 40. Pages 559-677.
- Dyk, W. 1933. A grammar of Wishram. Yale University Ph.D.
- ----- and D.H. Hymes. 1956. Stress accent in Wishram
IJAL 22: 238-41.
- French, D. 1958. Cultural matrices of Chinookan non-causal
language. IJAL 24: 258-63.
- Hymes, D.H. 1955. The language of the Kathlamet Chinook.
Indiana University Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1958. Linguistic features peculiar to Chinookan
IJAL 24: 253-7.
- -----. 1975. From space to time in tenses in Kiksht. IJAL
- -----. 1980. Verse analysis of a Wasco texts: Hiram
"At'unaqa". IJAL 46: 65-77.
- Jacobs, Melville. 1958. Clackamas Chinook texts, Part 1.
- -----. 1959. Clackamas Chinook texts, Part 2. RCAFL-P 11.
- Sapir, E. 1907. Preliminary report on the language and
mythology of the Upper Chinook. AA 9: 533-44.
- -----. 1909. Wishram texts, together with Wasco tales and
myths (collected by Jeremiah Curtin). PAES 2.
- -----. 1911. Wishram. HAIL I. BAE-B 40. Pages 625-6,
45, 650-4, 673-7.
- -----. 1926. A Chinookan phonetic law. IJAL 4: 105-10.
- Silverstein, M. 1974. Dialectal developments in Chinookan
tense systems: An areal-historical analysis. IUPAL 29.
- -----. 1977. Person, number, gender in Chinook: Syntactic
rule and morphological analogy. BLS 3: 143-56.
- Swanton, J.R. 1900. Morphology of the Chinook verb. AA 2:
Back to the Abbreviation
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- Anker, D.E. 1975. Haida kinship semantics: 1900-74. Duke
University Ph.D. dissertation.
- Boas, Franz. 1916. Vocabularies from the Northwest coast of
America. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society. 26.
- Durlach, T.M. 1928. The relationship systems of the
Haida, and Tsimshian. PAES 11.
- Eastman, Carol M. 1979. Word order in Haida. IJAL 45:
- -----. 1979. Spatial and temporal boundedness in Haida. AL
- ----- and P.K. Aoki. 1978. Phonetic segments in Haida
(Hydaburg dialect). in Linguistic and literary studies in honor
of Archibald A. Hill, vol. II. Mouton. Pages 237-49.
- ----- and E.A. Edwards. 1979. New information and
contrastiveness in Haida. PIL 12: 31-56.
- ----- and -----. 1980. S-marking and subordination in
Haida. PIL 13: 475-99.
- Edwards, E.A. 1977. Post-positionals as referential
determiners in Hydaburg Haida. UW-WPL 3: 49-57.
- -----. 1978. Topic and topic-marking particles in Haida.
University of Washington M.A. thesis.
- -----. 1979. Topic marking in Haida. IJAL 45: 149-56.
- ----- and C.M. Eastman. 1981. Question formation in Kaigani
Haida. UW-WPL 6: 25-35.
- Enrico, John. 1989. The Haida Language in The Outer Shores. G.G.E. Scudder and N. Gessler (eds.). Pp. 223-247. Skidegate (B.C.): Queen Charlotte Islands Museum.
- ----- and Wendy Bross Stuart. 1996. Northern Haida Songs. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Haeberlin, H. K. 1923. Notes on the composition of the
complex in Haida. IJAL 2: 159-62.
- Keen, J.H. 1906. A grammar of the Haida language. London.
- Kess, J.F. 1968. A bibliography of the Haida language. CJL
- -----. 1974. Proniminal systems in Haida. Syesis 7: ???
- Krauss, M.E. Noun-classification systems in Athapaskan,
Tlingit, and Haida verbs. IJAL 34: 194-203.
- Lawrence, E. and J. Leer. 1977. Haida dictionary. Alaska
Native Language Center.
- Levine, R.D. 1977. The Skidegate dialect of Haida.
University Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1979. Haida and Na-Dene: A new look at the
IJAL 45: 157-70.
- Manaster Ramer, Alexis. 1996. Sapir's Classifications:
Haida and the other Na-Dene languages. AL 38/2:179-215.
- Sapir, E. 1923. The phonetics of Haida. IJAL 2: 143-58.
- Swanton, J.R. 1902. Notes on the Haida language. AA 4:392-
- -----. 1905. Haida Texts and Myths, Skidegate dialect.
- -----. 1908. Haida texts: Masset dialect. AMNH-M 10:273-
- -----. 1911. Haida. HAIL I. BAE-B 40. Pages 205-82.
- -----. 1912. Haida songs. PAES 3: 1-63.
- Turner, N.J. 1974. Plant taxonomic systems and ethnobotany
of three contemporary Indian groups of the Pacific Northwest (Haida, Bella Coola, and Lillooet). Syesis 7 supplement 1.
- Welsch, R.L. 1975. Particularization vs. old information in Hydaburg Haida. UW-WPL 1: 82-9.
Back to the Abbreviation
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- Boas, Franz. 1889. Kutonaqa. BAAS-R 59: 889-93.
- -----. 1919. Kinship terms of the Kutenai Indians. AA
- -----. 1927. Additional notes on the Kutenai language.
- ----- and A.F. Chamberlain. 1918. Kutenai tales. BAE-B 49.
- Canestrelli, P.P. 1927. Grammar of the Kutenai language
(annotated by Franz Boas). IJAL 4:1-84.
- Chamberlain, A.F. 1902. Earlier and later Kootenay
onomatology. AA 4:229-36.
- -----. 1906. Terms for the body, its parts, organs, etc. in
the language of the Kootenay Indians in Boas anniversary volume.
Pages 94-107.
- -----. 1909. Some Kutenai linguistic materials. AA
- -----. 1909. Kutenaian and Shoshonean. AA 21: 535-6.
- -----. 1910. Noun composition in the Kootenay language.
Anthropos 5:787-90.
- Garvin, P.L. 1947. Kutenai grammar. Indiana University
- -----. 1947. Christian names in Kutenai. IJAL 13:69-77.
- -----. 1948. Kutenai lexical innovations. Word 4:120-6.
- -----. 1948. Kutenai I: Phonemics. IJAL 14:37-42.
- -----. 1948. Kutenai II: Morpheme variation. IJAL
- -----. 1948. Kutenai III: Morpheme distributions
(prefix, theme, suffix). IJAL 14:171-8.
- -----. 1953. Kutenai IV: Word classes. IJAL 17:84-97.
- -----. 1953. Short Kutenai Texts. IJAL 19:305-11.
- -----. 1954. Colloquial Kutenai text: Conversation II.
- Haas, M.R. 1965. Is Kutenai related to Algonkian? CJL
- Hamp, E.P. 1958. Prosodic Notes: Length in Kutenai. IJAL
- Haugen, E. 1956. Syllabification in Kutenai. IJAL 22:196-
- Sapir, Edward. 1918. Kinship terms of the Kootenay Indians.
AA 20:414-8.
- -----. 1919. Corrigenda to Kinship terms of the Kootenay
Indians. AA 21:98.
Back to the Abbreviation
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- Amoss, P.T. 1961. Nuksack phonemics. University of
Washington MA thesis.
- Ballard, A.C. 1935. Southern Puget Sound Salish kinship
terms. AA 37:111-6.
- -----. 1950. 1950. Calendric terms of the Southern Puget
Sound Salish. SJA 6:79-99.
- Bates, Dawn. 1997. Person marking in Lushootseed
Subordinate Clauses. IJAL 63/3:316-333.
- Bates, Dawn, Thom Hess and Vi Hilbert. 1994. Lushootseed
Dictionary. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
- Beaumont, R.C. 1973. Sechelt statives. CJL 18:102-12.
- Bierwert, Crisca, ed. 1996. Lushootseed Texts: an introduction to
Puget Salish Narrative Aesthetics. Studies in the Anthropology of North
American Indians. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Boas, F. 1934. A Chehalis text. IJAL 8:103-10.
- ----- and H. Haeberlin. 1927. Sound shifts in Salishan
dialects. IJAL 4:117-36.
- Broselow, E.I. 1982. Interactions of reduplication
Evidence from Salish. Texas Linguistic Forum 21. Pages 21-46.
- Buchanan, C.M. 1907. Dialect variants of the Nisqually
linguistic root stock of Puget Sound. Washington Historical
Quarterly 1:30-5.
- Burton, S. 1988. Thematic Relations in Halkomelem Salish.
TWPL 9:???
- Carlson, B.F. 1972. Unstressed root vowels in Spokane, UH-
WPL 4/3. Pages 25-36.
- -----. 1972. A grammar of Spokan: A Salish language of
Eastern Washington. UH-WPL 4/4.
- -----. 1976. The n shift in Spokane Salish. IJAL 42:133-9.
- -----. 1978. Coyote and gopher (Spokane). Coyote stories.
IJAL-NATS-M 1. Pages 3-14.
- -----. 1980. Spokan -e-. IJAL 46:78-84.
- -----. 1980. Two-goal transitive stems in Spokane Salish.
IJAL 46:21-6.
- -----. 1996. Situation Aspect and a Spokane Control
Morpheme. IJAL 62/1:59-69.
- -----. 1997. Some thoughts on the cause of nasal to vowel
shifts in Spokane. IJAL 63/3:432-435.
- ----- and Pauline Flett. 1989. Spokane Dictionary. UMOPL
No. 6. Missoula: University of Montana Press.
- -----. and L.C. Thompson. 1982. Out of control in two
(maybe more) Salish languages. AL 24:51-65.
- Czaykowska-Higgins, Ewa and Marie Louise Willett. Simple
syllables in Nxa?amxcín. IJAL 63/3:385-411.
- ----- and M. Dale Kinkade, eds. 1998. Salish Languages and Linguistics:
Theoretical and Descriptive Perspectives. Trends in Linguistics: Studies and Monographs
107. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Darnell, Michael. 1991. Squamish /-m/ constuctions. BLS 16th annual
meeting, special session: (no pages given).
- -----. 1995. Preverbal nominals in Colville-Okanagan. in
Word order in discourse, Pamela Downing and Michael Noonan, eds. Amsterdam and
Philadelphia: John Benjamins. Pages 85-104.
- Davis, Henry. 2001. Kayám: An Early St'at'imcets Text. AL 43/3:288-347.
- Davis, J.H. 1970. Some phonological rules in Mainland
Comox. University of Victoria MA thesis.
- -----. 1971. Notes on Mainland Comox phonology. Studies in
Northwest Indian languages. SAS-P 11. Pages 12-31.
- -----. 1980. The passive in Sliammon. BLS 6. Pages
- Davis. P.W. and R. Saunders. 1973. Lexical Suffix copying
in Bella Coola. Glossa 7:231-52.
- ----- and -----. 1975. Bella Coola nominal deixis. LG
- ----- and -----. 1975. Bella Coola deictic usage in Rice
University Studies 61. Pages 13-35.
- ----- and -----. 1976. The syntax of cause and effect in
Bella Coola. Glossa 10:155-74.
- ----- and -----. 1976. Bella Coola deictic roots. IJAL
- ----- and -----. 1978. Bella Coola syntax in Linguistic
Studies of Native Canada. University of British Columbia Press.
Pages 37-65.
- ----- and -----. 1980. Bella Coola texts. British Columbia Provincial Museum Heritage Record 10.
- ----- and -----. 1997. A Grammar of Bella Coola. UMOPL 13. Missoula: University of Montana.
- Demers, R.A. 1974. Alternating roots in Lummi. IJAL 40:15-
- ----- and G. M. Horn. 1978. Stress assignment in Squamish.
IJAL 44:180-91.
- Diebold, A.R. Jr. 1960. Determining the centers of
of language groups. IJAL 26:1-10.
- Doak, Ivy and Anthony Mattina. 1997. Okanagan -lx,
Coeur d'Alene -ils^, and cognate forms. IJAL 63/3:334-
- -----. 1997. Coeur d'Alene Grammatical Relations. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin.
- -----. 1998. Coeur d'Alene Imperative Constructions in Papers from the 31st International Conference on Salish and Neighboring Languages, pp. 119-125. Vancouver: British of Columbia.
- Drachman, G. 1969. Twana phonology. OSU-WPL 5.
- Edel, M.M. 1939. The Tillamook language. IJAL 10:1-57.
- Efrat, B.S. 1969. A grammar of non-particles in Sooke, A
dialect of Straits Coast Salish. University of Pennsylvania
- -----. 1978. The interpretation of glottalized resonants in
Straits Salish, in Linguistic and literary studies in honor of
Archibald A. Hill, Vol.II. Mouton. Pages 251-7.
- Egesdal, S.M. 1981. Some ideas on the origin of Salish
lexical suffixes. UH-WPL 13/2. Pages 3-19.
- Eijk, Jan Van. 1997. The Lillooet Language: Phonology, Morphology, Syntax.
Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
- Elmendorf, W.W. 1946. Twana kinship terminology. SJA
- -----. 1951. Word taboo and lexical change in Coast Salish.
IJAL 17:205-8.
- -----. 1961. System change in Salish kinship terminologies.
SJA 17:365-82.
- -----. 1962. Lexical innovation and persistence in four
Salish dialects. IJAL 28:85-96.
- -----. 1962. Relations of Oregon Salish as evidenced in
Numerical Stems. AL 4/2:1-16.
- -----. 1969. Geographic ordering, subgrouping, and Olympic
Salish. IJAL 35:220-5.
- -----. 1970. Word tabu and change rates: Tests of a
hypothesis in Languages and cultures of Western North America.
Idaho State University Press. Pages 74-85.
- ----- and W. Suttles. 1960. Pattern and change in
Halkomelem Salish dialects. AL 2/7:1-32.
- Fitzgerald, Susan. 1997. Historical Aspects of Coeur
d'Alene Harmony. IJAL 63/3:362-381.
- Fleisher, M.S. 1976. Clallam: A study in Coast Salish
ethnolinguistics. Washington State University Ph.D.
- Frachtenberg, L.J. 1917. A Siletz vocabulary. IJAL 1:45-6.
- Galloway, B.D. 1977. A grammar of Chilliwack Halkomelem.
University of California, Berkeley Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1993. A Grammar of Upriver Halkomelem. UCPL 96.
- Gerdts, Donna B. 1980. Antipassives and causatives in
Halkomelem. BLS 6. Pages 300-14.
- -----. 1988 (appeared 3/1990). A Nominal Heirarchy in
Halkomelem Clausal Organization. AL 30/1:20-36.
- -----. 1989. Object agreement in Halkomelem Salish Passive:
a morphological explanation. in General and Amerindian
Ethnolinguistics. Mary Richard Key and Henry M. Hoenigswald,
New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 185-200.
- Gibson, J.A. 1964. Quinault phonemics. University of
Washington M.A. thesis.
- ----- 1973. Shuswap grammatical structure. UH-WPL 5/5.
- Haag, Marcia. 1998. Word-level evidence for lexical categories in Salishan languages. IJAL 64/4:379-393.
- Haeberlin, H.K. 1918. Types of reduplication in the Salish
dialects. IJAL 1:154-74.
- -----. 1974. Distribution of the Salish substantival
(lexical) suffixes. AL 16:219-350.
- Hagege, C. 1978. Lexical suffixes and incorporation in
Mainland Comox. Forum Linguisticum 3. Pages 57-71.
- Hamp, E.P. 1966. Upper Chehalis q'al- - q'es-. IJAL
- -----. 1971. Some phonetic rules for Mainland Comox
phonology in Studies in Northwest Indian Languages. SAS-P 11.
Pages 32-42.
- Harris, H. 1976. A case grammar of Comox 'objective'
suffixes. MALC 1975. University of Kansas. Pages 191-201.
- -----. 1981. A grammatical sketch of Comox. University of
Kansas Ph.D. dissertation.
- Harris, J.G. 1966. The phonology of Chilliwack Halkomelem.
University of Washington M.A. thesis.
- Hebert, Y.M. 1982. Transitivity in (Nicola Lake) Okanagan.
University of British Columbia Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1982. Aspect and transitivity in (Nicola Lake)
Okanagan in Syntax and semantics, vol. 15, Studies in
Academic Press. Pages 195-215.
- -----. 1982. Clausal structure in (Nicola Lake) Okanagan.
Final report to Canadian Ethnology Service. National Museum of
Man, Ottawa.
- -----. 1983. Noun and verb in a Salishan language. Studies
in Native American languages II. KWPL 8/2. Pages 31-81.
- Hess, T. M. 1966. Snohomish chameleon morphology. IJAL
- -----. 1967. Snohomish grammatical structure. University
of Washington Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1971. Prefix constituents with /xw/. Studies in
Northwest Indian languages. SAS-P 11. Pages 43-69.
- -----. 1973. Agent in a Coast Salish language. IJAL 39:89-
- -----. 1976. Dictionary of Puget Salish. University of
Washington Press.
- -----. 1977. Lushootseed dialects. AL 19:403-19.
- -----. 1979. Central Coast Salish words for deer: Their
wavelike distribution. IJAL 45:5-16.
- -----. 1979. A comparison of marine and riverine
vocabulary in two Coast Salish languages. AL 21:363-78.
- -----. 1995. Lushootseed Reader with Introductory Grammar.
Vol. 1: Four Stories From Edward Sam. UMOPL 11.
- ----- and Vi Hilbert. 1980. Lushootseed 1. Seattle: Daybreak Star Press.
- ----- and Vi Hilbert. 1980. Lushootseed 2. Seattle: Daybreak Star Press.
- Hilbert, Vi. 1980. Huboo: Lushootseed literature in English. Seattle: Lushootseed
- -----. 1985. Haboo: Native literatures of the Puget Sound Region. Seattle: University
of Washington Press.
- -----. 1995. gweqwulc'e?, Aunt Susie Sampson Peter: The wisdom of a Skagit elder. Seattle: Lushootseed Press. N.B.: The 'e's in the first
word of the title are actually schwas, the '?' is a glottal stop.
- -----, Taqeblu, and T. M. Hess. 1977. Lushootseed,
Northwest Coast texts. IJAL-NATS 2/3. Pages 4-32.
- Hill-Tout, C. 1900. Notes on the Sk.qomich of British
Columbia, a branch of the great Salish stock of North America.
Annual Report of the British Academy for the Advancement of
Science. Pages 472-549.
- -----. 1905. Some features of the language and culture of
the Salish. AA 7:674-87.
- Hoard, J.E. 1971. Problems in Proto-Salish pronoun
reconstruction in Studies in Northwest Indian languages. SAS-P
11. Pages 70-90.
- Hukari, T.E. 1976. Person in a Coast Salish language. IJAL
- -----. 1977. A comparison of attributive clause
constructions in two Coast Salish languages. Glossa 11:48-73.
- -----. 1977. Resonant devoicing in Cowichan. CJL 22:47-61.
- -----, R. Peter and E. White. 1977. Halkomelem in Northwest
Coast texts. IJAL-NATS 2/3:33-68.
- Ingram, D. 1975. A note on word order in Proto-Salish.
IJAL 41:165-8.
- Jelinek, Eloise and Richard Demers. 1997. Reduplication as
a quantifier in Salish. IJAL 63/3:302-315.
- Johnson, R.E. 1975. The role of phonetic detail in Coeur
d'Alene phonology. Washington State University
- Jorgensen, J.G. 1969. Salish language and culture: A
statistical analysis of internal relationships, history, and
evolution. LSM 3.
- Kava, T. 1969. A phonology of Cowichan. University of
Victoria MA thesis.
- -----. 1972. A consideration of historical implications in
an idiosyncratic developement of vowel length in the Chilliwack
dialect. UH-WPL 4/3:113-26.
- Kinkade, M. Dale. 1963. Phonology and morphology of Upper
Chehalis. Indiana University Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1963. Phonology and morphology of Upper Chehalis I.
IJAL 29: 181-95.
- -----. 1963. Phonology and morphology of Upper Chehalis II.
IJAL 29: 345-56.
- -----. 1964. Phonology and morphology of Upper Chehalis
IJAL 30:32-61.
- -----. 1964. Phonology and morphology of Upper Chehalis IV.
IJAL 30: 251-60.
- -----. 1966. Vowel alternation in Upper Chehalis. IJAL 32:
- -----. 1967. On the identification of the Methows (Salish).
IJAL 33:193-7.
- -----. 1967. Prefix-suffix constructions in Upper Chehalis.
AL 9/2:1-4.
- -----. 1967. Uvular-pharyngeal resonants in Interior
IJAL 33:228-34.
- -----. 1973. The alveopalatal shift in Cowlitz Salish.
- -----. 1975. The lexical domain of anatomy in Columbian
Salish in Linguistics and Anthropology. Peter de Ridder Press.
Pages 423-43.
- -----. 1976. The copula and negatives in Inland Olympic
Salish. IJAL 42:17-23.
- -----. 1978. Coyote and rock (Columbia Salish). Coyote
stories. IJAL-NATS-M 1. Pages 15-20.
- -----. 1980. Columbian Salish -xi, -l, -tul. IJAL 46:33-6.
{The /l/s in the title are barred l's.}
- -----. 1981. Dictionary of the Moses-Columbian language.
Colville Confederated Tribes.
- -----. 1981. Interior Salishan particles. AL 23:327-43.
- -----. 1981. Singular vs. plural roots in Salish. AL
- -----. 1981. The source of the Upper Chehalis reflexive.
IJAL 47: 336-9.
- -----. 1982. Columbian (Salish) C2- reduplication. AL
- -----. 1982. Transitive inflectin in (Moses) Columbian
Salish in Studies in Native American languages. KWPL 7. Pages 49-62.
- -----. 1983. "Daughters of Fire": narrative verse analysis
of an Upper Chehalis folktale. North American Indians:
Humanistic Perspectives, ed. James S. Taylor, pp. 267-78.
University of Oklahoma Papers in Anthropology 24, No. 2. Tulsa.
- -----. 1984. "Bear and Bee": narrative verse analysis of an
Upper Chehalis folktale. 1983 Mid-America Linguistics Conference
Papers, ed. David S. Rood, pp. 246-61. Boulder: University of
- -----. 1984. Some agent hierarchies in Upper Chehalis.
presented at the Nineteenth International Conference on Salish
Neighboring Languages, Victoria, B.C.
- -----. 1987. Bluejay and his sister. Recovering the Word:
Essays on Native American Literature, eds. Brian Swann and Arnold
Krupat, pp. 255-96. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of
California Press.
- -----. 1989. Some agent hierarchies in Upper Chehalis. in
General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics. Mary Richard Key and
Henry M. Hoenigswald, eds. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pages.
- -----. 1990. Sorting Out Third Persons in Salishan
Discourse. IJAL 56/3:341-360.
- -----. 1991. Upper Chehalis Dictionary. UMOPL no. 7.
Missoula:University of Montana Press.
- -----. 1998. Is irrealis a grammatical category in Upper Chehalis? AL 40/2:234-244.
- ----- and C. Sloat. 1972. Proto-Eastern Interior Salish
vowels. IJAL 38:26-48.
- ----- and L.C. Thompson. 1974. Proto-Salish *r. IJAL
- Kroeber, Paul D. 1997. Relativization in Thompson River
Salish. AL 39/3:376-422.
- -----. 1999. The Salish Language Family: Reconstructing syntax. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
- Krueger, J.R. 1960. Miscellanea Selica I: A Flathead
supplement to Vogt's Salishan studies. AL 2/7:33-8.
- -----. 1961. Miscellanea Selica II: Some kinship terms of
the Flathead Salish. AL 3/2:11-18.
- -----. 1961. Miscellanea Selica III: Flathead animal names
and anatomical terms. AL 3/9:43-52.
- -----. 1967. Miscellanea Selica IV: An interim Columbia
(Wenatchee) Salishan vocabulary. AL 9/2:5-11.
- -----. 1967. Miscellanea Selica V: English-Salishan index
and finder list. AL 9/2:12-25.
- Kroeber, Paul D. 1987. Voice and Reference Tracking in
Kalispel. Paper presented at the Twenty-fifth Conference on
American Indian Languages/Eighty-sixth Annual Meeting of the
American Anthropological Association, Chicago.
- Kuipers, A.H. 1967. The Squamish language: Grammar, texts,
dictionary. JanL SP 73.
- -----. 1968. The categories verb-noun and transitive-
intranstive in English and Squamish. Lingua 21:610-26.
- -----. 1969. The Squamish language: Grammar, texts,
dictionary, Part 2. JanL SP 73/2.
- -----. 1970. Towards a Salish etymological dictionary.
Lingua 26:46-72.
- -----. 1974. The Shuswap language: Grammar, texts,
dictionary. JanL SP 225.
- -----. 1975. A classified English-Shuswap word list. Peter
de Ridder Press.
- -----. 1978. On the phonological typology of Proto-Salish.
PICA 42/6:607-21.
- -----. 1981. On reconstructing the Proto-Salish sound
IJAL 47:323-35.
- -----. 1982. Towards a Salish etymological dictionary II.
Lingua 57: 71-92.
- Leslie, A.R. 1979. A grammar of the Cowichan dialect of
Halkomelem Salish. University of Victoria Ph.D. dissertation.
- Mattina, A. 1973. Colville grammatical structure. UH-WPL
- -----. 1978. Parallels between the Colville transitives and
pseudo-intransitives, Proceedings of the 8th annual meeting of
Western conference on linguistics. Linguistics Research, Inc.
- -----. 1979. Pharyngal movement in Colville and related
phenomena in the Interior Salishan languages. IJAL 45:17-24.
- -----. 1980. Imperative formations in Colville-Okanagan and
in the other Salishan languages. Glossa 14:212-32.
- -----. 1982. The Colville-Okanagan transitive system. IJAL
- Mattina, Nancy. 1999. Moses-Columbia Imperatives and Interior Salish. AL 41/1:1-27.
- Mayes, S.V. 1979. An acoustic analysis of Thompson velar
and uvular /q/. UH-WPL 11/1. Pages 11-22.
- Mitchell, M.R. 1968. A dictionary of Songish, A dialect of
Straits Salish. University of Victoria M.A. thesis.
- Montler, Timothy. 1997. On the origins of s^ in the
Straits Salishan Languages. IJAL 63/3:289-301.
- Nater, H.F. 1974. Lexical comparisons between Bella Coola
neighboring languages. Dutch contributions to the 9th
international conference on Salish languages. Pages 2-9.
- -----. 1977. Stem list of the Bella Coola language. Peter
Ridder Press.
- -----. 1979. Bella Coola Phonology. Lingua 49:169-87.
- Newman, S. 1947. Bella Coola I: Phonology. IJAL
- -----. 1969. Bella Coola paradigms. IJAL 35:299-306.
- -----. 1969. Bella Coola grammatical processes and form
classes. IJAL 35:175-9.
- -----. 1971. Bella Coola reduplication. IJAL 37:34-8.
- -----. 1974. Linguistic retention and diffusion in Bella
Coola. LS 3:201-14.
- -----. 1976. Salish and Bella Coola prefixes. IJAL 42:228-
- -----. 1977. The Salish independent pronoun system. IJAL
- -----. 1979. A history of the Salish possessive and subject
forms. IJAL 45:207-23.
- -----. 1979. The Salish object forms. IJAL 45:299-308.
- -----. 1980. Functional changes in the Salish pronominal
system. IJAL 46:155-67.
- Noonan, Michael. 1976. On Proto-Salish word order: A reply
to Ingram. IJAL 42:363-6.
- -----. 1997. Inverted roots in Salish. IJAL 63:475-515.
- Pidgeon, M. 1970. Lexical suffixes in Saanich, A dialect of
Straits Coast Salish. University of Victoria MA thesis.
- Poggi, C.D. 1982. Klallam auxilliaries: A subclass of
verbs. UH-WPL 14/1:95-118.
- Raffo, Y.A. 1971. Songish aspectual system, in Studies in
Northwest Indian Languages. SAS-P 11. Pages 117-22.
- -----. 1972. A phonology and morphology of Songish: A
dialect of Straits Salish. University of Kansas Ph.D.
- Ransom, J. E. 1945. Notes on Duwamish phonology and
morphology. IJAL 11:204-100.
- Reichard, G.A. 1938. Coeur d'Alene. HAIL 3. BAE-B 40.
Pages 517-707.
- -----. 1939. Stem-list of the Coeur d'Alene language. IJAL
- -----. 1945. Composition and symbolism in Coeur d'Alene
stems. IJAL 11:47-63.
- -----. 1958. A comparison of five Salish languages: I.
- -----. 1959. A comparison of five Salish languages: II.
- -----. 1959. A comparison of five Salish languages: III.
IJAL 25:90-6.
- -----. 1959. A comparison of five Salish languages: IV.
- -----. 1959. A comparison of five Salish languages: V.
- -----. 1960. A comparison of five Salish languages: VI.
- Sapir, E. 1915. Noun reduplication in Comox. Canada Dept.
Mines Geological Survey Memoir 63.
- Saunders, R. and P.W. Davis. 1974. Bella Coola head bone
nomenclature. Journal of Anthropological Research 30:174-90.
- ----- and -----. 1975. Bella Coola lexical suffixes. AL
- ----- and -----. 1975. Bella Coola referential suffixes.
IJAL 41:355-68.
- ----- and -----. 1975. The internal syntax of lexical
suffixes in Bella Coola. IJAL 41:106-13.
- ----- and -----. 1977. Bella Coola su. IJAL 43:211-7.
- ----- and -----. 1978. Conjunctive particle usage in Bella
Coola. Linguistics 207:27-52.
- ----- and -----. 1979. The expression of the cooperative
principle in Bella Coola. The Victoria conference on
languages. British Columbia Provincial Museum Heritage Record 4.
Pages 33-61.
- ----- and -----. 1982. The control system of Bella Coola.
IJAL 48:1-15.
- ----- and -----. 1989. Lexical Morphemes in Bella Coola. in
General and Amerindian Ethnolinguistics. Mary Richard Key and
Henry M. Hoenigswald, eds. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp.
- Schumacher, W.W. 1976. Unanalyzable reduplicative forms in
Colville (Salish) and noun reduplication in Hittite, Folia
Orientalia 17. Pages 257-8.
- Sloat, C. 1966. Phonological redundancy rules in Coeur
d'Alene. University of Washington Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1968. A skeleton key to Reichard's Coeur d'Alene
transcriptions. AL 10/5:8-11.
- -----. 1971. The phonetics and phonology of Coeur d'Alene
in Studies in Northwest Indian Languages. SAS-P 11. Pages 123-
- -----. 1972. Vowel harmony in Coeur d'Alene. IJAL
- -----. 1980. Vowel alternations in Coeur d'Alene. IJAL
- Snow, C.T. 1969. A Lower Chehalis phonology. University of
Kansas M.A. thesis.
- Snyder, W.A. 1957. A phonemic and morphological analysis of
Southern Puget Sound Salish. University of Washington Ph.D.
- -----. 1968. Southern Puget Sound Salish: Phonology and
morphology. SAS-P 8.
- -----. 1968. Southern Puget Sound Salish: Texts,
and dictionary. SAS-P 9.
- Somday, J.B. 1980. Colville Indian language dictionary.
University of North Dakota Ed.D. dissertation.
- Speck, B.J. 1980. An edition of Father Post's Kalispel
grammar. University of Montana Occasianal Papers in Linguistics
- Suttles, W. and W. Elmendorf. 1963. Linguistic evidence for
Salish prehistory. Symposium on language and culture. American
Ethnological Society. Pages 41-52.
- Swadesh, M. 1949. The linguistic approach to Salish
prehistory, in Indians of the Urban Northwest. CUCA 36. Pages
- -----. 1950. Salish internal relationships. IJAL
- -----. 1952. Salish phonologic geography. LG 28:232-48.
- Teit, J.A. 1928. The ethnobotany of the Thompson Indians.
BAE-R 45. Pages 441-522.
- Thompson, Laurence.C. 1979. On the developement of auxiliaries in
Salish. UH-WPL 11/2. Pages 67-73.
- -----. 1979. The control system: A major category in the
grammar of Salishan languages. The Victoria conference on
Northwestern languages. British Columbia Provincial Museum
Heritage Record 4. Pages 67-73.
- -----. 1979. Control in Salish grammar. UH-WPL 11. Pages
- -----. 1979. Salishan and the Northwest in The languages of
Native America. University of Texas Press. Pages 692-765.
- ----- and M.Terry. Thompson. 1966. A fresh look at Tillamook
phonology. IJAL 32:313-9.
- ----- and -----. 1969. Metathesis as a grammatical device.
IJAL 35:213-9.
- ----- and -----. 1971. Clallam: A preview, in Studies in
American Indian Languages. UCPL 65. Pages 251-94.
- ----- and -----. 1980. Thompson Salish //-xi//. IJAL
- ----- and -----. 1981. Affective derivatives in Thompson
River Salish. UH-WPL 13. Pages 119-27.
- ----- and -----. 1992. The Thompson Language. UMOPL No.8.
Missoula: University of Montana Press. (date is also given as
- ----- and -----. 1996. Thompson River Salish Dictionary.
UMOPL No.10. Missoula: University of Montana Press.
- ----- and ----- and B.S. Efrat. 1974. Some phonological
developements in Straits Salish. IJAL 40:182-96.
- ----- and ----- and Steven M. Egesdal. 1996. Sketch of Thompson, a Salishan
Language. HNAI 17:609-643.
- Thompson, N. 1978. A preliminary dictionary of Twana.
Skokomish Indian Tribe.
- -----. 1979. Predicate raising in Twana. UW-WPL 5:54-61.
- Timmers, J. 1977. A classified English-Sechelt word-list.
Peter de Ridder Press.
- Turner, N.J. 1973. The ethnobotany of the Bella Coola
of British Columbia. Syesis 6:193-220.
- -----. 1974. Plant taxonomic systems and ethnobotany of
contemporary Indian groups of the Pacific Northwest (Haida, Bella
Coola, and Lillooet). Syesis 7 supplement 1.
- ----- and M.A.M. Bell. 1971. The ethnobotany of the Coast
Salish Indians of Vancouver Island. Economic Botany 25:63-104.
- Tweddel, C.E. 1950. The Snoqualmie-Duwamish dialects of the
Puget Sound Coast Salish. UWPA 12.
- van Eijk, J. 1978. Lillooet stem-list. Leiden.
- Vogt, H. 1940. The Kalispel language. Det Norske
- -----. 1940. Salishan studies: Comparative notes on
Kalispel, Spokan, Colville, and Coeur d'Alene. Skrifter utgitt
av Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, II, Hist.-Filos. Klasse no. 2.
- Watkins, D. 1971. A description of the phonemes and
position classes in the morphology of Head of the Lake Okanagan (Salish).
University of Alberta Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1974. A Boas original. IJAL 40:29-43.
- Weisel, G.F. 1952. Animal names, anatomical term and some
ethnozoology of the Flathead Indians. Journal of the Washington
Academy of Sciences 42:345-55.
- Wiltschoko, Martina. 2003. -exw as Third Person Object Agreement in
Halkomelem. IJAL 69/1:76-91.
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- Boas, Franz. 1902. Tsimshian texts. BAE-B 27.
- -----. 1911. Tsimshian. HAIL I. BAE-B 40. Pages 283-422.
- -----. 1912. Tsimshian texts (new series). PAES 3. Pages
- Dunn, John A. 1970. Coast Tsimshian systematic phonology.
University of New Mexico Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1974. Preverbal position in Coast Tsimshian. IJAL
- -----. 1978. A practical dictionary of the Coast Tsimshian
language. NMM-MS 42.
- -----. 1979. Pronominal concord in Coast Tsimshian. IJAL
- -----. 1979. A reference grammar of the Coast Tsimshian
language. NMM-MS 55.
- -----. 1979. Tsimshian connectives. IJAL 45: 131-40.
- -----. 1979. Tsimshian internal relationships reconsidered:
Southern Tsimshian. The Victoria conference on Northwestern
languages. British Columbia Provincial Museum Heritage Record 4.
Pages 62-82.
- -----. 1989. Tsimshian poetics. in General and Amerindian
Ethnolinguistics. Mary Richard Key and Henry M. Hoenigswald,
New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 395-406.
- ----- and L. Dunn. 1972. An equivalence cycle for Kikatla
kin-status terms. AL 14: 240-54.
- ----- and R.A. Hayes. 1983. Tsimshian uvular syllables.
49: 46-63.
- Durlach, T.M. 1928. The relationships of the Tlingit,
Haida, and Tsimshian. PAES 11.
- Flaherty, V.C. 1982. Schulenberg's Tsimshian grammar, 2
vols. University of Northern Colorado Museum of Anthropology Occasional
Publications in Anthropology 8.
- Hindle, L. and B.J. Rigsby. 1973. A short practical
dictionary of the Gitskan language. NARN 7: 1-60.
- Hoard, J.E. 1978. Obstruent voicing in Gitskan: Some
implications for distinctive feature theory. in Linguistic
studies of Native Canada. University of British Columbia Press.
Pages 111-9.
- Mulder, Jean Gail. 1994. Ergativity in Coast Tsimshian
(Sm'algyax). UCPL 124.
- Rigsby, B.J. 1970. A note on Gitskan speech-play. IJAL
- -----. 1975. Nass-Gitskan: An analytic ergative syntax.
IJAL 41: 346-54.
- -----. 1989. A later view of Gitskan syntax. in General
Amerindian Ethnolinguistics. Mary Richard Key and Henry M.
Hoenigswald, eds. New York: Mouton de Gruyter. pp. 245-60.
- Rood, D.S. 1977. Against artificial tree branches: Another
look at Nass-Gitskan syntax. IJAL 43: 218-24.
- Sapir, Edward. 1920. Nass River terms of relationship. AA
- Tarpent, M.-L. 1982. Ergative and accusative: A single
representation of grammatical relations with evidence from
Working Papers of the Linguistic Circle of Victoria 2/1: 50-106.
- -----. 1983. The evolution of the Nishga counting system:
window on cultural change. Working papers of the Linguistic
Circle of Victoria 3/1: 60-86.
- -----. 1983. Morphophnemics of Nishga plural formation: A
step towards Proto-Tsimshian reconstruction. in Studies in
Native American languages II. KWPL 8/2: ???.
- -----. 1997. Tshimshianic and Penutians: Problems, Methods,
Results, and Implications. IJAL 63:65-112.
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- Bach, E. and R. Bates. 1971. Some notes on Xa'isla in
in Northwest Indian languages. SAS-P 11. Pages 1-11.
- Boas, Franz. 1893. Vocabulary of the Kwakiutl language.
- -----. 1900. Sketch of the Kwakiutl language. AA 2:708-21.
- -----. 1910. Kwakiutl tales. CUCA 2.
- -----. 1911. Kwakiutl. HAIL I. BAE-B 40. Pages 423-557.
- -----. 1916. Vocabularies from the Northwest Coast of
America. Proceedings of the American Antiquarian Society 26.
- -----. 1928. Bella Bella texts. CUCA 5.
- -----. 1931. Notes on the Kwakiutl vocabulary. IJAL 6:163-
- -----. 1932. Bella Bella tales. AFS-M 25.
- -----. 1932. Note on some recent changes in the Kwakiutl
language. IJAL 7:90-3.
- -----. 1934. Geographical names of the Kwakiutl Indians.
CUCA 20.
- -----. 1935. Kwakiutl tales (new series). CUCA 26.
- -----. 1947. Kwakiutl grammar, with a glossary of suffixes.
TAPS 37:201-37.
- ----- and P.E. Goddard. 1924. A revised list of Kwakiutl
suffixes. IJAL 3:117-31.
- ----- and G. Hunt. 1902. Kwakiutl texts. AMNH-M5.
- ----- and -----. 1906. Kwakiutl texts (2nd series). AMNH-
M14. Pages 1-269.
- Carlson, Barry F. and J. Thomas. 1979. The Nitinaht
inferential. AL 21:317-27.
- Coon, Roger B. 1994. Proto-Wakashan Roots: Phonemes,
Reconstructions, and Implications for External Relations.
Indiana-Purdue University at Fort Wayne M.L.S. thesis.
- Densmore, F. 1927. The language of the Makah Indians.
American Speech 2:237.
- Gamble, G. 1977. Nootkan glottalized resonants in Nitinat:
A case of lexical diffusion. in The lexicon in phonological
Mouton. Pages 266-78.
- Grubb, D. McC. 1969. A Kwakiutl phonology. University of
Victoria M.A. thesis.
- -----. 1977. A practical writing system and short
dictionary of Kwakw'ala (Kwakiutl). NMM-MS 34.
- Haas, Mary R. 1969. Internal reconstruction of the Nootka-
Nitinat pronominal suffixes. IJAL 35: 108-35.
- -----. 1972. The structure of stems and roots in Nootka-
Nitinat. IJAL 38: 83-92.
- Hess, Thomas. 1990. A Note on Nitinaht Numerals. IJAL
- Hilton, S. and J.C. Rath, ed. 1983. Oowekeeno oral
traditions:As told by the late Chief Simon Walkus, Sr. NMM-MS 84.
- Hunt, G. 1906. The rival chiefs: A Kwakiutl story in Boas
anniversary volume. Pages 108-36.
- -----. 1916. Myths of the Nootka. BAE-R 31:888-935.
- Jacobsen, W.H., Jr. 1969. Origin of the Nootka pharyngals.
IJAL 35: 125-33.
- -----. 1979. First Lessons in Makah. Makah Cultural and
Research Center.
- -----. 1979. Noun and verb in Nootkan. The Victoria
conference on Northwestern Languages. British Columbia
Provincial Museum Heritage Record 4. Pages 83-155.
- -----. 1979. Wakashan comparative studies in The languages
of Native America. University of Texas Press. Pages 766-91.
- -----. 1980. Metaphors in Makah neologisms. BLS 6:166-79.
- Kess, J.F. and A.C. Kess. 1986. On Nootka baby talk. IJAL 52:201-11.
- Klokeid, T.J. 1975. The Nitinat feature system: A
reference paper. Lektos: Interdisciplinary working papers in language
sciences. Pages 81-95.
- -----. 1978. Surface structure constraints and Nitinaht
enclitics. in Linguistic studies of Native Canada. University
British Columbia Press. Pages 157-76.
- Kortlandt, F.H.H. 1975. Tones in Wakashan. Linguistics
- Levine, R.D. 1977. Kwakw'ala in Northwest Coast texts.
IJAL-NATS 2/3:98-126.
- -----. 1980. On the lexical origin of the Kwakwala passive.
IJAL 46:240-58.
- Lincoln, N.J. and J.C. Rath. 1980. North Wakashan
comparative root list. NMM-MS 68.
- ----- and -----. 1982. The Makah Counting Workbook. Neah
Bay, Wash.: The Makah Cultural and Research Center.
- ----- and -----. 1986. Phonology, Dictionary and Listing of
Roots and Lexical Derivates of the Haisla Language of Kitlope and
Kitimaht, B.C., 2 vols. NMM-MS 103.
- Nakayama, Toshiide. 1997. Functions of the Nootka
(Nuu-chah-nulth) "Passive" suffix. IJAL 63/3:412-431.
- Rath, J.C. 1974. On the phonological description of the
Heiltsuk language in Dutch contributions to the 9th International
Conference on Salish languages. Pages 39-75.
- -----. 1982. A practical Heiltsuk-English dictionary with a
grammatical introduction, 2 vols. NMM-MS 75.
- Rose, M.R. 1981. Kyuquot Grammar. Ph.D. Dissertation
presented at University of Victoria.
- Rose, S.M. 1984. The Nootka-Nitinaht passive. AL 26: 1-12.
- Sapir, Edward. 1911. Some aspects of Nootka language and
culture. AA 13:15-28.
- -----. 1915. Abnormal types of speech in Nootka. Canada
Dept. of Mines Geological Survey Memoir 62.
- -----. 1924. The Rival Whalers, A Nitinat story (Nootka
with translation and grammatical analysis). IJAL 3:76-102.
- -----. 1929. Nootka baby words. IJAL 5: 118-9.
- -----. 1938. Glottalized continuants in Navaho, Nootka, and
Kwakiutl (with a note on Indo-European). LG 14:248-74.
- -----. 1949. The psychological reality of phonemes. in
Selected writings of Edward Sapir in language, culture, and
personality. University of California Press. Pages 46-60.
- ----- and M. Swadesh. 1939. Nootka texts: Tales and
ethnological narratives, with grammatical notes and lexical
materials. Linguistic Society of America.
- ----- and -----. 1955. Native accounts of Nootka
ethnography. RCAFL-P 1.
- Sawyer, L. 1982. Southern Wakashan: the Chipps Orthography.
TWPL 3:???.
- Swadesh, M.H. 1933. The internal economy of the Nootka
word. Yale University Ph.D. dissertation.
- -----. 1939. Nootka internal syntax. IJAL 9: 77-102.
- -----. 1948. A structural trend in Nootka; Word 4:106-19.
- ----- and Mary Haas. 1932. A visit to the other world, a
Nitinat text. IJAL 7:195-208.
- Thomas, John tl'ishal and Thom Hess. 1981. An Introduction
to the Nitinaht Language and Culture. Victoria, B.C.: University
of Victoria.
- Touchie, B.N. 1977. Nitinaht, Northwest Coast texts. IJAL-
NATS 2/3:69-97.
- Trager, F.H. 1971. Some aspects of "time" at Picuris Pueblo
(with an addendum on the Nootka). AL 13: 331-8.
- Vink, Hein. 1977. A Haisla Phonology. Proceedings of the
XIIth International Conference on Salishan Languages, pp. 1-20.
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excellent web page devoted to the language which has a large
and growing section devoted to works on or about Chinook Jargon.
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Back to the Abbreviation
Back to top of this page.
- Sturtevant, William. 1981. Report on the Nootka Jargon.
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Back to the Abbreviation
Back to top of this page.
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- *Haas, Mary R. 1970. Consonant symbolism in Northwestern
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comments to Brad Coon
URL: https://www.lib.montana.edu/~bcoon/nwcst.html