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City Projects

Project updates are available on the following projects:

Neighbourhood Road Renewal and Local Improvement Program

During the year 2000, the City resurfaced the roads in the Lower Lougheed neighbourhood as part of the Neighbourhood Road Renewal Program. This year a "local improvement" was added as an option to the Road Renewal Program. Dartmoor West and Lower Lougheed were in favour of this local improvement and the work is now complete.

The next neighbourhood that was scheduled for resurfacing in 2001 was Chineside. The local roads will be resurfaced and the local improvement option have been offered to the property owners. The neighbourhood's property owners petitioned in favour of the local improvement the work is scheduled to take place late summer and early fall of 2001 with Council's approval. 

The next neighbourhood tentatively scheduled for resurfacing in 2002 is Laurentian Heights.

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Road Construction and Traffic Signals

*Lougheed Hwy - widening to 3 lanes for both directions, with renewed signals for all intersections from Blue Mtn. to Schoolhouse. Signals time coordinated along Lougheed Hwy corridor and coordination with King Edward, Schoolhouse and Brunette Ave. and corridors in the Maillardville area. Construction completed April, 2001. Pavement, concrete work and signals to be completed end of May, 2001.

King Edward - Civil works for 3 new signals - United Blvd, Woolridge, and Lougheed Hwy. This includes signal timing coordination along the King Edward corridor: COMPLETE

Lougheed Hwy/Schoolhouse signal includes complete changout with joint funding from ICBC to implement improved safety measures. Complete

King Ed/Lougheed signal: COMPLETE

Maillardville Area Signal Coordination: COMPLETE

Pinetree Way Signal Coordination and Safety Improvements

Pinetree safety audit complete and under review by staff for implementation of certain recommendations.  Signal timing coordination modeling complete and awaiting implementation into controllers.  Interconnect design underway, along with modification design for Anson and Lincoln intersections.

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Traffic Calming

Traffic calming measures will be implemented as part of the Chineside neighbourhood in late summer early fall, 2001 and Dawes Hill/Mundy were completed in May, 2001. Traffic circles, curb extensions and raised cross-walks have been installed.

Traffic calming studies have taken place over several months in the neighbourhoods of Laurentian/Austin Heights and Austin Heights. Walkabouts with residents, open houses and a community questionnaire are some of the ways the property owners are helping to make us aware of their concerns.

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Please contact Operations Customer Service at 604-927-3500 for further information on any of the above projects.


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