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How do you deal with the dollar signs?

They are normal enemies with 5HP, so if you choose the moment carefully they can be killed with 2 hits (3 + 2).

(1 edit) (+2)

I don’t think it sounds like a failure


Sweet. It only took me 10 million tries lol


Strangely compelling, yet I really don't know why!

Clean playthrough though. Great effort.

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It's a good idea.

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You can move diagonally using the numpad keys. But yeah, this game was designed to be played with the mouse (with all this map rotation).


I would like to know how you came up with the game design and mechanics. Really good game!!


i dont understand how i banish the curse?

To banish a curse you need to collect all the clues and then to defeat the "curse monster" in the same way as you defeat normal ghosts (but it's hp pool is larger so it requires more "kiting").


I like the concept and the graphics. Enemy should inflict 1 point of dammage but it happens that I have 3 points of stamina and an enemy kill me in one strike... Is it normal? Great game!


Thank you! No it is not normal. Are you sure you weren't ambushed by a *group* of ghosts?


No I was not. I'm quite certain ^^

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A cool concept! I would totally be interested to see it expanded further!


I like it but cannot seem to win. :| Each time I almost got all the clues I die. And when I finally got 'em I also die. Any way to restore power?


There is no way to restore health, so basically you need to minimize the number of enemy attacks (each of them inflicts 1 point of damage) and for that you may want to attack an enemy only when your power is 2 or 3 (preferably 3) and retreat when it is 1. Never enter a room with "disturbed spirit" (i.e. an unexplored room) while being chased by a "vengeful spirit".


Hey, thanks a lot! I managed to do it this time. :D Also I love how you used some of the techniques from Pixel Dungeon in this game. Makes you become really careful actually. lol


Cool idea!


This isn't a failure 😂

(1 edit) (+3)

Bug: If you press space when a clue is open, you gain more clues




The room generation and animations are very satisfying. The random clue descriptions are funny too! I really felt I was investigating something : )


This attempt did not fail.


really like how the map reveals itself