Democratization in Southeast and East Asia / edited by Anek Laothamatas.
RU Humanities & Education Books Level 3:AVAILABLE
9747313553 : Conference on Aquaculture in the Third Millennium
Aquaculture in the third millennium : technical proceedings of the Conference on Aquaculture in the T
RU SAIAB/Ichthyology Library Books:AVAILABLE, RU SAIAB/Ichthyology Multimedia:AVAILABLE
9747534495 / (Burma, Cambodia, Laos and Thailand) : Thompson, Nicholas,
The baobab and the mango tree : lessons about development : African and Asian contrasts / Nicholas Th
NMU Missionvale Open Shelves:AVAILABLE
9747534739 / (South-East Asia ;pbk.) : Petrella, Riccardo.
The water manifesto : arguments for a world water contract / Riccardo Petrella ; translated by Patric
FH Alice Open Shelves:AVAILABLE, NMU South Open Shelves:AVAILABLE, RU Humanities & Education Books Level 3:AVAILABLE
Rethinking globalization : critical issues and policy choices / Martin Khor.
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9747534762 / (White Lotus : pbk.) : Rivero B., Oswaldo de.
The myth of development : non-viable economies of the 21st century / Oswaldo de Rivero ; translated b
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Equity with growth : planning perspectives for small towns in developing countries / edited by H. Det
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Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders : DSM-IV-TR.
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Diagnostic criteria from DSM-IV-TR / American Psychiatric Association.
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Pulping the South : industrial tree plantations and the world paper economy / Ricardo Carrere and Lar
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Metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease / T. Barry Levine, Arlene Bradley Levine.
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The coyaba chronicles : reflections on the black experience in the twentieth century / Peter Abrahams
Cory Library Books:LIB USE ONLY, NMU South Open Shelves:AVAILABLE
The coyaba chronicles : reflections on the black experience in the twentieth century / Peter Abrahams
Cory Library Books:LIB USE ONLY, NMU South Open Shelves:AVAILABLE
The Caribbean novel in English : an introduction / M. Keith Booker and Dubravka Juraga.
FH East London Store:AVAILABLE, RU Humanities Books Level 4:AVAILABLE
9766370362 / (pbk. : Ian Randle) : Capitein, J. E. J.
The agony of Asar : a thesis on slavery by the former slave, Jacobus Elisa Johannnes Capitein, 1717-1
RU Humanities & Education Books Level 3:AVAILABLE