Books by Firdevs Canbaz Yumuşak
In this book, women living in various cities in Turkey with different professions such as writers... more In this book, women living in various cities in Turkey with different professions such as writers, scholars and journalists wrote about their mothers and their relationships with their mothers. The book includes not only essays but also poems and short stories because each mother and daughter relationship is unique and there is not just one way of expressing this special bond. None of them resembles any other. On the cover of the book, there is a photograph showing a little girl looking at her mother with admiration, like many of us who did the same thing when we were children. The narratives in the book are like shots reflecting how we view our relationships with our mothers. They are shots that we look at with joy, longing or sometimes with sorrow and regret.
Papers by Firdevs Canbaz Yumuşak
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Dec 1, 2013
* Bu yazının ilk hâli daha önce bir e-dergide çıktı. ''Küçerek öykü'' dosyasını tamamlayan kuşatı... more * Bu yazının ilk hâli daha önce bir e-dergide çıktı. ''Küçerek öykü'' dosyasını tamamlayan kuşatıcı bir makale hâline gelen bu son şeklini, bir çeşit ihtiyaçtan dolayı yeniden yayımlama gereği duyduk.
Erdem (Ankara), Dec 1, 2013
* Bu yazının ilk hâli daha önce bir e-dergide çıktı. ''Küçerek öykü'' dosyasını tamamlayan kuşatı... more * Bu yazının ilk hâli daha önce bir e-dergide çıktı. ''Küçerek öykü'' dosyasını tamamlayan kuşatıcı bir makale hâline gelen bu son şeklini, bir çeşit ihtiyaçtan dolayı yeniden yayımlama gereği duyduk.
20. yüzyılın sonlarında edebiyat dünyasında yerini alan kısa kısa [küçürek] öykü, öykünün bir alt... more 20. yüzyılın sonlarında edebiyat dünyasında yerini alan kısa kısa [küçürek] öykü, öykünün bir alt türü olarak görülmektedir. Ancak, isimlendirilmesinde ve tanımlanmasında anlaşmazlıklara ve farklılıklara rastlanmaktadır. Küçürek öykünün modern hayatın hızının neden olduğu bir ihtiyaçla yazıldığı ve okur tarafından bu nedenle tercih edildiği gündeme gelmektedir. Bu makalede öncelikle tanım, adlandırma sorunları ve küçürek öykünün nasıl bir motivasyonla yazıldığı üzerinde durulmuştur. Daha sonra da küçürek öykünün özellikle şiir ile benzerliklerine ve problemli ilişkileri bağlamında ortaya çıkan sorunlara değinilmiştir.
Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi, Sep 15, 2013
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2012
It is controversial that short-short story, placed in the literary world at 20. the end of the ce... more It is controversial that short-short story, placed in the literary world at 20. the end of the century, a story in itself or a kind of sub-genres of story. This problem is caused by its nomenclature and identification of the disputes and differences. The speed of modern life caused by the short story written and read by a need comes up, so are preferred. This article first definition, naming issues, and how a short story written motivation are emphasized. Then, with the similarities of poetry and short stories and issues which arise in the context of problematic relationships, is mentioned.
Muhafazakar Düşünce Dergisi, Mar 15, 2012
... 59 • BAHAR 2012 / SAYI 61 bilig Ankara (1934) ve Peyami Safa&... more ... 59 • BAHAR 2012 / SAYI 61 bilig Ankara (1934) ve Peyami Safa'nın (1899-1961) Yalnızız (1951) adlı ro-manlarında ütopik izlekler görülebilmektedir. Ağaoğlu ve Karaosmanoğ- lu'nun romanları ulus-devlet düşüncesini destekleyen ütopik metinlerdir. ...
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2012
Ahmet Büke"s first book published in 2004. He won Oğuz Atay Short Story Award in 2008, Sait Faik ... more Ahmet Büke"s first book published in 2004. He won Oğuz Atay Short Story Award in 2008, Sait Faik Short Story Award in 2011. Ahmet Büke has five-story book published. In his short-story place is often Ġzmir. Stories in a dark and gloomy weather prevails most of the time. Evil, murder, infidelity, illegitimate relations, childhood, hunger and poverty often are among topics covered. In fact, the author explains the bad, the good and the beautiful are trying to indicate. Büke's exclusive stories, unemployment, labor issues, worker-boss relations, terrorism, torture, prison, detention issues, such as finds place. The author believes that literature can change the world for people and stories, through the "face it, understand, feel, kindness to hear" that seeks to provide. The majority of people described in the stories claim a life within nature. Büke is so powerful about the show to tell. Creating an atmosphere of other sensory organs are nourished by the smell of the objects depicted, for example, or by supporting a strong expression of dialogues. Language is sometimes poetic and laden with irony. On the other hand, is often found in stories, slang expressions. Chose topics from a perspective sensitive to social problems.
The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies, 2012
It is controversial that short-short story, placed in the literary world at 20. the end of the ce... more It is controversial that short-short story, placed in the literary world at 20. the end of the century, a story in itself or a kind of sub-genres of story. This problem is caused by its nomenclature and identification of the disputes and differences. The speed of modern life caused by the short story written and read by a need comes up, so are preferred. This article first definition, naming issues, and how a short story written motivation are emphasized. Then, with the similarities of poetry and short stories and issues which arise in the context of problematic relationships, is mentioned.
... gönderme yapar. […] Nedim, Fuzulî ve Mecnûn'dan söz ederek Ahmet Haşim, Osmanlı kültürel ... more ... gönderme yapar. […] Nedim, Fuzulî ve Mecnûn'dan söz ederek Ahmet Haşim, Osmanlı kültürel evrenine bir gönderme yapar. Bu ... 77-89. OKAY, Orhan (2004). Poetika Dersleri, Ankara: Hece Yayınları. TURAL, Sadık Kemal (1992). “Ahmet ...
Kadın/Woman 2000, Journal for Women's Studies
In this article, Ottoman women’s economic status, work experiences in the public sector, and thei... more In this article, Ottoman women’s economic status, work experiences in the public sector, and their assets were discussed and examined Fatma Aliye’s (1862-1936) novels Refet (1896) and Udî (1898). These two novels are the first Ottoman-Turkish novels that problematize these matters. Refet relates the adventures of a young woman who graduates from one of the Female Teachers Training Colleges (Darülmuallimat), the first of which was opened in 1870, and who goes on to become a teacher. As such, it constitutes a valuable portrayal of how the teaching colleges were established and what they meant for the Ottoman women. These essential and permanent historical developments laid the foundation for legal rights to be gained after the establishment of the Republic, and Refet is the first Turkish novel to deal with this subject matter. Additionally, Refet (1896), appears as the first Turkish novelistic portrayal of teaching as a profession ‘suitable’ for women. Between Refet and Udî, there is...
Kadın/Woman 2000, 2022
In this article, Ottoman women’s economic status, work experiences in the public secto... more In this article, Ottoman women’s economic status, work experiences in the public sector, and their assets were discussed and examined Fatma Aliye’s (1862-1936) novels Refet (1896) and Udî (1898).These two novels are the first Ottoman-Turkish novels that problematize these matters. Refet relates the adventures of a young woman who graduates from one of the Female Teachers Training Colleges(Darülmuallimat), the first of which was opened in 1870, and who goes on to become a teacher. As such, it constitutes a valuable portrayal of how the teaching colleges were established and what they meant for the Ottoman women. These essential and permanent historical developments laid the foundation for legal rights to be gained after the establishment of the Republic, and Refet is the first Turkish novel to deal with this subject matter. Additionally, Refet (1896), appears as the first Turkish novelistic portrayal of teaching as a profession ‘suitable’for women. Between Refet and Udî, there is intertextuality. Bedia, the protagonist of Udî, is inspired by Refet and requests Fatma Aliye to write about her life; hence, the author develops Udî as an early work of metafiction. Bedia makes a livelihood in Udî by teaching oud lessons. It's no accident that both women in these novels work as teachers. Teaching is regarded as one of the most female-friendly professions. Keywords: Fatma Aliye, Refet, Udî, Darülmuallimat, Female Teachers Training College, Ottoman women, women literature.
Journal of Turkish Studies, 2012
Edebî ve fikrî alanda pek çok kitaba imza atmış olan Rasim Özdenören, elli beş yıllık yazarlık se... more Edebî ve fikrî alanda pek çok kitaba imza atmış olan Rasim Özdenören, elli beş yıllık yazarlık serüveninde on öykü kitabı yayımlamıştır. Pek çok edebiyat dergisinin de kurucuları arasında yer alan Özdenören, edebiyat kuramına dair yazdığı yazılarla da edebî eserlerine düşünce boyutu kazandıran yazarlardan biridir. İslam uygarlığının kendine özgü değer yargılarını ve duyarlılığını öykülerine taşıyan yazar, öykülerini bir mesaj verme kaygısı ile yazmadığının da altını çizer. Öykü kitapları tematik olarak okunduğunda yabancılaşma ve başkaldırı, çözülmenin ekonomik boyutları, ölüm ve ahiret düşüncesi, aile, çocuk, ev ve tasavvuf üzerine yoğunlaştıkları görülür. Bu makalede Özdenören'in öykü kitaplarının genel değerlendirmesi yapılmıştır.
Modern Türk şiirinin kurucularından kabul edilen Ahmet Haşim’in (1883/1884-1933) sembolist mi, em... more Modern Türk şiirinin kurucularından kabul edilen Ahmet Haşim’in (1883/1884-1933) sembolist mi, empresyonist mi olduğu konusundaki tartışma eskilere dayanır. Ahmet Haşim’in, Avrupaî anlamda bir simgeci olmaması kimi zaman Fransız simgeciliğini yanlış anladığı noktasında eleştirilere maruz kalmasına yol açmıştır; ancak aslında Haşim, bu Batılı edebiyat akımına eleştirel yaklaşıp bu yaklaşımı kendi kültüründe özellikle de Şeyh Galib’in şiirindeki imgelere dayanarak temellük etmiştir. Ahmet Haşim’in “seyirci tavrı”nı Hilmi Yavuz, Müslüman bir dünya konsepti fikrine dayandırsa da, Haşim’in Müslümanlığının, Müslüman bir cemiyette yaşıyor olmaktan ve bu cemiyetin dinî kaynaklı bazı alışkanlıklarını tevarüs etmiş olmaktan ibaret olduğunu söyleyenler de vardır. Orhan Okay’ın, Haşim’de hemen bütün sembolistlerde olduğu gibi sanat ve özellikle şiirin, din yerine kaim olacak mistik bir karakter kazandığına dair söyledikleri Haşim’in şiirini anlama noktasında daha sağlıklı bir çözümleme sunmaktadır. Makalede bu tartışmalar ele alınmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahmet Haşim, sembolizm, empresyonizm
It is controversial that short-short story, placed in the literary world at 20. the end of the ce... more It is controversial that short-short story, placed in the literary world at 20. the end of the century, a story in itself or a kind of sub-genres of story. This problem is caused by its nomenclature and identification of the disputes and differences. The speed of modern life caused by the short story written and read by a need comes up, so are preferred. This article first definition, naming issues, and how a short story written motivation are emphasized. Then, with the similarities of poetry and short stories and issues which arise in the context of problematic relationships, is mentioned.
Türk Edebiyatına Açılan Pencere (A Window Overlooking the Turkish Literature), 2014
Şair Ömer Erdem'in Dünyaya Sarkıtılan İpler (1996), Mesafesi Kadar İnleyen Rüzgâr (1997), Yitiriş... more Şair Ömer Erdem'in Dünyaya Sarkıtılan İpler (1996), Mesafesi Kadar İnleyen Rüzgâr (1997), Yitirişler (1998), Yarım Ağaçlar (2001/ Cahit Zarifoğlu Şiir Ödülü), Evvel (2010), Kireç (2010), Kör (2012). Şair, Evvel’de, aynı zamanda daha önce yayımlanan beş şiir kitabını bir araya getirmektedir. Bu çalışmada şiirler bağlamında Evvel, Kireç ve Kör’ün son baskıları esas alınmaktadır. Bu yazı yayımlandığında Ömer Erdem'in son kitabı Pas (2015) yayımlanmamıştı.
Books by Firdevs Canbaz Yumuşak
Papers by Firdevs Canbaz Yumuşak
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahmet Haşim, sembolizm, empresyonizm
Anahtar Kelimeler: Ahmet Haşim, sembolizm, empresyonizm
has led people to conceive utopias. At the same time, however,
utopias came to be seen as totalitarian conceptions for they left
freedom out in order to make equality possible, which resulted in
the creation of anti-utopias. The feature common to anti-utopias
is that they point to the possible dangers awaiting societies in the
future. Utopias originated in Europe. The fact that no utopias
were created in Muslim societies is attributed to Islam, and it is
claimed that the texts written in Islamic civilization did not aim
to change the world but to ornament it. The first utopian texts in
Turkish literature were dreams written in an effort to save the declining
Ottoman State. In the period of Servet-i Fünûn, which
was a time of crisis, some utopias such as the Green Country
(Yeşil Yurt) initiative emerged. Utopian novels favoring the nation-state
became quite common in the 1930s, after the proclamation
of the Turkish Republic. After 1965, a pessimist outlook
on the future became dominant in Turkish literature and antiutopias
outnumbered utopias, which was a situation closely related
to social life. Therefore, it is possible to view these anti-utopias
in our literature as sociological signs of warning.
Özdenören, fifty-five-year adventure of a writer published ten book on the
short story. Many of the founders of the Özdenören literary magazine,
literary theory and literary works of writings about the size of the winning
idea is one of the authors. Stories of Islamic civilization with its own
value judgments and sensitivity to anxiety and not typing a message to
the author also underlines the stories. Short story books, read as a
thematic of alienation and rebellion, the economic dimensions of
dissolution, the idea of death and the hereafter, family, children, home
and concentrate on mysticism is. In this article, the general assessment
is made Özdenören'in short story books.
Sait Faik Short Story Award in 2011. Ahmet Büke has five-story book published. In his short-story
place is often Ġzmir. Stories in a dark and gloomy weather prevails most of the time. Evil, murder,
infidelity, illegitimate relations, childhood, hunger and poverty often are among topics covered. In fact,
the author explains the bad, the good and the beautiful are trying to indicate. Büke's exclusive stories,
unemployment, labor issues, worker-boss relations, terrorism, torture, prison, detention issues, such as
finds place. The author believes that literature can change the world for people and stories, through the
"face it, understand, feel, kindness to hear" that seeks to provide. The majority of people described in the
stories claim a life within nature. Büke is so powerful about the show to tell. Creating an atmosphere of
other sensory organs are nourished by the smell of the objects depicted, for example, or by supporting a
strong expression of dialogues. Language is sometimes poetic and laden with irony. On the other hand,
is often found in stories, slang expressions. Chose topics from a perspective sensitive to social problems.