
Thursday December 7, 2017 | by Angela Laurito

HELP WANTED: University of the Arts in Philadelphia seeks assistant professor and glass coordinator for contract faculty position

FILED UNDER: Help Wanted

The University of the Arts in Center City Philadelphia is seeking an Assistant Professor for its Crafts and Material Studies Program who will serve as Glass Coordinator in the school's College of Art, Media, & Design. Applicants must have an active creative practice and possess an MFA or comparable professional experience. The practice may include blown or cast glass, stained glass, one-of-a-kind studio art, architectural commissions, and/or production design lines. The position comes with a 3-year, non-tenure track contract. There is no deadline to apply, but "screening" of candidates will begin on January 20, 2018, and "will continue until the position is filled," according to the job announcement.

The UArts glass program falls under the its Crafts curriculum, which also includes ceramics, fibers, jewelry/metals, and wood/furniture. The official job posting specifies that the new faculty member will report to the Crafts & Material Studies Program Director, and is expected to “maintain a constant presence in the Glass area and support the instructional goals of the program, nourishing a culture of making, innovation, and experimentation.”

Salary and rank depend on experience. Interested and qualified applicants should submit the required documents via email to Jacquelyn Sullivan, Administrative Assistant to the Director of the School of Art via email at [email protected].

An in-depth description of the application process can be found here. Interviews begin on January 20th, 2018.

Glass: The UrbanGlass Quarterly, a glossy art magazine published four times a year by UrbanGlass has provided a critical context to the most important artwork being done in the medium of glass for more than 40 years.