Papers by Florent Lheureux
European Journal of Psychology Open
Introduction: Using the job demands control support (JDCS) model, we examined the impact of intro... more Introduction: Using the job demands control support (JDCS) model, we examined the impact of introducing information and communication technologies (ICTs) on the working conditions of civil servants in a major public institution in Gabon. We hypothesized that perceived ICT usability moderates the temporal beneficial/detrimental (dis)continuity of job demands and job control before and after their introduction. For exploratory and complementary purposes, we also investigated changes in social support. Methods: To this end, we conducted a quantitative two-wave longitudinal study of 162 civil servants, with measures before and after the introduction of ICTs for one subsample, and compared them to another subsample for which ICTs had not already been introduced (control group). Results: At baseline (T1), the two subsamples were similar regarding JDCS variables; at follow-up (T2), civil servants without ICTs reported, on average, a slight increase in job demand and a strong decrease in job control, whereas civil servants with newly introduced ICTs reported unchanged levels of job demand and job control. Similar observations, albeit of a lesser magnitude, occurred for social support. The analyses revealed that perceived usability marginally moderated the temporal stability of job control, whereas high job control at T1 favored similarly high job control at T2 only when ICTs were perceived as very highly usable. Discussion and Conclusion: The discussion addresses the possible existence of a downward social comparison effect for civil servants without ICTs, suggests the likely role of coping strategies to explain the mixed results, examines the study contributions and limitations, and delineates practical implications.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jun 1, 2021
Since late 2019, Covid-19 has rapidly spread worldwide, generating a pandemic, and health care pr... more Since late 2019, Covid-19 has rapidly spread worldwide, generating a pandemic, and health care professionals have mobilized massively to cope with it. In intensive care units, the usually difficult working conditions have become even more difficult, with a marked increase in workload, but also with a reorganization of care delivery, complex admission decisions, and changes in how families are welcomed; all in a climate of uncertainty and insecurity. This article focuses on the psychological impact of this crisis on intensive care professionals, and possible support systems, based on recent literature, and on data from the PsyCovid study, coordinated by the authors of this article.
Journal of School Psychology, Aug 1, 2023
PLOS ONE, Feb 16, 2022
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant re-organisation of healthcare delivery in hospitals,... more The COVID-19 pandemic has led to significant re-organisation of healthcare delivery in hospitals, with repercussions on all professionals working in healthcare. We aimed to assess the impact of the pandemic on the mental health of professionals working in health care institutions and to identify individual and environmental factors influencing the risk of mental health disorders. From 4 June to 22 September 2020, a total of 4370 professionals responded to an online questionnaire evaluating psychological distress, severity of posttraumatic stress symptoms, stress factors, and coping strategies. About 57% of the professionals suffered from psychological distress, and 21% showed symptoms of potential posttraumatic stress. Professionals working in radiology, those working in quality/hygiene/security and nurses' aides were the most affected groups. The media focus on the crisis, and a high workload were the most prevalent stress factors, followed by uncertainty regarding the possibility of containing the epidemic, the constantly changing hygiene recommendations/ protocols, and the lack of personal protective equipment. The use of coping strategies, notably positive thinking, helped to mitigate the relation between perceived stress and mental health disorders. The COVID-19 pandemic has had far-reaching negative repercussions for all professionals, with some sectors more markedly affected. To prevent mental health disorders in professionals during a public health crisis, support services and management strategies within hospitals should take account of the importance of positive thinking and social support.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jul 3, 2017
International audienc
Europe’s Journal of Psychology, Nov 30, 2022
This article addresses the impact of temporary employment on workers' social identification, work... more This article addresses the impact of temporary employment on workers' social identification, work motivation, and reactions to injustice at the workplace. More precisely, we examined whether organisational identification mediates the effect temporary work (compared to permanent employment) on work motivation, and reactions to injustice. We also examined whether autonomy in contract-choice and compensating features of job contracts (employment duration, qualification matching, and negotiated wages) have positive effects on the organisational and ingroup identifications of temporary workers. Finally, we examined whether ingroup identification of temporary workers act as a mediator and moderates the effect of organisational identification. Results from a survey comparing agency workers with fixed-term and permanent employees mainly from the industry sector first reveal that organisational identification mediates the negative effect of temporary work on work motivation and its positive association with self-centred reactions to injustice. Nevertheless, cluster analysis revealed the existence of three subgroups of agency workers, a minority of themautonomous and compensated-having similarly high levels of identification and motivation than permanent employees. Additionally, autonomous and compensated workers identify more with their ingroup than low-autonomy and low-compensations workers, ingroup identification explaining their difference in terms of work motivation. Furthermore, ingroup identification of agency workers interact with organisational identification to determine their reactions to injustice. Implications, limitations, and research perspectives deriving from this study are discussed.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 3, 2019
L'Encéphale, Apr 1, 2021
OBJECTIVES The BFI-Fr is an effective tool to assess the five dimensions of the five-factor model... more OBJECTIVES The BFI-Fr is an effective tool to assess the five dimensions of the five-factor model of personality. The psychometric qualities are excellent in several validation studies. However, because the inconsistency of certain items may be due to a lack of invariance between groups, we examined this invariance according to the gender and activity of the respondents. METHODS The sample consists of 1904 participants (1232 women and 672 men; 1159 students and 745 professionals). Recruitment was done by "snowball" from different studies conducted over four years. Respondents completed the BFI-Fr. The 45 items were corrected for the acquiescence bias. The Item Response Theory methodology was used to test the invariance using the differential item functioning (DIF) test. The T scores were subject to ANCOVA and correlations to compare the differences between subgroups. RESULTS Whatever the subsample, we found the same five-factor structure (similarities were especially high for C). The cumulative explained variances are comparable for all groups. The functioning of eight items varied between men and women; and six between activity groups, however, all but one DIF values were low. No item in domain A varied in its measure. ANCOVA results showed that women have higher A and N scores than men and that professionals have higher C and lower N scores than students. There is no interaction effect between gender and activity. When we removed the non-invariant items, the effect of gender became significant in favor of women on dimension C even if the difference remained minimal. The difference by activity on N became non-significant. There was a very strong link between activity and age and between gender and activity: in the sample, women were more often students and vice versa. CONCLUSIONS Overall and once again, the structure and internal consistency of the Big Five as measured by the BFI-Fr was replicated in new samples. There was a differential functioning of 12 items out of 45 (about a quarter). These differences were small since only one was of moderate magnitude. The deletion of these items did not strongly change the mean comparisons between groups. Therefore, our results do not call into question the usefulness of the BFI-Fr but invite to control the extent of this differential functioning. In all cases (with or without the non-invariant items) the analyses showed significant gender differences for A and N, differences which are typically found in many studies. Students and professionals differ in their levels of C and E. Certain inconsistencies are probably due to the translation from American to French, since the BFI-Fr is based on the lexical approach (in this context, item content was somewhat dependent of languages peculiarities). Thus, the BFI-Fr allows a robust evaluation of the five dimensions but requires a prior control of the invariance of item functioning in order to ensure that the intergroup differences in E-A-C-N-O mean scores do not reflect a psychometric artifact but genuine personality differences.
Background Intensive care unit (ICU) staff have faced unprecedented levels of stress, in the cont... more Background Intensive care unit (ICU) staff have faced unprecedented levels of stress, in the context of profound upheaval of their working environment due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We explored the perceptions of frontline ICU staff about the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how this experience impacted their personal and professional lives. Methods In a qualitative study as part of the PsyCOVID-ICU project, we conducted semi-structured interviews with a random sample of nurses and nurses’ aides from 5 centres participating in the main PsyCOVID study. Interviews were recorded and fully transcribed, and analysed by thematic analysis. Results A total of 18 interviews were performed from 13 August to 6 October 2020; 13 were nurses, and 5 were nurses’ aides. Thematic analysis revealed three major themes, namely: (1) Managing the home life; (2) Conditions in the workplace; and (3) the meaning of their profession. Conclusion In this qualitative study investigating the experiences a...
Australian Journal of Career Development
The purpose of the present study was to extend the results of previous research exploring the pat... more The purpose of the present study was to extend the results of previous research exploring the paths between variables of the theory of planned behaviour and job attainment. The theory of planned behaviour assumes that attitude, subjective norm and self-efficacy contribute to intention, which in turn determines behaviour and, finally, an outcome. Regarding job attainment, several moderators and several antecedents were identified, but the possible role of self-efficacy was neglected. In addition to examining its role, we also consider one of its possible antecedent (i.e. core self-evaluations) and whether private self-consciousness moderates the path between job search self-efficacy and job search intention. Scales measuring these variables were administered to a sample of 141 jobseekers, including 57 men and 84 women, most of them being between 45 and 54 years ( n = 42) or between 35 and 44 years ( n = 34). Results corroborate that core self-evaluations are related to job search sel...
Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Inria, 2018
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 3, 2019
L'enquête Travail, Emploi, Motivation, santé Psychologique et Orientation (TEMPO) s'intér... more L'enquête Travail, Emploi, Motivation, santé Psychologique et Orientation (TEMPO) s'intéresse aux problématiques des effets de la perception que l'individu a de sa situation professionnelle sur sa santé psychologique et sur ses motivations et ses comportements. Cette recherche a pour objectif de décrire les facteurs psychologiques impliqués dans les comportements humains, avec une attention particulière sur l'intention d'action comme déterminant direct et majeur. Cette étude vise à confirmer son intérêt et examiner le rôle décisif de deux variables psychologiques : les « évaluations fondamentales de soi » et la « conscience de soi ». Le questionnaire proposé permet : - de tester pour la première fois en France certaines hypothèses ; - d'en conforter d'autres jusqu'alors appuyées essentiellement par des données transversales ; - d'en examiner le potentiel de généralisation à une diversité de situations professionnelles, secteurs d'activité etc....
Le travail humain, 2019
Our aim was to test the transcultural validity of the multidimensional model and measure of perso... more Our aim was to test the transcultural validity of the multidimensional model and measure of person-environment fit (PE-fit) of Chuang et al. (2016) in a French context. This approach differentiates four types of PE-fit: person-job fit, person-organization fit, person-group fit and person-supervisor fit. Studies analyzing jointly their effects on job-outcomes are scarce and have generally used different scales that were not derived from the same validation procedures. One exception is the Perceived Person-Environment Fit Scale (PPEFS). However, it has only been used on non-European samples. Thus, the transcultural validity of the PPEFS and its underlying model are currently insufficiently evidenced. After application of recommended transcultural validation procedures (blind translation/back-translation, verification of content-validity, item-clarity and cross-language equivalence with bilingual experts and employees), 571 French participants from diverse occupational sectors participated in a survey including measures of burnout, job satisfaction, turnover intention and the PPEFS. Confirmatory factor analyses replicate the expected superordinate multifactor-structure. Furthermore, each PE-fit dimension was distinctively associated with at least one of the job outcomes (positively with job satisfaction and professional self-efficacy, negatively with emotional exhaustion, cynicism and turnover intention), providing external-validity to their distinction.
Psychologie du Travail et des Organisations, 2010
Représentations professionnelles, satisfaction au travail et choix de carrière des personnels inf... more Représentations professionnelles, satisfaction au travail et choix de carrière des personnels infirmiers : le rôle des valeurs d'autonomie Professional representations, job satisfaction, and career choice of nurses: The role of autonomy values Florent Lheureux Résumé On s'intéresse aux facteurs pouvant inciter les infirmiers à quitter leur profession. Dans ce cadre, la satisfaction au travail apparaît comme un facteur explicatif majeur, dépendant de la place accordée au "rôle propre" infirmier. Par ailleurs, plusieurs études ont mis en évidence l'importance des valeurs concernant la satisfaction au travail. Dès lors, et en référence au concept de représentations professionnelles, on pose que la satisfaction des infirmiers dépend de l'importance du rôle propre dans la représentation de leur fonction, et cela d'autant plus que les valeurs d'Autonomie sont primordiales pour eux. Une étude, réalisée auprès d'infirmiers titulaires et stagiaires, conforte cette approche, soulignant ainsi le rôle crucial de ces valeurs dans la satisfaction des infirmiers.
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 2015
dans un article accepté pour publication dans la Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement / ... more dans un article accepté pour publication dans la Revue Canadienne des Sciences du Comportement / Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science ( Cet article peut ne pas être la reproduction exacte de la version finale publiée dans cette revue. Il n'en constitue pas une copie officielle. La version finale est un matériel sous copyright de l'Association Canadienne de Psychologie.
Médecine Intensive Réanimation
Alors que l’infection à SARS-COV-2 s’est rapidement propagée au niveau mondial, on a assisté à un... more Alors que l’infection à SARS-COV-2 s’est rapidement propagée au niveau mondial, on a assisté à une mobilisation massive des soignants auprès des personnes infectées. En réanimation, les conditions de travail déjà habituellement difficiles se sont durcies, avec une augmentation forte de la charge de travail, une nécessaire et indispensable réorganisation des soins, des décisions complexes relatives à l’admission des patients et une modification de l’accueil des familles. Le tout dans un climat d’incertitude générale et d’insécurité personnelle. Cet article propose une mise au point sur l’impact psychologique de cette crise sur les soignants en réanimation et les possibles dispositifs d’accompagnement à partir des données récentes de la littérature et notamment des données issues de l’étude PsyCOVID-ICU coordonnée par les auteurs de cet article.
PLOS ONE, 2022
Purpose During the COVID pandemic, many hospitals had to mobilize reinforcement healthcare worker... more Purpose During the COVID pandemic, many hospitals had to mobilize reinforcement healthcare workers, especially in intensive care (ICUs). We investigated the perceptions and experiences of reinforcement workers deployed to ICUs, and the impact of deployment on their personal and professional lives. Methods For this qualitative study, a random sample of 30 reinforcement workers was drawn from 4 centres participating in the larger PsyCOVID-ICU study. Individual semi-structured interviews were held, recorded, transcribed and analyzed by thematic analysis. Results Thirty interviews were performed from April to May 2021 (22 nurses, 2 anesthesiology nurses, 6 nurses’ aides). Average age was 36.8±9.5 years; 7 participants had no ICU experience. Four major themes emerged, namely: (1) Difficulties with integration, especially for those with no ICU experience; (2) lack of training; (3) difficulties with management, notably a feeling of insufficient communication; (4) Mental distress relating t...
Papers by Florent Lheureux