Papers by Maria Slavickova
This paper presents a comparative analysis of two textbooks, focusing on the topics of line and p... more This paper presents a comparative analysis of two textbooks, focusing on the topics of line and point symmetry from two distinct perspectives. Firstly, the study examines how these topics are introduced and processed, the learning environment provided by the textbooks, and the roles of both pupils and teachers in the learning process. Secondly, the analysis evaluates the reasoning and proof tasks presented in both textbooks and how they encourage teachers to incorporate these tasks into their teaching. By analysing the textbooks, the study not only identifies technical terms associated with reasoning and proof activities but also explores the interconnections between these activities. This approach offers a more comprehensive understanding of how textbooks encourage specific activities, such as reasoning and proof, and could be useful for teachers, researchers, and textbook authors.
Scientia in Educatione, Jan 5, 2021
Cieľom článku je zistiť, akým spôsobom zovšeobecňujú a akými argumentami svoje zistenia podkladaj... more Cieľom článku je zistiť, akým spôsobom zovšeobecňujú a akými argumentami svoje zistenia podkladajú žiaci vo veku 12-13 rokov. To isté sme zisťovali aj u budúcich učiteľov matematiky, ktorý v tom čase študovali na našej fakulte. Hlavné zameranie článku je na algebrické uvažovanie, špeciálne na skúmanie vzorov a vyjadrenie zákonitosti pomocou číselných hodnôt. V tomto článku vysvetľujeme dôležité koncepty a značenia použité vo výskume, stručne charakterizujeme úrovne kognitívneho rozvoja a využité pojmy z Teórie didaktických situácii. Stanovili sme si tri výskumné otázky. Na získanie výskumných dát sme pracovali so skupinou 32 žiakov vo veku 12-13 rokov a s 19 študentmi učiteľstva matematiky. Obom skupinám sme zadali rovnaké úlohy na riešenie a požiadali sme ich o vysvetlenie riešenia, resp. vzťahu, ku ktorému sa dopracovali. Okrem toho sme krátkym dotazníkom zozbierali podporné dáta ohľadom skúmaných skupín. Výsledky sú diskutované v kontexte podobných výskumov, sú identifikované limitácie opísaného výskumu a vyvodené závery. Na základe diskusie a limitov sme sformulovali odporučenia pre zmenu v príprave budúcich učiteľov matematiky.
Education Sciences, May 1, 2023
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Mathematics, Jun 8, 2021
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 1, 2017
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2018
In the article, we deal with the influence of everyday experiences on mathematical thinking of pr... more In the article, we deal with the influence of everyday experiences on mathematical thinking of pre-service mathematics teachers. We try to explain their problems with solving financial mathematics tasks through developmental psychology's contributions to the study of mathematical reasoning and through students' understanding of financial mathematics conceptions and algorithms obtained during their everyday experiences out of school. We consider the impact on students' "everyday" thinking and "school" mathematical models in our classroom research.
Communications in computer and information science, 2023
The paper deals with university student's understanding of a limit process. We involved two group... more The paper deals with university student's understanding of a limit process. We involved two groups of students with different specializations in the research: a group of pre-service mathematics teachers (PMTs) and a group of students of managerial mathematics (MNGs). Since the objectives for learning higher mathematics, particularly mathematical analysis, differ significantly, we expected a significant difference in reasoning between these groups. Therefore, we identified (literature-and empirical-based) the most common obstacles and misconceptions when learning a concept of limit. A teaching series was prepared, enacted, and analyzed. When analyzing students' solutions, we applied codes from the literature with minor changes. We used two-dimensional contextual analysis to work with students' answers and provided explanations: type of argument (based on Stylianides's work) and representation. Our findings confirm the problems identified in the literature when we looked at the groups without distinguishing them. Moreover, we identified and discussed some specific outcomes in the group of PMTs and MNGs separately.
This paper presents a study of lesson plans created by pre-service mathematics teachers (PMTs) fr... more This paper presents a study of lesson plans created by pre-service mathematics teachers (PMTs) from two universities (Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, and Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava) in the course Didactics of Mathematics. The collaboration of the two research teams brought new perspectives on several questions that were come across in one or the other group of PMTs. The focus of the study was on lesson plans since the lesson plan is one of the significant parts of mathematics teacher education. The studied issues were the PMTs' willingness to implement digital technologies (DT) in their lesson plans and the changes in their lesson plans that could be linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. For data processing, a mixed research design was used. In the qualitative part of the research, the thematic analysis resulted in identification of several codes related to the hybrid mode of teaching. In the quantitative part, Statistical Implicative Analysis (C.H.I.C) was applied. Relations inside the groups of PMTs and among them are presented and discussed in the paper by interpreting the results from the implicative trees and graphs. We concluded that (i) PMTs from our sample are, to a limited extent, prepared for using DT in their teaching, (ii) PMTs used DT in their teaching mainly for testing and feedback collection, (iii) PMTs in our sample focused on the content and the choice of software (or application, applet, etc.) when preparing a lesson plan. Besides that, we found (by using C.H.I.C.) that not all codes identified in thematic analysis were connected to the others. The findings are of interest to teacher educators in general, researchers interested in teachers' lesson planning, and in-service teachers in general. In this paper we focus on PMTs' lesson plans. We plan to do a similar analysis of in-service teachers' lesson plans in order to gain a deeper insight into the role of experience in the studied domain.
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Feb 2, 2022
The paper presents a study of the development of TPACK of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs).... more The paper presents a study of the development of TPACK of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs). Two interconnected components of TPACK, the use of digital tools (DT) as instruments for solving problems and for creating digital materials, are dealt with from the perspective of their role in teacher education and mutual relationships. The paper aims to provide examples of how different teaching approaches could develop the knowledge and skills of PMTs in such a way that PMTs will be able to use DT properly in their own teaching.
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2018
The paper deals with the importance of developing functional thinking of future mathematics teach... more The paper deals with the importance of developing functional thinking of future mathematics teachers grade 5 to 13 (according to Slovak school system, students of age 11 to 19). The particular development of mathematical knowledge without interconnections and obtaining mathematical proficiency seems to be not the good way how to prepare future mathematics teachers. Their way of arguing and the mistakes made even during their master studies show us the necessity of curricular changes and implementation of innovative approaches on teaching University level mathematics.
Education Sciences
The aim of this study is to investigate which supportive factors positively influence inclusive m... more The aim of this study is to investigate which supportive factors positively influence inclusive mathematics education so that it is accessible to all pupils in mainstream primary and secondary school settings from the mathematics teachers’ perspectives. The study is designed as a qualitative descriptive study. It was conducted by collecting 16 narratives about selected pupils/students provided by mathematics teachers. In them, they described their experiences with inclusive mathematics education. Teachers provided information about their pupils with any form of disability (health, social, or other) or an increased need for support and about their situations in mathematics education and inclusion. The stories were structured by the researchers into units of meaning, numerically coded, content-analyzed, and categorized. Participants in the study were 16 mathematics teachers who were working in mainstream schools. From the stories, we identified 583 meaning units that were assigned a n...
Scientia in educatione, 2021
This paper seeks to establish what kind of arguments pupils (aged 12–13) use and how they make th... more This paper seeks to establish what kind of arguments pupils (aged 12–13) use and how they make their assumptions and generalizations. Our research also explored the same phenomenon in the case of graduate mathematics teachers studying for their masters’ degrees in our faculty at that time. The main focus was on algebraic reasoning, in particular pattern exploring and expressing regularities in numbers. In this paper, we introduce the necessary concepts and notations used in the study, briefly characterize the theoretical levels of cognitive development and terms from the Theory of Didactical Situations. We set out to answer three research questions. To collect the research data, we worked with a group of 32 pupils aged 12–13 and 19 university students (all prospective mathematics teachers in the first year of their master’s). We assigned them two flexible tasks to and asked them to explain their findings/formulas. Besides that, we collected additional (supportive) data using a short...
European Conference on e-Learning
This paper presents a study of lesson plans created by pre-service mathematics teachers (PMTs) fr... more This paper presents a study of lesson plans created by pre-service mathematics teachers (PMTs) from two universities (Faculty of Education, Charles University in Prague, and Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava) in the course Didactics of Mathematics. The collaboration of the two research teams brought new perspectives on several questions that were come across in one or the other group of PMTs. The focus of the study was on lesson plans since the lesson plan is one of the significant parts of mathematics teacher education. The studied issues were the PMTs’ willingness to implement digital technologies (DT) in their lesson plans and the changes in their lesson plans that could be linked to the COVID-19 pandemic. For data processing, a mixed research design was used. In the qualitative part of the research, the thematic analysis resulted in identification of several codes related to the hybrid mode of teaching. In the quantitative part, S...
This paper presents a long-term study of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) at the Faculty of... more This paper presents a long-term study of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) at the Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava (FMFI UK), focusing on the implementation of digital technologies (DT) into the teaching of theoretical and practical (or applied) subjects. We conducted parallel research into two aspects, one on Calculus lessons as a theoretical subject, another on the Financial Mathematics module as an applied subject. The implementation of DT and the way this was measured varied from year to year and also in the method of implementation into the aforementioned subjects. The methods of implementation and the results are briefly described, and a comparison of these two subjects in the PMTs’ preparation is also discussed.
This paper presents a long-term study of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) at the Faculty of... more This paper presents a long-term study of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) at the Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava (FMFI UK), focusing on the implementation of digital technologies (DT) into the teaching of theoretical and practical (or applied) subjects. We conducted parallel research into two aspects, one on Calculus lessons as a theoretical subject, another on the Financial Mathematics module as an applied subject. The implementation of DT and the way this was measured varied from year to year and also in the method of implementation into the aforementioned subjects. The methods of implementation and the results are briefly described, and a comparison of these two subjects in the PMTs’ preparation is also discussed.
Mathematics, 9(12), 2021
This paper presents a long-term study of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) at the Faculty of... more This paper presents a long-term study of Preservice Mathematics Teachers (PMTs) at the Faculty of mathematics, physics and informatics, Comenius University in Bratislava (FMFI UK), focusing on the implementation of digital technologies (DT) into the teaching of theoretical and practical (or applied) subjects. We conducted parallel research into two aspects, one on Calculus lessons as a theoretical subject, another on the Financial Mathematics module as an applied subject. The implementation of DT and the way this was measured varied from year to year and also in the method of implementation into the aforementioned subjects. The methods of implementation and the results are briefly described, and a comparison of these two subjects in the PMTs’ preparation is also discussed.
Dva dni s didaktikou matematiky 2021. Zborník príspevkov., 2021
V pracovnej dielni sa pozrieme na úlohy z učebníc a vyskúšame si ich preformulovanie a ďalšiu prá... more V pracovnej dielni sa pozrieme na úlohy z učebníc a vyskúšame si ich preformulovanie a ďalšiu prácu s nimi, ktorá by mohla podporiť argumentáciu v triede.
Dva dni s didaktikou matematiky 2021. Zborník príspevkov., 2021
V príspevku stručne predstavíme V príspevku stručne predstavíme WILMA-u, ktorá vzniká v rámci pro... more V príspevku stručne predstavíme V príspevku stručne predstavíme WILMA-u, ktorá vzniká v rámci projektu KEGA 014UK-4/2020 „Podpora vzdelávania učiteľov matematiky na základných a stredných školách prostredníctvom zdieľania inovačných materiálov, foriem a metód vyučovania.“
Papers by Maria Slavickova