Books by Kuanysh Tastanbekova
Masahiro Tanaka (ed) "Student Engagement and Quality Assurance in Higher Education. International Collaborations for the Enhancement of Leaning. 1st Edition", 2019
Kazakhstan is a newly independent country that emerged in the international arena after the dismi... more Kazakhstan is a newly independent country that emerged in the international arena after the dismiss of the Soviet Union. The shift from soviet style centralized planned economy to western-style liberal market economy required significant transformations in the higher education system. Alongside diversification of provision through allowing private education, integration into the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) through the implementation of three cycles of higher education qualifications, the National System of Education Quality Assessment was established. However, admitting students into the process of educational governance and quality assurance has started only recently (since 2012) with the establishment of a non-governmental higher education accreditation board. This chapter observes emerging forms of student engagement at micro, meso, and macro levels based on the analysis of higher education legislature, policy recommendations by international agencies (such as World Bank and OECD), and data from the National Center for Education Quality Assessment. Kazakhstan's experience of ambiguous forms and invisible procedures is not unique for the post-soviet states where old top-down education management persists.
Yulia Gradskova, Ildiko Azstalos Morell (eds) "Gendering Post-Socialsim: Old Legacies and New Hierarchies" Routledge, 2018
Comparative analysis of neoliberal educational reforms in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to show their... more Comparative analysis of neoliberal educational reforms in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to show their influence on gender equality at post-secondary education level in two countries.
Papers by Kuanysh Tastanbekova
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian research, Aug 4, 2020
Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan ... more Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan has undergone significant reforms. The retention of highly qualified teachers is crucial for the successful progress of the education sphere. However, employing the majority of the workforce (26.5%, almost one million people), education is one of the lowest paying sectors. Low pay causes a lack of popularity of the teaching profession among youth; results in an aging and highly feminized workforce; and harms prestige, status and esteem of teachers, thus intensifying turnover and making retention of qualified teachers difficult. This study proposes the use of three-tiered temporal, regional, and gender payroll data to analyze the prestige, status, and esteem of the teaching profession in Kazakhstan. It argues that although improving a social package is important, fundamental reforms of the education payment system could be the most effective measure to improve the prestige and status of teachers.
Comparative analysis of neoliberal educational reforms in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to show their... more Comparative analysis of neoliberal educational reforms in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to show their influence on gender equality at post-secondary education level in two countries.
Student Engagement and Quality Assurance in Higher Education, 2019
Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan ... more Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan has undergone significant reforms. The retention of highly qualified teachers is crucial for the successful progress of the education sphere. However, employing the majority of the workforce (26.5%, almost one million people), education is one of the lowest paying sectors. Low pay causes a lack of popularity of the teaching profession among youth; results in an aging and highly feminized workforce; and harms prestige, status and esteem of teachers, thus intensifying turnover and making retention of qualified teachers difficult. This study proposes the use of three-tiered temporal, regional, and gender payroll data to analyze the prestige, status, and esteem of the teaching profession in Kazakhstan. It argues that although improving a social package is important, fundamental reforms of the education payment system could be the most effective measure to improve the prestige and status of t...
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research (JEECAR)
Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan ... more Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan has undergone significant reformations. Retention of highly qualified teachers is crucial for successful reforms. However, educational occupation that employs almost one million people, the majority of the workforce (26.5%) in the economy, is one of the lowest paying sectors. Low pay causes unpopularity of teaching profession among youth, aging and high feminization of the personnel, harms prestige, status and esteem of teachers and thus intensifies turnover and makes retention of qualified teachers a difficult task. This study proposes to use temporal, spatial and gender three-tiers payroll data to analyze prestige, status, and esteem of educational occupation in Kazakhstan. It argues that while improving a social package is important, fundamental reforms of the payment system in education are likely to be the most effective measure to improve the prestige and status of teachers.
Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research, 2020
Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan ... more Since gaining independence after the dissolution of the USSR, the education system in Kazakhstan has undergone significant reforms. The retention of highly qualified teachers is crucial for the successful progress of the education sphere. However, employing the majority of the workforce (26.5%, almost one million people), education is one of the lowest paying sectors. Low pay causes a lack of popularity of the teaching profession among youth; results in an aging and highly feminized workforce; and harms prestige, status and esteem of teachers, thus intensifying turnover and making retention of qualified teachers difficult. This study proposes the use of three-tiered temporal, regional, and gender payroll data to analyze the prestige, status, and esteem of the teaching profession in Kazakhstan. It argues that although improving a social package is important, fundamental reforms of the education payment system could be the most effective measure to improve the prestige and status of teachers.
Books by Kuanysh Tastanbekova
Papers by Kuanysh Tastanbekova
С начала 1990-х увеличение иностранных граждан, прибывающих в Японию по рабочей визе, привело и к увеличению детей иностранцев в японских школах, не владеющих японским языком. В таких условиях появилась острая необходимость создания и развития системы обучения японскому языку как второму. Однако
законодательная база для создания такой системы была утверждена японским правительством только в 2014 году. В свою очередь, не смотря на то, что изучение английского языка присутствовало в школьной программе с момента создания системы школьного образования, т.е. с конца 19-го века, наибольшее внимание развитию системы обучения английскому языку как иностранному, стало уделяться только с начала 2000-х годов в условиях ускоряющихся темпов глобализации и ужесточения конкуренции на международном рынке труда.
Автор на основе анализа законодательных документов, статистических данных и выводов научных работ по данной тематике, показывает влияние глобализации и иммиграционной политики на языковую политику в сфере образования, систематизирует существующие проблемы в области обучения японскому языку как второму и английскому как иностранному и предлагаемые японским правительством меры по их решению.