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10.12, 9 Aralık 2007 tarihinde Tyrex rean (mesaj | katkılar) tarafından oluşturulmuş 2507159 numaralı sürüm (Yeni sayfa: {{çeviri}} {{Roma İdari Teşkilatı}} '''Promagistrate''', magistra yetkisine ve sıfatına sahip ancak henüz magistral makama sahip olmayan kamu görevlisi. Roma Cumhuriyeti'...)
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Promagistrate, magistra yetkisine ve sıfatına sahip ancak henüz magistral makama sahip olmayan kamu görevlisi. Roma Cumhuriyeti'nde bir yenilik olarak, Roma'da düzeni sağlayabilmek amacıyla her yıl daha fazla magistra seçmek yerine denizaşırı toprakların valileri kullanılarak promagistralık kurumu oluşturulmuştur. Promagistralar, Roma Senatosu'nun tüm eylemleri gibi bir senatus consultum ile atanırlar; bu atamalar her zaman tam olarak yasal olmaz ve bazen tıpkı Jugurthine savaşı sırasında Quintus Caecilius Metellus Numidicus'un Gaius Marius ile yer değiştirilmesi örneğinde olduğu gibi Romalılar Meclisi kararıyla iptal edilebilirdi.

Promagistralar genellikle hem proquaestorlar (quaestor'ların yerine hareket eden), hem propraetorlar, (praetor'ların yerine hareket eden) hem de prokonsüller (Konsül'lerin yerine hareket eden) olarak görev yapabilirlerdi. Bir Promagistra, magistra ile eşit bir yetkiye sahipti ve ayrıca maiyetinde aynı sayıda lictor'lar bulunur, eyaletinde otokratik güce sahip olurdu. Promagistralar, zorunlu olmadığı halde genellikle kimin yerine görev yapıyorlarsa onun makamına sahip olurlardı. Procurator da dahil diğer promagistralar, curator yerine görev yaparlardı.

The institution of promagistracies developed because the Romans found it inconvenient to continue adding ordinary magistracies to administer their newly-acquired overseas possessions. Therefore, they adopted the practice of appointing an individual to act in place or capacity of (pro) a magistrate (magistratu); a promagistrate was literally a lieutenant. Subsequently, when Pompeius Magnus was given proconsular imperium to fight against Quintus Sertorius, the Senate made a point of distinguishing that he was not actually being appointed a promagistrate: he was appointed to act not in place of a consul (pro consule), but on behalf of the consuls (pro consulibus).

The Roman legal concept of imperium meant that an "imperial" magistrate or promagistrate had absolute authority within the competence of his office; a promagistrate with imperium appointed to govern a province, therefore, had absolute authority within his capacity as governor of that province; indeed, the word provincia referred both to the governor's office or jurisdiction and to the territory he governed. A provincial governor had almost totally unlimited authority, and frequently extorted vast amounts of money from the provincial population — he had total immunity from prosecution during his term in office. It became fairly common for provincial governors to seek continual election to office to avoid trial for extortion and bribery, two famous examples being Gaius Verres and Lucius Sergius Catilina.

The near limitless power of a high-ranking promagistrate has led to the term "proconsul" being used to designate any high-ranking and authoritative official appointed from above (or from without) to govern a territory without regard for local political institutions (i.e., one who is not elected and whose authority supersedes that of local officials). One of the most prominent examples of this is Douglas MacArthur, who was given vast powers to implement reform and recovery efforts in Japan after World War II, and has been described occasionally as "the American proconsul of Japan".

Roma Katolik Kilisesi'nde kullanımı

It was formerly the rule that the heads of all Curial Congregations must be cardinals, and until the later twentieth century they were titled Pro-Prefects until they were raised to that dignity.

On their appointment, Nuncios are also appointed bishops. In the time of Pope Pius XII, some priests were appointed Nuncios without being raised to the status of bishop. They were not called "Pro-Nuncios", a title that historically was given to Nuncios from the moment their appointment as cardinals was announced until their departure for Rome, and that was revived for some twenty years (ending in 1991) as a distinct title for Nuncios accredited to those countries that did not follow the tradition of considering the Nuncio as Dean of the Diplomatic Corps from the moment he presented his credentials.

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