How to host a Telegram Userbot

How to host a Telegram Userbot


Pre - Requirement:

1 ) GitHub Account

2 ) Heroku Account

3 ) API_HASH and API_KEY from Telegram



  1. Install Termux or other Terminal
  2. Follow the steps given bellow
pkg upgrade -y
pkg install python git -y
pip install telethon
git clone -b sql-extended
cd One4uBot

3. If finish, copy and save the string session key to somewhere (start with a number and ends with an equals "=")

Deploying The Userbot

1. Fork the One4uBot Repository, and then Click on "Deploy to Heroku". This button will be direct to heroku and make a new app

Forking the repository
Button Deploy Heroku

2. Name your app and fill all the required values like App name, API_KEY, API_HASH, STRING_SESSION

Fill all required values

3. Click "Deploy app" wait until build finished

Deploying the userbot

4. After the build done, go to Manage Apps, search the "Resources" and turn on the dyno by clicking the pencil button

Turn On Dyno

5. Click "More" dropdown button in the top right and "View logs". Check the log until it says "You are running One4uBot [v3.3] blabla"

Viewing Logs

6. And last check your Userbot on telegram by typing .on , .alive or .ping

You're userbot alive hooray!
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