School of Health Professions Appointment, Promotion and Tenure
APPLICANT Instructions: All faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure will be evaluated with a single set of guidelines. The APT committee will take into account the % effort devoted to each category of activity in its evaluation of each candidate’s activity. Because effort distributions vary widely across individuals, the APT
Committee recognizes that some guidelines will not apply to everyone.
Please complete this form as your activity summary by inserting relevant information under the appropriate guideline. For any guidelines that do not apply to your job description or effort distribution, please insert the phrase “not applicable”.
REVIEWER Instructions: All faculty applying for promotion and/or tenure are evaluated with a single set of guidelines. The APT committee will take into account the % effort devoted to each category of activity in its evaluation of each candidate’s activity.
Because effort distributions vary widely across individuals, please note that some guidelines will not apply to everyone. If candidates believe that a particular guideline does not apply to their job description or effort distribution, they will insert the phrase “not applicable”.
Please use this form as your review guide. The italicized text under each guideline indicates the type of verification information that should be found in the verification documents. Text boxes under each guideline may be used for your notes or comments.
Name: Click here to enter text.
Department: Click here to enter text.
APT1. Holds a research, professional, or clinical doctorate
(provide year and institution from which degree was earned)
Click here to enter text.
APT2. Maintains continuing technical/scientific/clinical competence as appropriate
(cite additional study, exposure, experience you have acquired relevant to your profession or program duties. Describe continuing education activity, time involved, dates, etc.)
Click here to enter text.
APT3. Serves as mentor 1 to faculty members
(describe and document any significant assistance you have provided faculty relative to conduct of their program duties; may include teaching, research and service mentoring)
Faculty mentor: Faculty member who guides and assists inexperienced faculty as they adapt to the faculty role.
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TEACHING % effort: Click here to enter text.
T1. Provides exemplary leadership in course development and implementation and curriculum development
(list and document your leadership in course and curriculum development applicable to your program or profession, including syllabi and any other evidence of relevant activities or accomplishments)
Click here to enter text.
T2. If the opportunity is available in the program, serves as supervisor, committee member, and/or chair for student projects such as capstone projects, independent study projects, or thesis or dissertation projects
(list the students on whose committees you have served, your role/contribution, year of service, and institution if not KUMC)
Click here to enter text.
T3. Demonstrates teaching excellence 2 through evaluation of teaching abilities by means such as peer, mentor or student evaluations
(list course names and numbers, number of credit hours, year(s) taught, number of students served, and role in course. For courses that are co-taught, explain your role and note whether student evaluations are specific to you or to all co-instructors of the course. If teaching is in the form of clinic supervision, list by course title if applicable and note number of students involved, clinic context, and describe your responsibilities. Submit only summary sheets of evaluations. Accuracy of the summary is to be verified by the department's APT review committee.)
Click here to enter text.
T4. Develops and implements innovative, effective teaching materials or approaches
(describe any special materials or procedures you have developed, citing the applicable course title and number)
Click here to enter text.
T5. Other
(cite any other instructional activities/recognition including extra-curricular presentations, teaching awards, etc. Describe and provide the date.)
Click here to enter text.
2 Excellence as a Teacher: Effective functioning in the classroom or clinical setting and in the various aspects of course development and management, student advisement, coordination of courses with the curriculum. Competence is evaluated by students and peers.
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RESEARCH/SCHOLARSHIP % effort: Click here to enter text.
R1. Has developed a scholarly focus
(provide a description of how you meet this criteria, listing any relevant activities or accomplishments)
Click here to enter text.
R2. Publishes on average, more than one scholarly publication 3,4 per year (e.g., 6 in 5 years) in refereed journals 5
(list all publications by year of publication and indicate whether they were (J) = Juried or (I) = Invited manuscripts. Indicate with an asterisk which manuscripts are provided in the Research Verification section.)
Click here to enter text.
R3. Recognized nationally and/or internationally in some area of expertise 6
(provide a description and documentation of how you meet this criteria, listing any relevant activities or accomplishments including dates)
Click here to enter text.
R4. Makes, on average, at least one research/scholarly presentation 4 a year at national/international professional meetings
(list all presentations by year of presentation and indicate whether presentations were (I) invited; (J) juried; (N) national audience; (INT) international audience)
Click here to enter text.
R5. Receives external funding for research/scholarly activities
(list applications submitted, organized in categories of “Funded”, “Pending” and “Submitted but not funded”. For funded projects, include active dates, source, title, total direct costs, and your role, organized with headings of “Active Research”, and “Completed Research”. For pending projects, include proposed dates, source, title, total direct costs, and your role.)
Click here to enter text.
R6. Other
(cite any other forms of scholarly activities and or recognition)
Click here to enter text.
3 Faculty member should make a major contribution to the publication (as documented)
4 Scholarly presentation/publication: A presentation/publication based on the scholarship of discovery, the scholarship of integration, or the scholarship of application. This may include textbooks, videos, chapters in books, software, poster sessions, etc.
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Refereed journal: A refereed journal means, at a minimum, that it is cited in an index appropriate to the discipline and is scholarly in the opinion of the faculty members' peers in the profession.
6 Area of expertise: An area of content in which the faculty member's consultation is sought by other scholars, governmental or professional agencies (e.g., invited presentation, external program reviewer).
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SERVICE/ADMINISTRATION % effort: Click here to enter text.
S1. Demonstrates exemplary leadership on department, school, medical center or university committees
(document your leadership role on relevant committees; provide a listing of relevant committees and dates of service. Describe any significant administrative duties noting applicable titles and responsibilities and dates of service.)
Click here to enter text.
S2. Continues previous activities within professional organizations with emphasis shifting to leadership roles at the regional, national, or international levels
(provide a listing of relevant activities, including dates of service, organized by levels)
Click here to enter text.
S3. Provides professional/continuing education programs at state, regional, national, or international meetings
(cite all continuing education activities you have organized or provided, including titles, audiences, and date of program, organized by state or regional setting)
Click here to enter text.
S4. Collaborates or consults with local/regional/national providers (agencies, hospitals, clinics, nonprofit agencies, etc.) appropriate to professional discipline
(provide a listing of relevant activities, including dates of activity)
Click here to enter text.
S5. Serves as external reviewer for manuscripts or grants
(provide a listing of relevant activities, including dates of service)
Click here to enter text.
S6. Other items not previously cited 7
(document any other service activities [including community service] and/or recognition not noted under other guidelines; these items may include administrative responsibilities for programs, departments, divisions, centers or institutes, or activities that (a) further the mission and goals of the university, medical center, school or department, or (b) relate to the faculty member’s professional discipline or area of expertise. See SHP APT Policy and Procedures Manual, p. 4, for examples. Please list items (a) and/or
(b) separately.)
Click here to enter text.
7 Community service activities must relate to the faculty member's professional discipline and area of expertise, and/or the mission of the University.
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