Networks from SNAP (Stanford Network Analysis Platform) Network Data Sets,
Jure Leskovec
email jure at
Google web graph
Dataset information
Nodes represent web pages and directed edges represent hyperlinks between them.
The data was released in 2002 by Google as a part of Google Programming
Dataset statistics
Nodes 875713
Edges 5105039
Nodes in largest WCC 855802 (0.977)
Edges in largest WCC 5066842 (0.993)
Nodes in largest SCC 434818 (0.497)
Edges in largest SCC 3419124 (0.670)
Average clustering coefficient 0.6047
Number of triangles 13391903
Fraction of closed triangles 0.05523
Diameter (longest shortest path) 22
90-percentile effective diameter 8.1
Source (citation)
J. Leskovec, K. Lang, A. Dasgupta, M. Mahoney. Community Structure in Large
Networks: Natural Cluster Sizes and the Absence of Large Well-Defined Clusters., 2008.
Google programming contest, 2002
File Description
web-Google.txt.gz Webgraph from the Google programming contest, 2002