KAIST Computer vision and Learning lab (KCVL)

Tae-Kyun (T-K) Kim, PhD


School of Computing, KAIST

Tae-Kyun (T-K) Kim is a full Professor and the director of Computer Vision and Learning Lab at School of Computing, KAIST since 2020, and has been an adjunct reader of Imperial College London (ICL), UK for 2020-2024. He led Computer Vision and Learning Lab at ICL during 2010-2020. He obtained his PhD from Univ. of Cambridge in 2008 and Junior Research Fellowship (governing body) of Sidney Sussex College, Univ. of Cambridge during 2007-2010. His BSc and MSc are from KAIST. His research interests primarily lie in machine (deep) learning for 3D computer vision and generative AI, including: articulated 3D hand/body reconstruction, face analysis and recognition, 6D object pose estimation, activity recognition, object detection/tracking, active robot vision, which lead to novel active and interactive visual sensing. He has co-authored over 100 academic papers in top-tier conferences and journals in the field, and has co-organised series of HANDS workshops and 6D Object Pose workshops (in conjunction with CVPR/ICCV/ECCV) since 2015. He was the general chair of BMVC17 in London, the program co-chair of BMVC23, and is Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition Journal, Image and Vision Computing Journal. He regularly serves as an Area Chair for top-tier vision/ML conferences. He received KUKA best service robotics paper award at ICRA 2014, and 2016 best paper award by the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, and the best paper finalist at CVPR 2020, and his co-authored algorithm for face image representation is an international standard of MPEG-7 ISO/IEC.

Affiliated to: School of Computing, Kim Jaechul Graduate School of AI, Robotics Graduate Program, Metaverse Graduate Program @ KAIST

Research Interests

Machine (Deep) Learning for 3D Computer Vision, Generative AI, Man-Machine Interface, and Robotics

Contact Details

504 N1, School of Computing, KAIST, 291 Daehak-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea

Open positions:  PhD students and Postdocs in Computer Vision and Machine Learning

We are always looking for strong candidates for PhD and postdoc positions. Topics include (not limited to) 6D object/hand pose estimation, 3D object detection and tracking, GANs, data augmentation, 2D/3D face, deep reinforcement learning, robotics. Applicants should have a first-class degree and a strong track record in CVPR/ICCV/ECCV, NIPS/ICML/ICLR, or PAMI/IJCV/TIP. Candidates who are able to carry highest quality research independently are pursued. If you are interested, please send me an email titled ‘phd/postdoc application’, where you include your CV and indicate the earliest starting date.

Tae-Kyun (T-K) Kim