Siromaštvo je izraz koji označava nemogućnost zadovoljavanja osnovnih ljudskih potreba, odnosno nedostatak materijalnih sredstava nužnih za održavanje života i zdravlja. Pod osnovnim ljudskim potrebama se u tom smislu najčešće podrazumijevaju redovna ishrana, odnosno zaštita od prirodnih elemenata (stanovanje). U tom smislu, koji podrazumijeva nedostatak osnovnih potreba, se također koristi izrazi kao što su krajnje (destitucija) ili apsolutno siromaštvo.
Pojam siromaštva uključuje i stanje u kome je pojedina osoba u stanju zadovoljavati svoje osnovne potrebe, ali ne i druge potrebe (higijena, obrazovanje, rekreacija i sl.) koje se smatraju dijelom životnog standarda neke države. U tom se slučaju govori o tzv. relativnom siromaštvu.
Iako se kriteriji prema kojima se određuje siromaštvo razlikuju u različitim oblastima, kulturama ili epohama, smatra se kako je većina stanovništva tokom historije bila u stanju apsolutnog ili relativnog siromaštva. Tek je industrijska revolucija, a zajedno sa njome vezane ekonomske i društvene promjene, omogućile uvjete za uspješno uklanjanje siromaštva u razvijenim zemljama svijeta. Siromaštvo, koje se tradicionalno smatra glavnim uzrokom većine oblika suvremene društvene patologije, odnosno katalizatorom političke nestabilnosti i oružanih sukoba, još uvijek predstavlja problem u zemljama Trećeg svijeta.
- Disease control priorities project Arhivirano 2006-04-06 na Wayback Machine-u Studies the cost effectiveness of health care interventions
- Human Rights Watch Tracks the abuse of people in less developed countries around the world.
- Luxembourg Income Study Contains a wealth of data on income inequality and poverty, and hundreds of its sponsored research papers using this data.
- Multinational Monitor Contains reports of corporate misbehavior around the world.
- Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Contains reports on economic development as well as relations between rich and poor nations.
- Transparency International Tracks issues of government and corporate corruption around the world.
- United Nations Hundres of free reports related to economic development and standards of living in countries around the world, such as the annual Human Development Report.
- U.S. Agency for International Development USAID is the primary U.S. government agency with the mission for aid to developing countries.
- World Congress of Muslim Philanthropists Association that helps Islamic donors organize contributions.
- World Bank Contains hundreds of reports which can be downloaded for free, such as the annual World Development Report.
- World Food Program Associated with the United Nations, the World Food Program compiles hundreds of reports on hunger and food security around the world.
- Islamic Development Bank Arhivirano 2009-09-18 na Wayback Machine-u
- Islamic relief Largest Muslim relief organization.
- The Pulsera Project A US based non-profit Organization alleviating poverty in Nicaragua, Central America's second poorest nation.
- Is Life Getting Better : What is Poverty? Pamphlet describing the basic idea of poverty and how to measure it, from OECD's Measuring Progress project.
- ("the first daily poverty newspaper in the world")
- OPHI Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative (OPHI)] Research to advance the human development approach to poverty reduction.