
Eleftherios Chrysochoidis

Eleftherios Chrysochoidis

Lead API Software Engineer @Chubb

Thessaloníki, Greece


Experienced Lead Software Engineer with Passion for Community Engagement

With over six years of experience in software engineering, building and maintaining robust applications, Eleftherios (or simply Lefteris) gained a deep expertise in Java and Spring Boot technologies.
His passion for open source has led him to create the CodeTour open source plugin for Intellij (https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/19227-codetour), which has been used by many developers worldwide.
He is also an active organizer of local tech events in Thessaloniki/Greece, dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of software engineers (SKG Java meetup - https://www.meetup.com/thessaloniki-not-only-java).

Always eager to talk and present topics at community events, aiming to share and spread the knowledge!

Area of Expertise

  • Information & Communications Technology

Code Reading Challenges & Best Practices

In our days, the demand for developers is increasing with more and more companies looking to hire new developers to join their projects. Sometimes this "joining" is tough and leads to huge costs for companies, as adapting and understanding a project is not easy.
What can developers do for that? Are there any best practices?

We are going to explore some best practices and approaches from 2 aspects:
a) Kick-starting a new Project making sure that the path is well structured to ensure its quality, scalability, continuity, and feasibility throughout the development process by just following some simple but important steps
b) From-zero-to-hero approach for exploring an existing project alone, relying only on the code and any available documentation (if any!). Applicable for open source projects, abandoned or failed projects, and projects in need of modernization.

After that session Software Engineers/Developers, Project Managers, and even CS Students would hopefully build some confidence in taking on and dealing with any project, or contributing to an open-source project.

The Art of Code Reading

Have you ever wondered what the imperative skill of a Software Engineer is? Technology changes, new languages/frameworks keep coming up, thousands of legacy projects still need maintenance, contributions on open source projects are highly appreciated, and turnover effect is higher than ever. Being good at writing code is not enough to deal with all of them. Instead, Code Reading is the key skill that makes all of the above feasible. However, Code Reading is not easy. How many times have you struggled to read a legacy's project code without any assistance? What about reviewing others' code? How do you face cases when half of your team decides to leave and you have to handover their knowledge to the remaining team? Let's find out the importance of Code Reading skills, tips and tricks for upskilling your Dev team and ideas for understanding more about your candidates on a technical interview, by including Code Reading in the process, making it more fun as well. Code Reading is a skill on demand, it makes you effective and efficient and we all need it.

Software Engineers and Developers on any level may join. The session is abstract (no language or framework specific). A 30 minutes slot including Q/A is fine

Unlocking the Power of Open Source: Creating Plugins for IntelliJ

What if you spent some fun time creating something that can make your work easier or faster and it becomes valuable to others in the community?

It is well-known that open-source contributions are much appreciated and the majority of developers are eager to contribute or even try out new frameworks and technologies!

In this session, we will go over the many advantages of creating plugins for any of Jetbrain's products. You will also learn how using an IDE's SDK for developing plugins can supercharge your development career, enhance your coding skills, and create a win-win scenario for you and the community!

Sometimes, a small idea can lead to discovering your passion. Even if it doesn't, you will have gained many benefits from your trial and that's also what you win... Experience!

Mastering HATEOAS: Building intuitive APIs

HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State) is a powerful architectural pattern for designing RESTful APIs that provide intuitive navigation and self-descriptive information to an API consumer, whether a system or a client.

By following HATEOAS principles, developers can create easy-to-use, discoverable, and extensible APIs. In this session, we will dive into the benefits of HATEOAS, guiding you through the process of designing and implementing hypermedia-driven APIs that enhance user experience and application flexibility with some real-world examples from public APIs.

Advanced Code Reading Techniques

Code reading is a fundamental skill for software engineers, and mastering it requires a combination of knowledge, techniques, and experience.
By understanding the challenges and embracing best practices, one can become an expert code reader, enabling them to navigate complex codebases with ease and efficiency. Let's explore some cool techniques that will assist you in elevating your code reading skills and becoming a proficient code interpreter.

Session Type/Duration: Quickie (15-25 minutes)
Audience Level: Intermediate (more valuable for experienced developers)

Eleftherios Chrysochoidis

Lead API Software Engineer @Chubb

Thessaloníki, Greece


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