[引用][C] Soft power could put sharper teeth into the EU's neighbourhood policy (commentary by Donal Quinn)

U Ahlin - Europe's world: the only Europe-wide policy journal, 2006 - dialnet.unirioja.es

Campaigning for an Elected Seat in the UN Security Council

AM Ekengren, U Möller - Elected Members of the Security Council: Lame …, 2019 - brill.com
Why do countries seek representation in the UN Security Council? What accounts for a
successful effort? The five permanent seats that come with a right to veto are the typical …

Perkembangan Sistem Pendidikan di Swedia

R Azzahra, A Zulfikar - Journal Educational Research …, 2024 - jurnal.globalscients.com
… Juru bicara parlemen Swedia bernama Urban Ahlin. Pendapatan Swedia dengan total
467.450.US $ dengan estimasi tahun 2015 dengan IDP no 41 di dunia, sedangkan per kapita …

The Swedish Recognition of Palestine: A case study on the ego role conception of Sweden

I Vanhainen - 2016 - diva-portal.org
… In the debate concerning the signing of a host country agreement with Palestine, Urban Ahlin
… a host country agreement with Palestine, Urban Ahlin (Social Democrats) stated as follows: …

Solidarity and sovereignty: The two-dimensional game of Swedish security policy

M Christiansson - Connections, 2010 - JSTOR
… Spokesperson Urban Ahlin clarified that the declaration of solidarity did not challenge the …
The foreign policy spokesperson for the Social Democrats Urban Ahlin, Johan Raeder of the …

[引用][C] The EU needs a policy on Belarus

U Ahlin - CER Bulletin, 2005 - Centre for European Reform London

[引用][C] An Open Letter to the Heads of State and Government Of the European Union and NATO

U Ahlin, G Amato, U Azad - The Moscow Times, 2004

[引用][C] Old Sweden, New NATO and Eternal Russia

U Ahlin - The 6th Stockholm Conference on Baltic Sea Region …, 2002

[引用][C] Democracy and Human Development in the Broader Middle East: A Transatlantic Strategy for Partnership

U Ahlin, M Akgun, G Aristegui, R Asmus, D Byman… - Istanbul: German Marshall …, 2004

[引用][C] A joint plan to help the greater Middle East

U Ahlin, R Asmus, S Everts, J Hybaskova, M Leonard… - International Herald Tribune, 2004