Você quis dizer: Abu Ghurab

[HTML][HTML] Evaluation of drinking water pollution and health effects in Baghdad, Iraq

AM Aenab, SK Singh - Journal of environmental protection, 2012 - scirp.org
… The outskirts of Baghdad comprises of 4 cities: Al-Hussaniya located in northern part of
Baghdad, Abu-Gurabe located in the western side of Baghdad, Jissr Diyala located in the …

Critical assessment of environmental quality of Baghdad, Iraq

AM Aenab, SK Singh - Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2012 - ascelibrary.org
Before the Gulf War, the population of Iraq enjoyed a relatively high level of water supply
and sanitation services. The sector operated efficiently, utilizing then-current technologies. …

The place-names and the personal nomenclature of Gozo, 1372-1600

G Wettinger - Oriental Studies, 1980 - brill.com
Several writers have wrestled with Gozitan onomastics in the past. GF Abela reviewed a large
number of Gozitan place-names in 1647, when he also dealt with a number of the island's …

[CITAÇÃO][C] Nazarin Hausa:(a k̳ananan makarantun sakandare), Littafi na Farko

CY Garba - 1985 - Calvin Y. Garba

[LIVRO][B] The Jews of Ethiopia: The birth of an élite

T Parfitt, ET Semi - 2013 - books.google.com
This book offers the results of the most recent research carried out in European and Israeli
universities on Ethiopian Jews. With a special focus on Europe and the role played by German…

[PDF][PDF] Dinin Akli ve Ahlaki Savunusu

İ Aslan - Ankara: OTTO Yayınları, 2014 - ottoyayin.com
Değerlendirmesi adlı teziyle (2002); doktorasını ise Kâdî Abdulcebbâr’da Kelâm Yöntemi
başlıklı çalışmayla tamamladı (2007). Mu’tezile Kelâmı bağlamında korkunun teolojisi, levh-i …

Şeyh Müfîd'in en-Nüketu'l-İ 'tikadiyye Eserindeki İ 'tikadî Görüşleri

A Bardak - Şırnak Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, 2022 - dergipark.org.tr
… When we look at the works of al-Sheikh Mufid, it is seen that he was especially influenced
by Mu'tazilite theologians such as Abu'l-Qāsım al-Balkhî (d. 319/931) and Qādī ‘Abd al-Jabbār (…

[LIVRO][B] Glaube und Vernunft in Christentum und Islam

H Albayrak, M Ay, R Barth, E Erdem, M Esen, A Kreiner… - 2017 - books.google.com
Das Spannungsfeld" Glaube und Vernunft" ist eine Kernfrage sowohl christlicher als auch
muslimischer Theologie. Bereits in den Offenbarungsschriften selbst wird ansatzweise die …

[CITAÇÃO][C] Why was the beatific vision (ruyah Allah) considered an important point of debate? What were the issues at stake?


[PDF][PDF] Kelamcıların Usulünde Tümevarım ve Akıl Yetisinin Yeri

H Alkhattaf - Artuklu Akademi, 2015 - dergipark.org.tr
… The research is generally a comparison between the Sunni theology (represented by Abu
al-Hasan al-Ash'ari) and Ali’tzali theology ( represented by Judge Abdul-Jabbar) in matters …
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