Kunal Mishra

Kunal Mishra

Electronics Engg at BITS Goa in India, He/Him


I'm studying electronics and instrumentation at BITS Goa. I build and run some SaaS side projects: Socialscribe and Twift (sunsetted). I worked as the SEO Lead for HelloMeets and grew their monthly traffic from 600 to 45k/month in 6 months on a strict budget. I have done freelance content writing and designed an infographic template for The Morning Context.



Socialscribe lets newsletter creators add social sign-up buttons (`sign-up with google`) to their websites without coding. I designed and built the entire thing up and grew it to about $900 in profits.


Now defunct, Twift helped creators run "reply with an 👋" giveaways on Twitter, handling sending thousands of DMs without being marked as spam. I built and designed the whole web-app and DM-ing engine while Prado (@pradologue) helped me with growing it to hundreds of users. We had to eventually shut down when the Twitter API pricing change made this too expensive to continue ($40k/month to be exact).

Work Experience

2024 — Now

Bacterial DNA can store digital data thousands of times more densely than Seagate's current best tech. We're working on a device which would bring this in a form you can plug into your PC.

2023 — Now
Student Researcher at DaSH Lab

I'm working under Prof Arnab Paul on building data prefetching for distributed ML training on resource constrained devices.

2021 — 2022

I handled the entire publishing process for the HelloMeets blog while growing it from 600 to over 45k visits a month, in 8 months on a strict budget.

Side Projects


Deta has set out to build a new form of cloud-based personal computing they call The Personal Cloud. As a short assignment, I helped them in thinking through ways to market their platform better.


Dump is a minimal micro-blogging platform I built for Deta Space which lets anybody create and host their own microblogs for free for ever. It is completely decentralised. Deta offered to buy it from me if I turned it into a decentralised social media protocol which I couldn't work on as life got in the way. I may continue this in the future.


I designed the the first infographic template for The Morning Context, an independent media company that's supported by reader subscriptions. They publish some of India's best and most courageous takes on tech and business.


I ran an email newsletter rounding up cool stuff I found throughout the week. It went on the get over a thousand subscribers but I couldn't be consistent and decided to drop it.



The brilliant people I'm featured along with here are few of the most inspiring friends I have.



I won 3 prizes at HackerNoon's Noonies award program. Two second places and one third. I was awarded w/ 6 .tech domain coupons which I use till date whenever I've cooked up a new idea. :)

