
PyOCD requires Python 3.7 or later. It runs on macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, and Windows platforms.

The latest pyOCD package is available on PyPI. The GitHub releases page details changes between versions.

The latest stable version of pyOCD may be installed or upgraded via pip as follows:

$ python3 -m pip install -U pyocd

Note: depending on your system, you may need to use python instead of python3.

We also recommend using pipx as an excellent method to install pyOCD in an isolated virtual Python environment.

PE Micro probe support

Support for Cyclone and/or Multilink debug probes by PE Micro is available in a probe driver plug-in that is a separate package from pyOCD. There are two ways to install the PE Micro probe plug-in. Either substitute pyocd[pemicro] for pyocd in the commands above, or separately install pyocd-pemicro using pip.

To access Segger J-Link debug probes, first install the J-Link driver package.

Permissions issues

Note that, depending on your operating system, you may run into permissions issues running these commands. You have a few options here:

  1. Install with pipx.
  2. Run the command in a virtualenv local to a specific project working set.
  3. Under Linux, run with sudo -H to install pyOCD and dependencies globally. On macOS, installing with sudo should never be required, although sometimes permissions/corrupted can become modified such that installing without using sudo fails.
  4. Specify the --user option to install local to your user account.

Non-x86 systems

For notes about installing and using on non-x86 systems such as Raspberry Pi, see the relevant documentation.

Development versions

To install the latest prerelease version from the HEAD of the develop branch, you can do the following:

$ python3 -m pip install --pre -U git+

You can also install directly from the source by cloning the git repository and running this command from the working copy root directory:

$ python3 -m pip install .

See the developer’s guide for more about setting up a development environment for pyOCD.

(Note: Installing by running directly is deprecated since pyOCD migrated to PEP 517 based packaging. In many cases it will not work at all. Installing with pip or another standards-compliant tool is the only supported method.)

udev rules on Linux

On Linux, particularly Ubuntu 16.04+, you must configure udev rules to allow pyOCD to access debug probes from user space. Otherwise you will need to run pyOCD as root, using sudo, which is very highly discouraged. (You should never run pyOCD as root on any OS.)

To help with this, example udev rules files are included with pyOCD in the udev folder. The readme in this folder has detailed instructions.

Target support

See the target support documentation for information on how to check if the MCU(s) you are using have built-in support, and how to install support for additional MCUs via CMSIS-Packs.