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Widgets to easily build adaptive layouts, including navigation elements.

Adaptive Scaffold #

AdaptiveScaffold reacts to input from users, devices and screen elements and renders your Flutter application according to the Material 3 guidelines.

To see examples of using these widgets to make a simple but common adaptive layout:

cd example/
flutter run --release

AdaptiveScaffold #

AdaptiveScaffold implements the basic visual layout structure for Material Design 3 that adapts to a variety of screens. It provides a preset of layout, including positions and animations, by handling macro changes in navigational elements and bodies based on the current features of the screen, namely screen width and platform. For example, the navigational elements would be a BottomNavigationBar on a small mobile device and a NavigationRail on larger devices. The body is the primary screen that takes up the space left by the navigational elements. The secondaryBody acts as an option to split the space between two panes for purposes such as having a detail view. There is some automatic functionality with foldables to handle the split between panels properly. AdaptiveScaffold is much simpler to use but is not the best if you would like high customizability. Apps that would like more refined layout and/or animation should use AdaptiveLayout.

Example Usage #

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  // Define the children to display within the body at different breakpoints.
  final List<Widget> children = <Widget>[
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        padding: const EdgeInsets.all(8.0),
        child: Container(
          color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 255, 201, 197),
          height: 400,
  return AdaptiveScaffold(
    // An option to override the default transition duration.
    transitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: _transitionDuration),
    // An option to override the default breakpoints used for small, medium,
    // mediumLarge, large, and extraLarge.
    smallBreakpoint: const Breakpoint(endWidth: 700),
    mediumBreakpoint: const Breakpoint(beginWidth: 700, endWidth: 1000),
    mediumLargeBreakpoint: const Breakpoint(beginWidth: 1000, endWidth: 1200),
    largeBreakpoint: const Breakpoint(beginWidth: 1200, endWidth: 1600),
    extraLargeBreakpoint: const Breakpoint(beginWidth: 1600),
    useDrawer: false,
    selectedIndex: _selectedTab,
    onSelectedIndexChange: (int index) {
      setState(() {
        _selectedTab = index;
    destinations: const <NavigationDestination>[
        icon: Icon(Icons.inbox_outlined),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.inbox),
        label: 'Inbox',
        icon: Icon(Icons.article_outlined),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.article),
        label: 'Articles',
        icon: Icon(Icons.chat_outlined),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.chat),
        label: 'Chat',
        icon: Icon(Icons.video_call_outlined),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.video_call),
        label: 'Video',
        icon: Icon(Icons.home_outlined),
        selectedIcon: Icon(Icons.home),
        label: 'Inbox',
    smallBody: (_) => ListView.builder(
      itemCount: children.length,
      itemBuilder: (_, int idx) => children[idx],
    body: (_) => GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 2, children: children),
    mediumLargeBody: (_) =>
        GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 3, children: children),
    largeBody: (_) => GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 4, children: children),
    extraLargeBody: (_) =>
        GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 5, children: children),
    // Define a default secondaryBody.
    // Override the default secondaryBody during the smallBreakpoint to be
    // empty. Must use AdaptiveScaffold.emptyBuilder to ensure it is properly
    // overridden.
    smallSecondaryBody: AdaptiveScaffold.emptyBuilder,
    secondaryBody: (_) => Container(
      color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 234, 158, 192),
    mediumLargeSecondaryBody: (_) => Container(
      color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 234, 158, 192),
    largeSecondaryBody: (_) => Container(
      color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 234, 158, 192),
    extraLargeSecondaryBody: (_) => Container(
      color: const Color.fromARGB(255, 234, 158, 192),

The Background Widget Suite #

These are the set of widgets that are used on a lower level and offer more customizability at a cost of more lines of code.

Breakpoint #

A Breakpoint controls the responsive behavior at different screens and configurations.

You can either use a predefined Material3 breakpoint or create your own.

/// Returns a const [Breakpoint] with the given constraints.
const Breakpoint({
  this.andUp = false,
  this.spacing = kMaterialMediumAndUpSpacing,
  this.margin = kMaterialMediumAndUpMargin,
  this.padding = kMaterialPadding,
  this.recommendedPanes = 1,
  this.maxPanes = 1,

/// Returns a [Breakpoint] that can be used as a fallthrough in the
/// case that no other breakpoint is active.
const Breakpoint.standard({this.platform})
    : beginWidth = -1,
      endWidth = null,
      beginHeight = null,
      endHeight = null,
      spacing = kMaterialMediumAndUpSpacing,
      margin = kMaterialMediumAndUpMargin,
      padding = kMaterialPadding,
      recommendedPanes = 1,
      maxPanes = 1,
      andUp = true;

/// Returns a [Breakpoint] with the given constraints for a small screen.
const Breakpoint.small({this.andUp = false, this.platform})
    : beginWidth = 0,
      endWidth = 600,
      beginHeight = null,
      endHeight = 480,
      spacing = kMaterialCompactSpacing,
      margin = kMaterialCompactMargin,
      padding = kMaterialPadding,
      recommendedPanes = 1,
      maxPanes = 1;

/// Returns a [Breakpoint] with the given constraints for a medium screen.
const Breakpoint.medium({this.andUp = false, this.platform})
    : beginWidth = 600,
      endWidth = 840,
      beginHeight = 480,
      endHeight = 900,
      spacing = kMaterialMediumAndUpSpacing,
      margin = kMaterialMediumAndUpMargin,
      padding = kMaterialPadding * 2,
      recommendedPanes = 1,
      maxPanes = 2;

/// Returns a [Breakpoint] with the given constraints for a mediumLarge screen.
const Breakpoint.mediumLarge({this.andUp = false, this.platform})
    : beginWidth = 840,
      endWidth = 1200,
      beginHeight = 900,
      endHeight = null,
      spacing = kMaterialMediumAndUpSpacing,
      margin = kMaterialMediumAndUpMargin,
      padding = kMaterialPadding * 3,
      recommendedPanes = 2,
      maxPanes = 2;

/// Returns a [Breakpoint] with the given constraints for a large screen.
const Breakpoint.large({this.andUp = false, this.platform})
    : beginWidth = 1200,
      endWidth = 1600,
      beginHeight = 900,
      endHeight = null,
      spacing = kMaterialMediumAndUpSpacing,
      margin = kMaterialMediumAndUpMargin,
      padding = kMaterialPadding * 4,
      recommendedPanes = 2,
      maxPanes = 2;

/// Returns a [Breakpoint] with the given constraints for an extraLarge screen.
const Breakpoint.extraLarge({this.andUp = false, this.platform})
    : beginWidth = 1600,
      endWidth = null,
      beginHeight = 900,
      endHeight = null,
      spacing = kMaterialMediumAndUpSpacing,
      margin = kMaterialMediumAndUpMargin,
      padding = kMaterialPadding * 5,
      recommendedPanes = 2,
      maxPanes = 3;

It is possible to compare Breakpoints:

/// Returns true if this [Breakpoint] is greater than the given [Breakpoint].
bool operator >(Breakpoint breakpoint)
// ···
/// Returns true if this [Breakpoint] is less than the given [Breakpoint].
bool operator <(Breakpoint breakpoint)
// ···
/// Returns true if this [Breakpoint] is greater than or equal to the
/// given [Breakpoint].
bool operator >=(Breakpoint breakpoint)
// ···
/// Returns true if this [Breakpoint] is less than or equal to the
/// given [Breakpoint].
bool operator <=(Breakpoint breakpoint)
// ···
/// Returns true if this [Breakpoint] is between the given [Breakpoint]s.
bool between(Breakpoint lower, Breakpoint upper)

AdaptiveLayout #

"AdaptiveLayout's Assigned Slots Displayed on Screen" AdaptiveLayout is the top-level widget class that arranges the layout of the slots and their animation, similar to Scaffold. It takes in several LayoutSlots and returns an appropriate layout based on the diagram above. AdaptiveScaffold is built upon AdaptiveLayout internally but abstracts some of the complexity with presets based on the Material 3 Design specification.

SlotLayout #

SlotLayout handles the adaptivity or the changes between widgets at certain Breakpoints. It also holds the logic for animating between breakpoints. It takes SlotLayoutConfigs mapped to Breakpoints in a config and displays a widget based on that information.

SlotLayout.from #

SlotLayout.from creates a SlotLayoutConfig holds the actual widget to be displayed and the entrance animation and exit animation.

Example Usage #

// AdaptiveLayout has a number of slots that take SlotLayouts and these
// SlotLayouts' configs take maps of Breakpoints to SlotLayoutConfigs.
return AdaptiveLayout(
  // An option to override the default transition duration.
  transitionDuration: Duration(milliseconds: _transitionDuration),
  // Primary navigation config has nothing from 0 to 600 dp screen width,
  // then an unextended NavigationRail with no labels and just icons then an
  // extended NavigationRail with both icons and labels.
  primaryNavigation: SlotLayout(
    config: <Breakpoint, SlotLayoutConfig>{
      Breakpoints.medium: SlotLayout.from(
        inAnimation: AdaptiveScaffold.leftOutIn,
        key: const Key('Primary Navigation Medium'),
        builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail(
          selectedIndex: selectedNavigation,
          onDestinationSelected: (int newIndex) {
            setState(() {
              selectedNavigation = newIndex;
          leading: const Icon(Icons.menu),
          destinations: destinations
              .map((NavigationDestination destination) =>
          backgroundColor: navRailTheme.backgroundColor,
          selectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.selectedIconTheme,
          unselectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.unselectedIconTheme,
          selectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.selectedLabelTextStyle,
          unSelectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.unselectedLabelTextStyle,
      Breakpoints.mediumLarge: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Primary Navigation MediumLarge'),
        inAnimation: AdaptiveScaffold.leftOutIn,
        builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail(
          selectedIndex: selectedNavigation,
          onDestinationSelected: (int newIndex) {
            setState(() {
              selectedNavigation = newIndex;
          extended: true,
          leading: Row(
            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
            children: <Widget>[
                style: headerColor,
              const Icon(Icons.menu_open)
          destinations: destinations
              .map((NavigationDestination destination) =>
          trailing: trailingNavRail,
          backgroundColor: navRailTheme.backgroundColor,
          selectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.selectedIconTheme,
          unselectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.unselectedIconTheme,
          selectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.selectedLabelTextStyle,
          unSelectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.unselectedLabelTextStyle,
      Breakpoints.large: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Primary Navigation Large'),
        inAnimation: AdaptiveScaffold.leftOutIn,
        builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail(
          selectedIndex: selectedNavigation,
          onDestinationSelected: (int newIndex) {
            setState(() {
              selectedNavigation = newIndex;
          extended: true,
          leading: Row(
            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
            children: <Widget>[
                style: headerColor,
              const Icon(Icons.menu_open)
          destinations: destinations
              .map((NavigationDestination destination) =>
          trailing: trailingNavRail,
          backgroundColor: navRailTheme.backgroundColor,
          selectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.selectedIconTheme,
          unselectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.unselectedIconTheme,
          selectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.selectedLabelTextStyle,
          unSelectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.unselectedLabelTextStyle,
      Breakpoints.extraLarge: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Primary Navigation ExtraLarge'),
        inAnimation: AdaptiveScaffold.leftOutIn,
        builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.standardNavigationRail(
          selectedIndex: selectedNavigation,
          onDestinationSelected: (int newIndex) {
            setState(() {
              selectedNavigation = newIndex;
          extended: true,
          leading: Row(
            mainAxisAlignment: MainAxisAlignment.spaceAround,
            children: <Widget>[
                style: headerColor,
              const Icon(Icons.menu_open)
          destinations: destinations
              .map((NavigationDestination destination) =>
          trailing: trailingNavRail,
          backgroundColor: navRailTheme.backgroundColor,
          selectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.selectedIconTheme,
          unselectedIconTheme: navRailTheme.unselectedIconTheme,
          selectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.selectedLabelTextStyle,
          unSelectedLabelTextStyle: navRailTheme.unselectedLabelTextStyle,
  // Body switches between a ListView and a GridView from small to medium
  // breakpoints and onwards.
  body: SlotLayout(
    config: <Breakpoint, SlotLayoutConfig>{
      Breakpoints.small: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Body Small'),
        builder: (_) => ListView.builder(
          itemCount: children.length,
          itemBuilder: (BuildContext context, int index) => children[index],
      Breakpoints.medium: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Body Medium'),
        builder: (_) =>
            GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 2, children: children),
      Breakpoints.mediumLarge: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Body MediumLarge'),
        builder: (_) =>
            GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 3, children: children),
      Breakpoints.large: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Body Large'),
        builder: (_) =>
            GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 4, children: children),
      Breakpoints.extraLarge: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Body ExtraLarge'),
        builder: (_) =>
            GridView.count(crossAxisCount: 5, children: children),
  // BottomNavigation is only active in small views defined as under 600 dp
  // width.
  bottomNavigation: SlotLayout(
    config: <Breakpoint, SlotLayoutConfig>{
      Breakpoints.small: SlotLayout.from(
        key: const Key('Bottom Navigation Small'),
        inAnimation: AdaptiveScaffold.bottomToTop,
        outAnimation: AdaptiveScaffold.topToBottom,
        builder: (_) => AdaptiveScaffold.standardBottomNavigationBar(
          destinations: destinations,
          currentIndex: selectedNavigation,
          onDestinationSelected: (int newIndex) {
            setState(() {
              selectedNavigation = newIndex;

Both of the examples shown here produce the same output: "Example of a display made with AdaptiveScaffold"

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Widgets to easily build adaptive layouts, including navigation elements.

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