# rebar3_lfe

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*A comprehensive LFE rebar3 plugin for all your LFE tooling needs*

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#### Contents

* [About](#about-)
* [Features](#features-)
* [Setup](#setup-)
* [Documentation](#documentation-)

## About [↟](#contents)

This plugin originally started life as a shell script (`lfetool` -- there's
even a T-shirt for it!), then it toyed with integrating with `rebar` (the
original). Around that time, though, `rebar3` was under initial development,
and LFE took a chance on it as an early adopter. This lead to a whole series of
LFE plugins, but after a few years momentum was lost. 

Those early `rebar3` efforts have been combined into a single plugin in this
project, with many updates and using all the latest approaches developed in
`rebar3`'s now mature ecosystem.

## Features [↟](#contents)

* Create new LFE projects:
  * `rebar3 new lfe-lib`
  * `rebar3 new lfe-main`
  * `rebar3 new lfe-escript`
  * `rebar3 new lfe-app`
  * `rebar3 new lfe-release`
* Create new LFE behaviour files:
  * `rebar3 new lfe-sup name=my-sup`
  * `rebar3 new lfe-server name=my-server`
  * `rebar3 new lfe-statem-handle-event name=my-statem`
  * `rebar3 new lfe-statem-state-functions name=my-statem`
* Start up an LFE REPL:
  * `rebar3 lfe repl`
* Compile LFE source code:
  * `rebar3 lfe compile`
* Run tests using the LFE testing library (wrapper for eunit)
  * `rebar3 lfe ltest`
  * `rebar3 lfe ltest -tunit`
  * `rebar3 lfe ltest -tsystem`
  * `rebar3 lfe ltest -tintegration`
  * `rebar3 lfe ltest -tall`
* Run an LFE project's `main/1` function as an lfescript (run `rebar3 new lfe-main` to see an example):
  * `rebar3 lfe run`
  * `rebar3 lfe run -- 1 2 5`
  * `rebar3 lfe run -main some/path/main.lfe`
* Escriptize an LFE escript project:
  * `rebar3 ecsriptize`
* Run an escriptized LFE escript project:
  * `rebar3 lfe run-ecsript`
* Generate an LFE/OTP release
  * `rebar3 release`
* Run an LFE/OTP release project's release script (`COMMAND` can be `start` , `stop` , `status`, `ping`, etc.):
  * `rebar3 lfe run-release COMMAND`
* Convert LFE data files to Erlang data file
  * `rebar3 lfe confabulate lfe-data.lfe erl_data.erl`
* Cleanup
  * `rebar3 lfe clean`
  * `rebar3 lfe clean-build`
  * `rebar3 lfe clean-cache`
  * `rebar3 lfe clean-all`
* Metadata
  * `rebar3 lfe versions`

[More coming soon!](

## Setup [↟](#contents)

Add the plugin to your ``rebar.config`` (stable):

{plugins, [
    {rebar3_lfe, "0.4.8"}

### Upgrading `rebar3_lfe` Globally

If you have installed the rebar3_lfe plugin to be available system wide, and you need to update it, the cleanest way to do this is following these steps:

1. edit the `rebar3_lfe` entry in `~/.config/rebar3/rebar.config` to point to the version you want to use
2. delete the existing plugins with `rm -rf ~/.cache/rebar3/plugins/*lfe*`
3. execute a command from the plugin (such as `rebar3 lfe versions`) to automatically download the newly configured version

## Documentation [↟](#contents)

Detailed usage is provided in the [project documentation](

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