Review of Tools for Analyzing Security Vulnerabilities in Ethereum based Smart Contracts
10 Pages Posted: 21 Jan 2021
Date Written: January 20, 2021
One of the most promising features of blockchain technology are software programs; smart contracts. A smart contract is a digital agreement that allows a significant amount of cryptocurrency transactions and processes without the need of third parties. They are the fundamental component for any decentralized application and are irreplaceable. They are legally self-enforced lines of a computer program. This paper is motivated by financial losses that occurred due to known attacks such as DAO attack ($150M) , Parity Multi-Sig Wallet attack (30M USD) and integer underflow/overflow attack during 2016-2018. This paper provides a detailed study of the known security vulnerabilities and security analysis tools that are used to detect them. This review explores possible attack techniques along with presenting a systematic study of the tools such as Oyente, Smart Check, Securify, GASPER, ZEUS, MAIAN and F* Framework used to detect these vulnerabilities.
Keywords: Ethereum, Smart Contracts, Analysis, Attack Techniques, Tools, Detection, Security
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