From Personas to Personalization: Unifying Product & Marketing Teams

Thursday, September 12 @ 10:00AM PDT

45 min

Join OneSignal and Mixpanel for a webinar exploring the benefits of aligning marketing and product teams to create personalized customer experiences. Learn how these teams can collaborate effectively by developing buyer personas, product use cases, and competitive intelligence, and gain insights into breaking down silos and understanding each team's needs. Discover strategies for cross-functional alignment that can transform your business and drive meaningful customer engagement.

We will explore:

  • The Value of Alignment: Understand why aligning product and marketing teams is crucial for creating buyer personas, product use cases, positioning, and competitive intelligence.
  • Team Dynamics: Explore what each team does, their specific needs, and how they can collaborate effectively.
  • Understanding Pain Points: Discover how teams can communicate to understand each other's challenges and find alignment.
  • Breaking Down Barriers: Participate in discussions about shattering myths and building a unified approach to common goals.

Meet the Speakers

Julia poppy headshot

Julia Poppy

Senior Product Marketing Manager, OneSignal
Neha Nathan

Neha Nathan

Senior Product Manager, Mixpanel

About Mixpanel

Mixpanel revolutionizes how companies link product analytics to tangible business outcomes. By understanding the full impact of product and marketing decisions, companies have the necessary information to optimize how they acquire and grow their customers. By providing complete, self-serve, and correct data in an easy-to-use platform, Mixpanel frees teams to move faster, see the whole picture, and measure impact.