
  • REST: https://notify.moe/api


AMVAMV is an anime music video.
ActivityConsumeAnimeActivityConsumeAnime is a user activity that consumes anime.
ActivityCreateActivityCreate is a user activity that creates something.
AnalyticsAnalytics stores user-related statistics.
AnimeAnime represents an anime.
AnimeCharactersAnimeCharacters is a list of characters for an anime.
AnimeListAnimeList is a list of anime list items.
AnimeRelationsAnimeRelations is a list of relations for an anime.
CharacterCharacter represents an anime or manga character.
ClientErrorReportClientErrorReport saves JavaScript errors that happen in web clients like browsers.
CompanyCompany represents an anime studio, producer or licensor.
CrashCrash contains data about server crashes.
DraftIndexDraftIndex has references to unpublished drafts a user created.
EditLogEntryEditLogEntry is an entry in the editor log.
EmailToUserEmailToUser stores the user ID for an email address.
EpisodeEpisode represents a single episode for an anime.
FacebookToUserFacebookToUser stores the user ID by Facebook user ID.
GoogleToUserGoogleToUser stores the user ID by Google user ID.
GroupGroup represents a group of users.
IDListIDList stores lists of IDs that are retrievable by name.
IgnoreAnimeDifferenceIgnoreAnimeDifference saves which differences between anime databases can be ignored.
InventoryInventory has inventory slots that store shop item IDs and their quantity.
NickToUserNickToUser stores the user ID by nickname.
NotificationNotification represents a user-associated notification.
PayPalPaymentPayPalPayment is an approved and exeucted PayPal payment.
PersonPerson represents a person in real life.
PostPost is a comment related to any parent type in the database.
PurchasePurchase represents an item purchase by a user.
PushSubscriptionsPushSubscriptions is a list of push subscriptions made by a user.
QuoteQuote is a quote made by a character in an anime.
SettingsSettings represents user settings.
ShopItemShopItem is a purchasable item in the shop.
SoundTrackSoundTrack is a soundtrack used in one or multiple anime.
ThreadThread is a forum thread.
TwitterToUserTwitterToUser stores the user ID by Twitter user ID.
UserUser is a registered person.
UserNotificationsUserNotifications is a list including IDs to your notifications.