nep-gen New Economics Papers
on Gender
Issue of 2022‒03‒21
four papers chosen by
Jan Sauermann
Institutet för Arbetsmarknads- och Utbildningspolitisk Utvärdering

  1. Does gender inequality affect economic development? An evidence based on analysis of cross-national panel data of 158 countries By Ram, Harchand; Chakravorty, Swastika; Goli, Srinivas
  2. No Evidence that Siblings’ Gender Affects Personality Across Nine Countries By Thomas Dudek; Anne Ardila Brenoe; Jan Feld; Julia M. Rohrer
  3. US Salary History Bans -- Strategic Disclosure by Job Applicants and the Gender Pay Gap By Sourav Sinha
  4. Labour market trajectories and conciliation efforts among female Uber drivers By Marina Luz GARCÍA

  1. By: Ram, Harchand; Chakravorty, Swastika; Goli, Srinivas
    Abstract: The gender-inequality is a critical economic challenge that has a significant negative impact on global economic prospects. In this context, this study aims to investigate the association between gender inequality and growth outcomes in the form of gross domestic product (GDP hereafter) per-capita across 158 countries in the world during 2000-15. Our findings suggest that GII has a significant inverse correlation with GDP per-capita (r=-0.7886); While gender development index (GDI hereafter) shows a positive correlation with GDP per-capita (r=0.574). Results from the multivariate log-linear model show that country with a high level of gender inequality index (GII hereafter) is having significantly lower levels of GDP per-capita even after controlling for other covariates. This study evidentially suggests that the economic policy of the countries should prioritize autonomy, agency, and empowerment of women to improve their participation in the national economy. Unless countries reduce gender inequalities, achieving full economic potential is not possible.
    Date: 2022–02–08
  2. By: Thomas Dudek (School of Economics and Finance, Victoria University of Wellington); Anne Ardila Brenoe (Department of Economics, University of Zurich); Jan Feld (School of Economics and Finance, Victoria University of Wellington); Julia M. Rohrer (Department of Psychology, Leipzig University)
    Abstract: Does growing up with a sister rather than a brother affect personality? In this paper, we provide a comprehensive analysis of the effects of siblings’ gender on adults’ personality, using data from 85,887 people from 12 large representative surveys covering 9 countries (the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Mexico, China, and Indonesia). We investigated the personality traits risk tolerance, trust, patience, locus of control, and the Big Five. We found no meaningful causal effects of the gender of the next younger sibling, and no associations with the gender of the next older sibling. Based on high statistical power and consistent results in the overall sample and relevant subsamples, our results suggest that siblings’ gender does not systematically affect personality.
    Keywords: personality, economic preferences, sibling gender, sibling sex
    JEL: J12 J16 J24
    Date: 2022–03–10
  3. By: Sourav Sinha
    Abstract: I study the effects of US salary history bans which restrict employers from inquiring about job applicants' pay history during the hiring process, but allow candidates to voluntarily share information. Using a difference-in-differences design, I show that these policies narrowed the gender pay gap significantly by 2 p.p., driven almost entirely by an increase in female earnings. The bans were also successful in weakening the auto-correlation between current and future earnings, especially among job-changers. I provide novel evidence showing that when employers could no longer nudge candidates for information, the likelihood of voluntarily disclosing salary history decreased among job applicants and by 2 p.p. more among women. I then develop a salary negotiation model with asymmetric information, where I allow job applicants to choose whether to reveal pay history, and use this framework to explain my empirical findings on disclosure behavior and gender pay gap.
    Date: 2022–02
  4. By: Marina Luz GARCÍA
    Abstract: This article examines female Uber drivers’ labour trajectories, paying attention to the way in which gender-based occupational segregation is reproduced and/or challenged in the context of the platform. It also asks how female drivers balance between paid labour and care responsibilities. The analysis focuses on the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on platform female drivers work-life balance. The article uses qualitative interviews with Uber female drivers, finding that the entry of female drivers into Uber comes with a significant challenge to the gender division of labour. With respect to the Argentinian context, their participation defies the idea that occupations involving driving or circulating in public spaces are inappropriate for women. However, these women’s conquests finds strong limits. In particular, the daily efforts to reconcile paid work (and its implications in terms of earnings levels and health) together with domestic care activities expose the omnipresent nature of a gender order that still needs to be systematically questioned and confronted.
    Keywords: Argentine
    JEL: Q
    Date: 2022–03–08

This nep-gen issue is ©2022 by Jan Sauermann. It is provided as is without any express or implied warranty. It may be freely redistributed in whole or in part for any purpose. If distributed in part, please include this notice.
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NEP’s infrastructure is sponsored by the School of Economics and Finance of Massey University in New Zealand.