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Days: 96.0
Mean Score:
- Watching13
- Completed282
- On-Hold9
- Dropped16
- Plan to Watch248
- Total Entries568
- Rewatched22
- Episodes5,939
Manga Stats
Days: 0.8
Mean Score:
- Total Entries4
- Reread0
- Chapters73
- Volumes16
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All Comments (1133) Comments
ahh pretty much my life, i give fast replies, and sometimes i have to tell myself to slow down to, i dont know, "create an atmosphere"
hell yeah me and my imaginary gf and i are going on an epic honeymoon
well you should also do what you're supposed to, and both are hard
so addictive and makes you sleepy? sounds about right jkjk
compares to what, true love?
that's kinda gay
but well i do think there are better things to pursue rather than true love and whatnot, moving forward is the right direction
nope nope nope i sing terribly
i've mastered the ultimate voice cracks tho
you sure love purifying tainted hearts dont you
do that
while im not a god damn weebster i do think whatever that pure love thing is, i would want that
not professional but good for a five minute campfire session i guess
you should keep at it, if you did it once with so many people i believe you can keep on going
guitar also, and a variety of others
not really, but privacy and all that sure
thats good
i too play instruments matey
or realize this is probably some joke because i never friended him so he wouldnt saw me in his friends list
it's probably a him as well, the damn internet lol
oof that's good, what kind of genres do you play? i know you like pink floyd, so prog rock? in that direction?
yeah i think they had the song leech boy linked
Tanned Gerine is not serious at all i dont get which one
im not like this all the time so cherish it lol
which instruments do you play?
We'll see, I'm going to ask some people now
Oh do you mean the one that called me unfunny? Yeah he's pretty serious about it smh
keep it up tho, try not to lose your likes and dislikes because it's what makes you human
Can you sing well?
bummer this is making me sad
Because he deletes his comments I can't find him
that's nice too, is it your hobby or your job
Absolutely! Are you on instagram? I seem to be really into it when it comes to talking hahah.
the last username i know was LeechBoi
good friend, i miss him
unless it's actually you then no, i dont miss him at all
i see i see so this is a new account for you?
i think you might like this one
oof that was rude of them lol
was it in a pub or in an opera? even though in a sense they are all the same
even though i still have my suspicions, i wont poke any further
do you have like a trial on here or something lol
i do admire ppl that can sing for hours and can talk fine while i sing like a penguin getting cut by a razor i think i might just die due to the sheer friction it has on my throat