All Anime Stats Anime Stats
Days: 75.2
Mean Score:
- Watching28
- Completed333
- On-Hold117
- Dropped29
- Plan to Watch79
- Total Entries586
- Rewatched12
- Episodes4,665
All Manga Stats Manga Stats
Days: 43.2
Mean Score:
- Total Entries152
- Reread0
- Chapters6,817
- Volumes385
All Comments (134) Comments
Well, Shiraitodai doesn't look too concerned to began with.
The two school (Achiga and Senriyama) has to be careful since they doesn't know about Himeko's key gun blade ... as for Awai, she can just defend on the rounds Marui win. XD
Oh and Sae is Miyamori's bucchou.
... Kinda surprising.
do you have the full link? - not just spoiler?
Japan's necrophiliac even since Mami's win... besides, crying Kuro is the best Kuro, so its best if she didn't win, lol...
Well, at least its a good thing non big boobed chars win (pretty rare, eh.)
Well, at least I like Miracle Rush DVD, also, getting used to the new OP, Tsu.Ba.Sa
... which is cool, although I prefer Miracle Rush.
Saki Achiga-hen episode of side-A Character Song vol.6
Onjouji Toki (Ogura Yui)
Saki Achiga-hen episode of side-A Character Song vol.7
Shimizudani Ryuuka (Ishihara Kaori)
... Neeee...
If Fa is chuuken and Rinkai go to final,
Takamin vs Fa would be something to behold.
Daisangen vs Daisuushi
I think it's better than the previous Saki ch... *mumbles*
By the looks of it you like Saki too? xD
Tenhou is rigged, in a different way, though. Basically, your winning chances drop drastically when you reach 5th Dan. You will be dealt poor starting hands and chances are Tenhou will make you draw other players' winners. Leveling up from there is hard as hell and needs tremendous efforts lol. Everyone that has reached 5th dan must have noticed this.
Oh, occult player? Why? *curious* I'm a digital player who favors an orthodox playstyle. I go for concealed hands most of the time because it makes my hands worth a lot more. I don't like calling because it exposes my hands and make it much more easy to read. If my chances of winning are small, I'll just switch to defense, minimize the losses and aim for 2nd place. Mahjong is a game of trying not to lose, after all. Dangerous? Not really, since I'm not an overly aggressive player who leaves everyone else traumatised ;P
I usually go with whatever finishes my hand the quickest while still containing a yaku when I play. :x