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=head1 NAME

pQuery::DOM - A DOM Class for pQuery


    my $dom = pQuery::DOM->fromHTML('<p>I <b>Like</b> Pie</p>';


jQuery makes use of the browser's built in DOM. Indeed, most jQuery objects
are collections of DOM objects.

pQuery needs a DOM to represent its content. Since there is no standard DOM
class in Perl, pQuery implements its own.

=head1 DOM MODEL

It is important to note that L<pQuery::DOM> is essentially a subclass of
L<HTML::TreeBuilder> and L<HTML::Element>. As such, text nodes are just
strings and therefore cannot have methods called on them.

This implies that the DOM methods previousSibling and nextSibling wouldn't
really work correctly. Therefore they are not implemented. However,
previousSiblingRef and nextSiblingRef are implemented. See below.

To deal with children, use the childNodes method which returns a list of all
the child nodes. Then you can use standard Perl idioms to process them.

Note that all pQuery::DOM objects are either HTML Element nodes or HTML
Comment nodes.

=head1 METHODS

    The names of (most of) the pQuery::DOM methods are the same as their
    JavaScript counterparts. However only a subset of the JavaScript DOM is
    actually implemented.

=head2 Class Methods


=item C<fromHTML($html)>

This is the main constructor method. It takes any HTML string and returns the
DOM object tree that represents that HTML.

=item C<createElement($tag)>

Create a new HTML Element node with the specified tag. This node will be empty
and have no attributes.

=item C<createComment($text)>

Create a new HTML Comment node with the given text value.


=head2 Object Methods


=item C<toHTML()>

This method returns the HTML string that represents the DOM tree on which it
was invoked.

=item C<innerHTML() innerHTML($html)>

If called with no arguments, this method returns the HTML string of the DOM
tree inside this node.

If called with an HTML argument, this method replaces the inner DOM tree with
the tree created from the HTML.

=item C<getElementById($id)>

Returns a list of all the elements with the given id. Normally this should
be one or zero elements, since two nodes should not have the same id in
the same DOM.

=item C<getElementsByTagName($tag)>

Returns a list of all elements in the tree that have the given tag name.

=item C<nodeType>

Returns 1 if the node is an HTML Element and 8 if it is a comment node. Never
returns 3 (the type value of a text node) since text nodes in the DOM are
just strings.

=item C<nodeName>

This method returns the name of the node, which is the uppercase HTML tag

Returns '#comment' if the node is a comment node.

=item C<tagName>

Returns the nodeName of the element if it is an HTML Element. (Returns '' for
comment nodes.)

=item C<nodeValue>

This method returns undef unless the node is a comment. In most DOMs this
attribute contains the value for Text nodes (which are just strings here).

=item C<getAttribute($attr)>

Returns the value of the specified attribute.

=item C<setAttribute($attr, $value)>

Sets the specified attribute to the given value.

=item C<removeAttribute($attr)>

Removes the specified attribute.

=item C<hasAttributes>

Returns 1 if the node has attributes. Otherwise returns 0.

=item C<id id($value)>

Same as C<getAttribute('id')> or C<setAttribute('id', $value)>.

=item C<className className($value)>

Same as C<getAttribute('class')> or C<setAttribute('class', $value)>.

=item C<parentNode>

Returns the node's parent node.

=item C<childNodes>

Returns a list of the node's child nodes.

=item C<firstChild>

Returns the node's first child node. May be a string (aka a text node).

=item C<lastChild>

Returns the node's last child node. May be a string (aka a text node).

=item C<appendChild($node)>

Adds a node (or a string) to the end of the current node's children.


=head2 Non-standard Object Methods

These methods are variants of standard methods, but guarantee that the result,
if found, is another pQuery::DOM node.


=item C<firstChildRef()>

Returns the first child node which is actually a pQuery::DOM node and
not a string.

=item C<lastChildRef()>

Returns the last child node which is actually a pQuery::DOM node and
not a string.

=item C<previousSiblingRef()>

Returns the previous sibling node which is actually a pQuery::DOM node and
not a string.

=item C<nextSiblingRef()>

Returns the next sibling node which is actually a pQuery::DOM node and
not a string.


=head1 AUTHOR

Ingy döt Net <[email protected]>


Copyright 2008-2016. Ingy döt Net.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as Perl itself.

See L<https://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html>
