Alchemauss Posts

The Dream Laptop for Productivity and Portability
The Dream Laptop for Productivity and Portability

The Dream Laptop for Productivity and Portability

My best dream laptop for working while traveling
Open Letter of Admiration to Ado
Open Letter of Admiration to Ado

Open Letter of Admiration to Ado

Thoughts after the Wish concert on the 27th of February in Jakarta
Git LFS Crash Course
Git LFS Crash Course

Git LFS Crash Course

A quick introduction to the basics of Git LFS
Accessibility! aria-label vs. title attribute
Accessibility! aria-label vs. title attribute

Accessibility! aria-label vs. title attribute

What's the difference and which one should you choose between these two.
24K Journey - The Pursuit of a Meaningful Life
24K Journey - The Pursuit of a Meaningful Life

24K Journey - The Pursuit of a Meaningful Life

The 24th year of both introspection and retrospection, a journey towards a meaningful and fulfilling life encompassing happiness and reason for existence.
RIP Google Domains - Exploring New Digital Homes for Our Domains
RIP Google Domains - Exploring New Digital Homes for Our Domains

RIP Google Domains - Exploring New Digital Homes for Our Domains

In the wake of Alphabet shutting down Google Domains, many of us are looking for alternatives to move our domains to, especially for our dev domains
A Serendipitous Stroke of Events
A Serendipitous Stroke of Events

A Serendipitous Stroke of Events

What a delightful year it has been
Prologue to the Beginning of the End
Prologue to the Beginning of the End

Prologue to the Beginning of the End

A start to the beginning of the end
Scheduling a Routine - a Disciplinary Process
Scheduling a Routine - a Disciplinary Process

Scheduling a Routine - a Disciplinary Process

A take on a disciplinary start at life and in general
CSS Framework Is Wasteful
CSS Framework Is Wasteful

CSS Framework Is Wasteful

Do you really need a CSS framework? Here's why I think I don't
Mental Exhaustion Is No Joke
Mental Exhaustion Is No Joke

Mental Exhaustion Is No Joke

This is probably the lowest point in my life, so far. I managed to survive and get back but at what cost?
One-Hundredth of a Light-Year Across the Milky Way
One-Hundredth of a Light-Year Across the Milky Way

One-Hundredth of a Light-Year Across the Milky Way

My journey after more than one-hundredth of a light-year across the Milky Way or over 20 revolutions around the sun
RIP Sapper - Svelte Is Moving to Snowpack
RIP Sapper - Svelte Is Moving to Snowpack

RIP Sapper - Svelte Is Moving to Snowpack

It's been a fun ride using Sapper but all good things must come to an end. Svelte is moving to Snowpack and ditching bundlers
Protect Your Cookies
Protect Your Cookies

Protect Your Cookies

Learn why you should care about your cookies and how you can protect by securing it
Style Guide to a Semantic Commit Message
Style Guide to a Semantic Commit Message

Style Guide to a Semantic Commit Message

How to write semantic commit message and summarize your changes in under 50 characters
Shallow Water Blackout
Shallow Water Blackout

Shallow Water Blackout

What is it and why is it important for you to know this
What Is JWT and Do You Really Need It?
What Is JWT and Do You Really Need It?

What Is JWT and Do You Really Need It?

What is a JSON Web Token and do you really need it for your app.
Utilize Modern DevTools
Utilize Modern DevTools

Utilize Modern DevTools

Utilize modern developer tools like formatter and linters to make your life as a developer easier
CORS Crash Course - Client or Server?
CORS Crash Course - Client or Server?

CORS Crash Course - Client or Server?

A brief yet sufficient explanation for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
How to Set up Sapper With cPanel
How to Set up Sapper With cPanel

How to Set up Sapper With cPanel

Setup your Node app with cPanel hosting
Configure Static Site Hosting with your Custom Domain
Configure Static Site Hosting with your Custom Domain

Configure Static Site Hosting with your Custom Domain

Quickly setup your custom domain in just a couple of steps
Secretlab TITAN Chair First Impression
Secretlab TITAN Chair First Impression

Secretlab TITAN Chair First Impression

First impression of Secretlab chair TITAN series
Persona from A Hacker's Perspective
Persona from A Hacker's Perspective

Persona from A Hacker's Perspective

Persona should be the first step to any development plan
Admin Dashboard with Svelte and Firebase
Admin Dashboard with Svelte and Firebase

Admin Dashboard with Svelte and Firebase

Creating a full-fledged admin dashboard in under 3 hours
Complete Flutter Development Automation
Complete Flutter Development Automation

Complete Flutter Development Automation

Check out how to automate your Flutter development workflow
Importance of Proper Git Usage
Importance of Proper Git Usage

Importance of Proper Git Usage

A good commit can come a long way in the future and it can significantly reduce debugging time with descriptive body
Test-Driven Development: A Double-Edged Sword
Test-Driven Development: A Double-Edged Sword

Test-Driven Development: A Double-Edged Sword

Is TDD really worth the time to invest for a maintainable and clean codebase
Block Internet Access to a Certain Program
Block Internet Access to a Certain Program

Block Internet Access to a Certain Program

Fix Double-NAT Problem on Your Network
Fix Double-NAT Problem on Your Network

Fix Double-NAT Problem on Your Network

How to Mount your SD Card as Permanent Storage for Additional Space
How to Mount your SD Card as Permanent Storage for Additional Space

How to Mount your SD Card as Permanent Storage for Additional Space

Get The Newest Windows 10 Update A.S.A.P
Get The Newest Windows 10 Update A.S.A.P

Get The Newest Windows 10 Update A.S.A.P

Monitor your Raspberry Pi in Real Time with RPi-Monitor
Monitor your Raspberry Pi in Real Time with RPi-Monitor

Monitor your Raspberry Pi in Real Time with RPi-Monitor

Get Rid of Un-mappable Character for Encoding Cp1252 when Compiling Java
Get Rid of Un-mappable Character for Encoding Cp1252 when Compiling Java

Get Rid of Un-mappable Character for Encoding Cp1252 when Compiling Java

Plex Media Server Setup Guide with Raspberry Pi
Plex Media Server Setup Guide with Raspberry Pi

Plex Media Server Setup Guide with Raspberry Pi

Django Quick Setup Guide with GitLab and Heroku
Django Quick Setup Guide with GitLab and Heroku

Django Quick Setup Guide with GitLab and Heroku

Create Django app and automatically build and deploy to Heroku