Mauss Profile
Mauss Profile

Hello, Igna here 👋

I love connecting with people, there's always something new or cool to pick up from others! Meeting new friends and getting to know them personally is great, but the best part comes when we can kick back, talk about anything, and have a good time together.

I'm always excited about learning new things, and I'm currently immersing myself in the fascinating world of languages and cultures from the different countries around me. In my spare time, I check out and explore as many things as I can, and polishing my skills, which are currently calisthenics, bouldering, tennis, badminton, and endurance running.

In its beautiful and unpredictable way, I have learned to appreciate the moments that I got in life, embracing both the joy and pain, growing with them together. Check out my latest life reflection, 24K Journey - The Pursuit of a Meaningful Life.


I'm a software engineer by trade, but I like to see myself as a software alchemist. I would assume you're interested to learn and connect with me professionally, so allow me to explain a bit further.

I've worked on various projects and cultivated the ability for transmuting software and streamlining code. I consider it as a form of art, converting intricate or troublesome code into a more concise and maintainable format, which makes the debugging process easier, resulting in simpler bug fixes and significantly faster development cycles.

I mainly work on the web nowadays with Svelte and TypeScript (which is a superset of JavaScript), but I have tried other languages before, such as Assembly, Bash, C, C++, Dart (Flutter), GDScript, Haskell, Java, Python and probably a few more I didn't recall. Built all sorts of software and applications with various different architectures like CLI tools, automation scripts, mobile apps, desktop apps, web sites and applications built as a single-page application (SPA), multi-page application (MPA), server-side rendered (SSR) or statically generated (SSG) site.

While I can be a full-stack engineer, my primary focus and passion lie in the frontend development, which is to craft user-friendly interfaces and delightful user experiences. As one of the core maintainers of Svelte, I'm deeply connected with the frontend community, actively contributing to its growth and development.


  • 2005 💪 | Running — Sticking to the basics never goes wrong
  • 2005 💪 | Cycling — Would bike everywhere if it wasn't for the pollution
  • 2005 💪 | Swimming — Closest I can get to zero-gravity
  • 2006 🙅 | Futsal — Field too small and crowded
  • 2006 🙅 | Soccer — Field too big and empty
  • 2008 💪 | Badminton — A good fast-paced action
  • 2008 🙅 | Basketball — I prefer to keep my fingers as-is
  • 2008 🤷 | Volleyball — Good to watch people play
  • 2008 🤷 | Field Hockey — Never really found anyone to play with
  • 2014 💪 | Table Tennis — The perfect activity for indoor people
  • 2016 💪 | Tricking x Gymnastics — Full body control
  • 2022 💪 | Tennis — A good satisfying action
  • 2022 💪 | Bouldering — Problem solving IRL
  • 2023 💪 | Hiking x Trekking — Self-love with nature


Reach out and say hello to me from any of the ones listed here! I may not be able to immediately see them, so it may take some time for me to get back to you.


  • My personality type is INTJ
  • My zodiac sign is Scorpio
  • I can hold my breath for ~2 minutes