org.freedesktop.import1(5) — Linux manual page


ORG.FREE...P.IMPORT1(5)  org.freedesktop.import1 ORG.FREE...P.IMPORT1(5)

NAME         top

       org.freedesktop.import1 - The D-Bus interface of systemd-importd

INTRODUCTION         top

       systemd-importd.service(8) is a system service which may be used
       to import, export and download additional system images. These
       images can be used by tools such as systemd-nspawn(1) to run
       local containers. The service is used as the backend for
       machinectl pull-raw, machinectl pull-tar and related commands.
       This page describes the D-Bus interface.

       Note that systemd-importd.service(8) is mostly a small companion
       service for systemd-machined.service(8). Many operations to
       manipulate local container and VM images are hence available via
       the systemd-machined D-Bus API, c.f.


       The service exposes the following interfaces on the Manager
       object on the bus:

           node /org/freedesktop/import1 {
             interface org.freedesktop.import1.Manager {
                 ImportTar(in  h fd,
                           in  s local_name,
                           in  b force,
                           in  b read_only,
                           out u transfer_id,
                           out o transfer_path);
                 ImportRaw(in  h fd,
                           in  s local_name,
                           in  b force,
                           in  b read_only,
                           out u transfer_id,
                           out o transfer_path);
                 ImportFileSystem(in  h fd,
                                  in  s local_name,
                                  in  b force,
                                  in  b read_only,
                                  out u transfer_id,
                                  out o transfer_path);
                 ExportTar(in  s local_name,
                           in  h fd,
                           in  s format,
                           out u transfer_id,
                           out o transfer_path);
                 ExportRaw(in  s local_name,
                           in  h fd,
                           in  s format,
                           out u transfer_id,
                           out o transfer_path);
                 PullTar(in  s url,
                         in  s local_name,
                         in  s verify_mode,
                         in  b force,
                         out u transfer_id,
                         out o transfer_path);
                 PullRaw(in  s url,
                         in  s local_name,
                         in  s verify_mode,
                         in  b force,
                         out u transfer_id,
                         out o transfer_path);
                 ListTransfers(out a(usssdo) transfers);
                 CancelTransfer(in  u transfer_id);
                 TransferNew(u transfer_id,
                             o transfer_path);
                 TransferRemoved(u transfer_id,
                                 o transfer_path,
                                 s result);
             interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer { ... };
             interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable { ... };
             interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties { ... };

       ImportTar() and ImportRaw() import a system image and place it
       into /var/lib/machines/. The first argument should be a file
       descriptor (opened for reading) referring to the tar or raw file
       to import. It should reference a file on disk, a pipe or a
       socket. When ImportTar() is used the file descriptor should refer
       to a tar file, optionally compressed with gzip(1), bzip2(1), or
       xz(1).  systemd-importd will detect the used compression scheme
       (if any) automatically. When ImportRaw() is used the file
       descriptor should refer to a raw or qcow2 disk image containing
       an MBR or GPT disk label, also optionally compressed with gzip,
       bzip2 or xz. In either case, if the file is specified as a file
       descriptor on disk, progress information is generated for the
       import operation (as in that case we know the total size on
       disk). If a socket or pipe is specified, progress information is
       not available. The file descriptor argument is followed by a
       local name for the image. This should be a name suitable as a
       hostname and will be used to name the imported image below
       /var/lib/machines/. A tar import is placed as a directory tree or
       a btrfs(8) subvolume below /var/lib/machines/ under the specified
       name with no suffix appended. A raw import is placed as a file in
       /var/lib/machines/ with the .raw suffix appended. If the force
       argument is true, any pre-existing image with the same name is
       removed before starting the operation. Otherwise, the operation
       fails if an image with the same name already exists. Finally, the
       read_only argument controls whether to create a writable or
       read-only image. Both methods return immediately after starting
       the import, with the import transfer ongoing. They return a pair
       of transfer identifier and object path, which may be used to
       retrieve progress information about the transfer or to cancel it.
       The transfer identifier is a simple numeric identifier, the
       object path references an org.freedesktop.import1.Transfer
       object, see below. Listen for a TransferRemoved signal for the
       transfer ID in order to detect when a transfer is complete. The
       returned transfer object is useful to determine the current
       progress or log output of the ongoing import operation.

       ExportTar() and ExportRaw() implement the reverse operation, and
       may be used to export a system image in order to place it in a
       tar or raw image. They take the machine name to export as their
       first parameter, followed by a file descriptor (opened for
       writing) where the tar or raw file will be written. It may either
       reference a file on disk or a pipe/socket. The third argument
       specifies in which compression format to write the image. It
       takes one of "uncompressed", "xz", "bzip2" or "gzip", depending
       on which compression scheme is required. The image written to the
       specified file descriptor will be a tar file in case of
       ExportTar() or a raw disk image in case of ExportRaw(). Note that
       currently raw disk images may not be exported as tar files, and
       vice versa. This restriction might be lifted eventually. The
       method returns a transfer identifier and object path for
       cancelling or tracking the export operation, similarly to
       ImportTar() or ImportRaw() as described above.

       PullTar() and PullRaw() may be used to download, verify and
       import a system image from a URL. They take a URL argument which
       should point to a tar or raw file on the "http:https://" or "https://"
       protocols, possibly compressed with xz, bzip2 or gzip. The second
       argument is a local name for the image. It should be suitable as
       a hostname, similarly to the matching argument of the ImportTar()
       and ImportRaw() methods above. The third argument indicates the
       verification mode for the image. It may be one of "no",
       "checksum", "signature".  "no" turns off any kind of verification
       of the image; "checksum" looks for a SHA256SUM file next to the
       downloaded image and verifies any SHA256 hash value in that file
       against the image; "signature" does the same but also tries to
       authenticate the SHA256SUM file via gpg(8) first. The last
       argument indicates whether to replace a possibly pre-existing
       image with the same local name (if "true"), or whether to fail
       (if "false"). Like the import and export calls above, these calls
       return a pair of transfer identifier and object path for the
       ongoing download.

       ListTransfers() returns a list of ongoing import, export or
       download operations as created with the six calls described
       above. It returns an array of structures which consist of the
       numeric transfer identifier, a string indicating the operation
       (one of "import-tar", "import-raw", "export-tar", "export-raw",
       "pull-tar" or "pull-raw"), a string describing the remote file
       (in case of download operations this is the source URL, in case
       of import/export operations this is a short string describing the
       file descriptor passed in), a string with the local machine image
       name, a progress value between 0.0 (for 0%) and 1.0 (for 100%),
       as well as the transfer object path.

       CancelTransfer() may be used to cancel an ongoing import, export
       or download operation. Simply specify the transfer identifier to
       cancel the ongoing operation.

       The TransferNew signal is generated each time a new transfer is
       started with the import, export or download calls described
       above. It carries the transfer ID and object path that have just
       been created.

       The TransferRemoved signal is sent each time a transfer finishes,
       is canceled or fails. It also carries the transfer ID and object
       path, followed by a string indicating the result of the
       operation, which is one of "done" (on success), "canceled" or


           node /org/freedesktop/import1/transfer/_1 {
             interface org.freedesktop.import1.Transfer {
                 LogMessage(u priority,
                            s line);
                 readonly u Id = ...;
                 readonly s Local = '...';
                 readonly s Remote = '...';
                 readonly s Type = '...';
                 readonly s Verify = '...';
                 readonly d Progress = ...;
             interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Peer { ... };
             interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable { ... };
             interface org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties { ... };

       The Cancel() method may be used to cancel the transfer. It takes
       no parameters. This method is pretty much equivalent to the
       CancelTransfer() method on the Manager interface (see above), but
       is exposed on the Transfer object itself instead of taking a
       transfer ID.

       The Id property exposes the numeric transfer ID of the transfer

       The Local, Remote and Type properties expose the local container
       name of this transfer, the remote source (in case of download:
       the URL, in case of import/export: a string describing the file
       descriptor passed in), and the type of operation (see the
       Manager's ListTransfer() method above for an explanation of the
       possible values).

       The Verify property exposes the selected verification setting and
       is only defined for download operations (see above).

       The Progress property exposes the current progress of the
       transfer as a value between 0.0 and 1.0. To show a progress bar
       on screen we recommend to query this value in regular intervals,
       for example every 500 ms or so.

EXAMPLES         top

       Example 1. Introspect org.freedesktop.import1.Manager on the bus

           $ gdbus introspect --system \
             --dest org.freedesktop.import1 \
             --object-path /org/freedesktop/import1

       Example 2. Introspect org.freedesktop.import1.Transfer on the bus

           $ gdbus introspect --system \
             --dest org.freedesktop.import1 \
             --object-path /org/freedesktop/import1/transfer/_1

VERSIONING         top

       These D-Bus interfaces follow the usual interface versioning

NOTES         top

        1. the usual interface versioning guidelines

COLOPHON         top

       This page is part of the systemd (systemd system and service
       manager) project.  Information about the project can be found at
       ⟨http:⟩.  If you have
       a bug report for this manual page, see
       This page was obtained from the project's upstream Git repository
       ⟨⟩ on 2023-12-22.  (At that
       time, the date of the most recent commit that was found in the
       repository was 2023-12-22.)  If you discover any rendering
       problems in this HTML version of the page, or you believe there
       is a better or more up-to-date source for the page, or you have
       corrections or improvements to the information in this COLOPHON
       (which is not part of the original manual page), send a mail to
       [email protected]

systemd 255                                      ORG.FREE...P.IMPORT1(5)

Pages that refer to this page: systemd.directives(7)systemd.index(7)systemd-importd.service(8)