Tim Sneath saved us a lot of work and has created this playlist with all Flutter-related videos on the Google I/O. Check them all!
The announcement of Material Theming and Material Components has been a big hit. In this link, you can check the state of each component for each platform. And guess which one is almost 100% ready...
Official announcement of the Flutter Beta 3 by Google Developers blog.
Tim Sneath, Product Manager for Flutter and Dart dives deeper into the new features of the Flutter Beta 3.
2Dimensions announced that their animation tools Nima and Flare are now ready to export for Flutter. Check the amazing samples.
The Firebase team has added instructions on how to integrate Firebase into a Flutter app.
The Flutter team has released a new version of the Flutter Gallery app that uses the new Material Theming. Check it out!
Articles & Tutorials
Karol Wrótniak from Droids on Roids writes an article on how to integrate Flutter apps build into Bitrise CI.
Joe Birch demonstrates how to use the new docked FAB in a Flutter app.
Marcin implements his first UI challenge on Flutter, and it's a cool round filter menu.
Mikołaj Lenart makes a 3 parts article introducing Flutter and showcasing some of its features.
Matt Sullivan from the Flutter team has been playing around with Flutter and Wear OS and shows us how to make them work together.
Videos & Media
Great talk from Faisal Abid on the GDG Toronto about Flutter.
A new video by Tensor Programming on how to apply the Scoped Model architecture to a Flutter app.
Our friends by Tensor Programmings are not happy with just one video per week, so they also published this one about using Firestore Realtime Datastore.
Libraries & Code
An open source implementation of a Todo app by Burhanudddin Rashid in Flutter.
Simon Lightfoot created a Flutter library that allows you to easily add sticky headers to your lists.
A Gist by Jeroen Meijer showing how to handle showing images stored in Firebase Storage documents.
A demo app by Göksel Uyulmaz on how to use NFC from Flutter.
A new library from AppleEducate to create a media picker based on a FAB.