Tuesday, 7 December 2021
Monday, 6 December 2021
French Cemeteries.
Sunday, 5 December 2021
Cauli Season.
Saturday, 4 December 2021
Winter Warming.
Friday, 3 December 2021
Sound Advice.
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Who do you put your faith in?
When my car breaks down, I go to my nearby garage.
When I need medical assistance, I go to my Doctor.
If I had financial problems (which I don't), I would go to the bank.
So, why is it when the world is suffering from one of the worst ever pandemics, that so many people go to 'social media' for their information?
Of course no-one has a fool-proof answer to this global problem; this is exercising even the brainiest of brains. However, we are getting there; vaccines have been created, and advice given. Yet some think it best to scroll through Facebook in order to find some crank who supports their loony ideas, rather than accepting the words of experts.
I don't know any more about Covid than others around me, but I listen to those who do and try to follow their advice. I wear a mask when amongst crowds or in shops, I wash my hands on returning home, and I keep hand-sanitising gel in the car and at home. I also try to avoid places where there are crowds, and stay aware of danger situations. I'm not obsessive, but I do try to keep myself safe.
I honestly think that the most dangerous part of this whole nasty illness are the idiots who claim that it doesn't exist, and are doing their utmost to spread it around. My oldest son's partner has some very good friends who were staunch anti-vaxxers. The husband died of Covid last week, and the wife is now advising all who think as they did, to change their minds and get vaccinated a.s.a.p. It's too late for her poor husband, but at least his widow has now seen the folly of her ways.
Some are saying that Omicron is the most virulent strain yet of Covid; others say it is the least. Whoever is right, it's always best to take your own personal precautions. Don't let it rule your life, but do your damnest to avoid catching it. The fewer people who catch Covid, the less chance it has of spreading.
Stifle the virus, and it will die of 'unpopularity'.
Stay safe.