Tuesday, 7 December 2021


There was I, enjoying a delicious lunchtime slice of Melton Mowbray Pork Pie, when I noticed the rather strange label on my jar of Pickled Onions.

They are described as Pickled TRADITIONAL ONIONS. Not (as one might imagine) Traditional PICKLED ONIONS.

What on earth are 'traditional onions'? Are there non-traditional onions?

I think we should be told!

Monday, 6 December 2021

French Cemeteries.

French cemeteries never seem to have much age. They contain plenty of graves and 'mausoleums' (sometimes inside a form of greenhouse), but they never seem to be much earlier than about 1800. I have no idea why that should be.

Most are surrounded by a high wall, over which private grave-tenders tend to throw anything unwanted. If you wish to spend an interesting half hour, walk around the outside of any country French graveyard wall; with a trowel.

I didn't make a practice of this, but on the few occasions I have, I've found everything from old bottles, glasses, urns, beaded garlands, crosses, photos of the deceased, etc; nothing was beyond the scope of the mourners as they tidied around the graves. Over the wall meant out of sight, out of mind.

My favourite discovery has to be this rather tatty Corinthian Capital. I think the sculptor must have become bored with his task as it's only half carved, and what is carved is very simplified.

Still, I took it home, cleaned it up, and turned it into a Lamp Base. 

I does look vaguely like an archaeological find from ancient Greece, but in fact it's just a broken piece of French grave. Thank you; whoever abandoned it! 

Sunday, 5 December 2021

Cauli Season.

From early Autumn to late Spring, we always eat soup for lunch, usually followed by some cheese, charcuterie, etc; and fruit. It doesn't need thinking about, and is quick, easy, cheap, and delicious.

How lucky we are in the UK to have wonderful vegetables on offer, and at crazy low prices.

I recently bought a 2.5 kilo bag of Potatoes for under £1, and both a Cauliflower and a Savoy Cabbage for just over 50p each. If farmers are having difficulty finding 'pickers'; it certainly doesn't show in the shops.

As long as one has a good Chicken stock from the Sunday Roast, you have all the ingredients for a weeks' really tasty, and nourishing soup for just a few £'s. A few store-cupboard herbs and spices are always on hand to enhance the flavour, if needed.

I am shocked to hear people say they can't afford to eat healthily, so they are forced to visit McThingy, or Greggs, or the Chippy.

These people don't need more money, they need re-educating. Even the preparation of food can be fun if approached correctly. It's certainly far less expensive to make healthy foods than to eat Fish-n-Chips or Burgers every night. 

Saturday, 4 December 2021

Winter Warming.

There's a lot to be said for the cosiness of a log fire (below, being enjoyed by Monty and Bok). 

Monty and Bok not only adored sleeping in front of the fire, but they also adored each other. Bok (the black one) was given to us by a neighbour because he spent all his time with Monty; she thought it was better to let them live together.

This was a typical stance, with Monty using Bok as a pillow. They would often also share a bed rather than use their own.

Both are now gone and we miss them. With a good fire in the Wood-burner, and the boys snuggling-up together, it made Winter evenings into a real pleasure. Billy has now taken their places in front of the fire, but here in Brighton we have no fire for him to enjoy.

I don't know if Dogs prefer to sleep in front of a fire, or beside a radiator, but I know which I prefer. Billy's bed is beside a radiator, but he sleeps on Lady M's sofa.

Friday, 3 December 2021

Sound Advice.

In much the same way as I always recommend that people buy unpainted stone or brick houses that are situated on high ground, I also recommend people not to park their cars under trees.

Especially if you live by the sea where there are plenty of Seagulls; or (even worse) Albatrosses!

This person was obviously not able to benefit from my sound advice, and will be in for bit of a shock when he or she returns. 

Off to the carwash with you!

Thursday, 2 December 2021

Who do you put your faith in?

When my car breaks down, I go to my nearby garage.

When I need medical assistance, I go to my Doctor.

If I had financial problems (which I don't), I would go to the bank.

So, why is it when the world is suffering from one of the worst ever pandemics, that so many people go to 'social media' for their information?

Of course no-one has a fool-proof answer to this global problem; this is exercising even the brainiest of brains. However, we are getting there; vaccines have been created, and advice given. Yet some think it best to scroll through Facebook in order to find some crank who supports their loony ideas, rather than accepting the words of experts.   

I don't know any more about Covid than others around me, but I listen to those who do and try to follow their advice. I wear a mask when amongst crowds or in shops, I wash my hands on returning home, and I keep hand-sanitising gel in the car and at home. I also try to avoid places where there are crowds, and stay aware of danger situations. I'm not obsessive, but I do try to keep myself safe.

I honestly think that the most dangerous part of this whole nasty illness are the idiots who claim that it doesn't exist, and are doing their utmost to spread it around. My oldest son's partner has some very good friends who were staunch anti-vaxxers. The husband died of Covid last week, and the wife is now advising all who think as they did, to change their minds and get vaccinated a.s.a.p. It's too late for her poor husband, but at least his widow has now seen the folly of her ways. 

Some are saying that Omicron is the most virulent strain yet of Covid; others say it is the least. Whoever is right, it's always best to take your own personal precautions. Don't let it rule your life, but do your damnest to avoid catching it. The fewer people who catch Covid, the less chance it has of spreading. 

Stifle the virus, and it will die of 'unpopularity'.

Stay safe.

Wednesday, 1 December 2021

What a lot of Balls!

Travelling by car between France and England meant that there was very little room for frivolities. With all the essentials for a six month stay, there wasn't a lot of space left for much else.

Billy's essentials included his bed, his bowls, one Tennis ball, and a launcher. All his little heart desired.

However, since being back, and taking daily walks in the nearby churchyard, I keep finding lost balls all over the place. Occasionally I just leave them in a prominent place to be found by the owner Dog, otherwise I bring them home and give them a good wash. As you can see by the above photo, I now have 11; only one of which was originally Billy's.

One day soon I'll put them all in a box and take them to where the daily afternoon 'Dog Club' members congregate. I'm sure they'll find a use for them; until (of course) they're lost again!


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