
  1. mrml

    MJML renderer

    v4.0.1 16K #email-template #mjml #markup-language #email #renderer #performance #url
  2. file-format

    determining the file format of a given file or stream

    v0.26.0 18K #format-file #binary-format #markup-language #mime #media-type #file-type #filetype
  3. aws-sdk-polly

    AWS SDK for Amazon Polly

    v1.51.0 3.3K #speech-synthesis #aws-sdk #markup-language #amazon #web-services #polly #operation
  4. ftml

    Foundation Text Markup Language - a library to render Wikidot text as HTML

    v1.27.0 240 #markup-language #ast #html #wikidot #wikijump #parser #parsing
  5. markup_fmt

    Configurable HTML, Vue, Svelte, Astro, Angular, Jinja, Twig, Nunjucks and Vento formatter

    v0.15.1 6.2K #markup-language #formatter #formatting #vue #html #svelte #astro
  6. jotdown

    A parser for the Djot markup language

    v0.6.0 #markup-language #djot #markup #pull-parser #events #document #output
  7. idm

    Implicit Data Markup

    v0.4.2 #serialization #markup-language #parser #serde #data-model #human #user-data
  8. recp

    A cli utility to display recipes in recipe-lang

    v0.8.5 370 #recipe #command-line-tool #markup-language #recipe-lang #cli #display #cooking
  9. elements-lang

    A geometry markup language and diagram renderer

    v0.2.3 110 #markup-language #diagram #geometry #svg #renderer #triangle #point
  10. cooklang-chef

    CLI to manage cooklang recipes

    v0.9.1 #recipe #cooklang #markup-language #chef #file-extension #cooking #cli-parser
  11. bevy_bsml

    A UI library to compose UI elements using simple markup language, inspired by svelte and tailwindcss

    v0.14.10 #markup-language #ui-elements #bevy-ui #ui-framework #ui-component #class #bsml
  12. kismesis-ssg

    A static site generator with plugins and macros

    v0.4.0 #static-site-generator #markup-language #macro #website #plugin #error #content
  13. tui-markup

    markup langauge for terminal styled text

    v0.5.0 190 #text-parser #terminal-text #markup-language #tui #markup #text #terminal
  14. mrml-cli

    CLI for the Rust implementation of MJML renderer

    v1.6.1 320 #mjml #markup-language #email #validation #cli
  15. serde_ieml

    Implementing the IEML config parser for Rust. IEML (Interface Engine Markup Language) - A simple but powerful config with support for file uploads, inter-file anchors and tags.

    v0.3.1 #config-parser #markup-language #config-file #file-upload #deserialize #ieml #serde
  16. snowcap

    markup language for iced

    v0.1.3 500 #markup-language #iced #pest #hot #root #viewer #grammar
  17. simpleml

    parser/writer for the Simple Markup Language format, as defined by Stenway. See https://dev.stenway.com/SML/. SML builds on top of WSV but allows hierarchical structuring of data.

    v2.0.0 #markup-language #config-file #file-format #markup #language #sml #reliable-txt
  18. kismesis

    A static site generator with plugins and a custom markup language

    v0.5.0 #static-site-generator #markup-language #plugin #pdk #ssg #semantic #accessible
  19. vestaboard

    a wrapper for the Vestaboard API with support for v2

    v0.1.2 #api-client #parser #vbml #markup-language #api
  20. recipe-parser

    Write recipes understood by humans and machines

    v0.8.5 400 #markup-language #recipe #cooking #recipe-lang
  21. creole-nom

    WikiCreole markup language parser library by nom

    v1.0.9 #markup-language #nom #markdown-parser #wiki #parser #markdown #creole
  22. oml

    Open Markup Language!

    v0.0.6 #markup-language #configuration #scripting-language #config-file #markup #configuration-language #dynamic
  23. pukram2html

    converting Pukram-formatted text to HTML

    v0.1.1 #markup-language #text-formatting #html #convert-text #markup #pukram #text-processing
  24. choco

    markup language for dialogue systems

    v0.2.2 #markup-language #prompt #bookmark #dialog #systems #choice #branch
  25. mdbook-pikchr

    A mdbook preprocessor to render pikchr code blocks as images in your book

    v0.1.9 150 #mdbook #pikchr #markup-language #markdown #pic #md
  26. inkling

    Limited implementation of the Ink markup language

    v0.12.5 #markup-language #ink #dialog #markup #game
  27. auk

    An eDSL for writing HTML using standard Rust syntax

    v0.5.0 #dsl #html #domain-specific-language #markup #html-templating #markup-language #html-content
  28. pukram-formatting

    A type to represent the formatting of the pukram markup language

    v0.2.0 190 #markup-language #text-formatting #pukram #subscript #style #superscript #bit-manipulation
  29. pixdown

    Markup language for Pixelart and animation

    v0.1.0 150 #markup-language #image #png #apng
  30. toph

    An HTML generation library

    v1.0.0 150 #html-templating #html #template #generation #declarative-macro #template-engine #markup-language
  31. hamlx

    Hypi Application Markup Language

    v0.1.10 #markup-language #applications #hypi #artificial-intelligence #content #generate #generative-ai
  32. murkdown

    An experimental semantic markup language and static site generator for composing and decomposing hypertext documents

    v0.1.0 160 #generator #markup #hypertext #static-site-generator #literate-programming #markup-language #markdown
  33. mrml-wasm

    Wasm wrapping on MRML

    v1.4.12 #markup-language #mjml #wasm #mrml #email #browser #wrapping
  34. ogam

    A markup language for story writers

    v1.1.0 #markup-language #markup #story #fiction #dialog #rules #domain-specific-language
  35. kul

    Parser for a unique textual notation that can be used as both a data format and a markup language and that has powerful extensibility of both lexical syntax and semantics. Inspired…

    v0.1.2 #markup-language #programming-language #parser #text-parser #markup #safe #domain-specific-language
  36. fartdown

    An experimental semantic markup language and static site generator for crafting hypertext documents

    v0.1.0 140 #generator #hypertext #markup #markdown #static-site-generator #literate-programming #markup-language
  37. alemat

    type-safe building of MathML

    v0.8.0 #mathml #markup-language #element #notation #builder #building #xml
  38. pikchr

    PIC-like diagramming language to SVG converter

    v0.1.3 1.3K #markup-language #svg #pic #markdown #md #html
  39. hum

    A music notation language and synthesizer written in Rust

    v0.6.0 #music-notation #music #notation #synthesizer #sine #wave #markup-language
  40. udl

    Parser for UDL (Universal Data Language)

    v0.3.1 #format #config-parser #parser #serialization #data-structures #markup-language #config
  41. darkdown

    A darkdown(our own markup language) parser written in rust

    v0.1.5 #markup-language #programming-language #parser #syntax #learning #html #understanding
  42. keytree

    markup language designed to load config files and schemas directly to Rust types

    v0.2.4 #markup-language #parser #data-structures #schema #config #human-readable #hobbit
  43. hml-rs

    Markup language events and readers, supporting 'human markup language'

    v0.3.0 #markup-language #xml-parser #parser #xml #parsing
  44. kami-parser

    Kami tries to be a machine-first human-also-first markup language

    v0.8.1 #markup-language #parser #html #kami #markdown-parser
  45. simpleml_macro

    A macro for placing SimpleML content directly into Rust source code

    v2.0.0 #markup-language #markup #language #sml #simple #reliable-txt
  46. qpml

    Query Plan Markup Language (QPML)

    v0.14.0 #markup-language #query #diagram #plan #query-language #yaml #substrait
  47. mazer-core

    A minimal, simple math markup language that compiles to HTML, written in Rust

    v0.7.0 #markup-language #html #math #compile
  48. flatiron

    A parser and HTML renderer for the Textile markup language

    v1.0.5 #markup-language #markup #html #textile #converter #parser
  49. mazer-macros

    A minimal, simple math markup language that compiles to HTML, written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #markup-language #math #html #compile
  50. rust_sbml

    A parser for SBML

    v0.7.0 #markup-language #sbml #bioinformatics #parser #biology #model #systems
  51. mazer-data-structures

    A minimal, simple math markup language that compiles to HTML, written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #markup-language #math #compile #html
  52. markupsth

    define and print out formatted Markup Languages

    v0.2.0 #markup-language #html-xml #markup #html #syntax #language #xml
  53. markdoll

    a structured and extensible markup language

    v2.1.0 #markup-language #tags #markup #syntax #extensible #structured #text
  54. mrml-python

    Python wrapping on MRML

    v0.1.15 #mjml #mrml #markup-language #email
  55. nxml

    A parser for NXML (NXML is not XML!)

    v3.0.0 #markup-language #xml-parser #node #text #syntax #sequence #escaping
  56. bml

    BML Markup Language

    v0.3.1 #markup-language #bsnes-manifest #snes-preservation #higan-manifest #pest-parser
  57. doccy

    brace based markup language

    v0.3.2 #markup-language #html #markup #language #text #command-line #line-break
  58. sml

    markup language optimized for loading config files and schemas

    v0.1.46 #markup-language #schema #config #human-readable #format #loading #baggins
  59. aldoc

    CLI and library for parsing and compiling Aldoc Markdown documents

    v0.2.0 #markdown #latex #markup #markup-language #typesetting #markdown-parser #line-ending
  60. mazer-cli

    A minimal, simple math markup language that compiles to HTML, written in Rust

    v0.8.0 #markup-language #html #math #compile
  61. ssml-parser

    parsing speech sythnesis markup language

    v0.1.4 #markup-language #speech-synthesis #parser #ssml #tags #text-to-speech #xml
  62. ssml

    working with Speech Synthesis Markup Language documents

    v0.1.0 #speech-synthesis #markup-language #google-cloud #microsoft-azure #services #text-to-speech #serialization
  63. opmark

    An experimental markup language focused on presentation making

    v0.0.3 #experimental #markup-language #parser #rich-text #presentation #focused #list
  64. ogmarkup

    A markup language for story writers

    v0.99.0 #markup #markup-language #dialog #writers #reply #story #document
  65. hext

    A binary file markup language

    v0.4.2 #binary-file #binary #hex #markup-language
  66. rustextile

    Textile markup language parser for Rust

    v1.0.2 #markup-language #markup #html #textile #text #regex
  67. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  68. matthewdown

    My markdown-inspired markup language

    v0.2.0 #html #markup #markup-language #document #visitor #markdown-inspired
  69. vmml

    Very Minimal Markup Language

    v1.0.1 #markup-language #language #markup #parse #light-weight #parser
  70. serde_hzdata

    A data markup language for Hanzzok

    v0.1.1 #markup-language #unit #value #regex #hanzzok
  71. deface

    Lightweight markup to HTML converter

    v0.1.2 #markup #markdown #markup-language #html #line #converter
  72. msoffice_pptx

    pptx file format deserializer

    v0.2.1 #office #powerpoint #ppt #xml-schema #file-format #markup-language
  73. chocobrew

    text editor for choco

    v0.2.2 #text-editors #markup-language #text #choco #gui
  74. publication

    Pluggable Markup Language

    v0.1.4 #markup-language #markup #pluggable
  75. lml

    Layered Markup Language

    v0.1.0 #markup-language #layered #monorepo
  76. brack-parser

    The parser for the Brack markup language

    v0.1.0 #markup-language #brack #parser #command
  77. mlang

    An Markup Language To Create Metaverse Applications

    v0.1.0 #markup #create #applications #language #markup-language #metaverse
  78. fountain

    Parser and formatter for the Fountain screenplay markup language

    v0.1.12 #markup #parser #nom #html #screenplay #markup-language #formatter
  79. rscribe

    command line tool for converting between markup languages

    v0.1.1 #markup-language #converting #json #yaml #command-line-tool #toml #cargo
  80. papyri-lang

    Compiler for the Papyri markup language

    v0.7.0 #markup-language #markup #html #papyri #programming-language
  81. libhanzzok

    Hanzzok compiler library

    v0.1.5 #compiler #hanzzok #markup-language #predictable
  82. apollon

    markup language

    v0.1.0 #markup #text #formatting #markup-language
  83. kul_core

    Parser for a unique textual notation that can be used as both a data format and a markup language and that has powerful extensibility of both lexical syntax and semantics. Inspired…

    v0.1.2 #markup-language #parser #markup #data-format #programming-language #text-macros #heap-allocation
  84. brack-sdk-rs

    The Brack SDK for Rust

    v0.1.0 #brack #sdk #command #extend #markup-language
  85. owml-parser

    A lightweight parser for a lightweight markup language

    v0.1.2 #parser #markup-language #markup
  86. sbml

    A parser for SBML

    v0.2.2 #parser #mathml #markup-language #early-stage #systems #biology #companion
  87. brack-plugin-manager

    The plugin manager for the Brack markup language

    v0.1.0 #markup-language #brack #plugin #manager
  88. wood_derive

    autoderive for wood serialization

    v0.9.0 #markup-language #wood #serialization #autoderive #list #termpose #white-space
  89. hanzzok

    A small predictable markup language

    v0.1.0 #predictable #markup-language #parking
  90. textile

    Native Rust crate for parsing and rendering into HTML the Textile markup language

    v0.2.1 #parser #markup-language #html #native #html-rendering