
  1. hashlink

    HashMap-like containers that hold their key-value pairs in a user controllable order

    v0.9.1 3.2M #lru-cache #key-value #linked-hash-map #order #linked-list #hash-key #container
  2. index_list

    A doubly linked list implemented in safe Rust using vector indexes

    v0.2.13 99K #linked-list #index #vector #element #safe #persistent #doubly
  3. embedded-alloc

    A heap allocator for embedded systems

    v0.6.0 18K #heap-allocator #embedded #allocator #cortex-m #risc-v #linked-list #arm
  4. dlv-list

    Semi-doubly linked list implemented using a vector

    v0.5.2 1.4M #linked-list #list #vector #linked
  5. linked_hash_set

    HashSet with insertion ordering

    v0.1.4 480K #hash-set #linked-list #order #data-structures #insertion #structure #elements
  6. linked_list_allocator

    allocator usable for no_std systems. It builds a linked list from the freed blocks and thus needs no additional data structures.

    v0.10.5 68K #linked-list #allocator #heap-allocator #kernel #heap #malloc #data-structures
  7. ghost-cell

    Compile-time zero-cost borrow-checking of aliased references

    v0.2.6 #aliasing #experimental #borrowing #linked-list #binary-tree #data-structures
  8. uluru

    fast, LRU cache implementation

    v3.1.0 173K #cache #array #linked-list
  9. orx-linked-list

    A linked list implementation with unique features and an extended list of constant time methods providing high performance traversals and mutations

    v3.1.0 180 #linked-list #list #linked
  10. cordyceps

    Mycelium intrusive data structures

    v0.3.2 21K #data-structures #linked-list #lock-free-queue #intrusive #lock-free #list #queue
  11. linkedbytes

    linked list of Bytes and BytesMut

    v0.1.8 5.5K #linked-list #byte #rpc #volo #writev #ioslice
  12. arcshift

    Replacement for std::sync::Arc<T> that supports updating the value, with some caveats

    v0.1.10 450 #smart-pointers #arc #atomic #value #linked-list #thread #instance
  13. bytesbox

    ByteBox is a high-performance hash map implementation optimized for byte slices. It efficiently maps keys and values of type Vec<u8>, providing full ownership of the data. ByteBox uses…

    v0.4.0 470 #hash-map #byte-slice #hash #performance #memory #linked-list #key-hash
  14. slabigator

    A linked list that doesn't do dynamic memory allocations

    v0.9.2 1.7K #linked-list #slab #deque #queue #allocation #memory-management
  15. orx-selfref-col

    SelfRefCol is a core data structure to conveniently build safe and efficient self referential collections, such as linked lists and trees

    v2.1.0 #linked-list #self-referential #tree #list #recursion #pinned #data-structures
  16. im-lists

    Persistent unrolled linked lists and vlists

    v0.8.1 230 #linked-list #persistent #list #smart-pointers #immutability #vlist #unrolled-linked-list
  17. triple_arena

    Regular, Chain, Surjection, and Ordered Arenas supporting non-Clone types, deletion, and more

    v0.13.0 200 #arena #data-structures #generation #linked-list
  18. linked_list_r4l

    Linked lists that supports arbitrary removal in constant time

    v0.2.1 400 #linked-list #list #constant-time #removal #links #r4l
  19. cdll

    A circular doubly linked list

    v0.4.2 #linked-list #circular #doubly
  20. indexlist1

    A doubly linked list, backed by a vector

    v0.1.2 500 #linked-list #generational #insertion #backed #index #deletion #elements
  21. iterlist

    Linked list with a cursor based api

    v0.4.5 390 #linked-list #cursor #data-structures #iterator #atomic #lock-free #doubly
  22. lrumap

    A safe Least Recently Used (LRU) cache implementation with ordered and unordered support

    v0.1.0 1.2K #lru-cache #linked-list #lru #key-value #recently #structures #ordered
  23. rose_bloom

    A concurrent growing element size linked list with stable pointers

    v0.1.5 #linked-list #list #pointers #concurrency #data-structures
  24. lru-st

    A package providing a Vec based doubly linked list implementation and related data structures

    v0.2.3 330 #linked-list #lru #data-structures #doubly-linked-list #lru-hashmap
  25. exact-covers

    Knuth's algorithm for solving the exact cover problem with colors

    v0.2.1 #combinatorial-search #color-constraints #dancing-cells #exact-cover #linked-list #data-structures
  26. lazy-lru

    A least-recently-used (LRU) cache implementation with lazy eviction

    v0.1.3 58K #lru-cache #lru #lazy-evaluation #linked-list #eviction
  27. circ

    Efficient referenced counted pointers for non-blocking concurrency

    v0.2.0 180 #reference-counting #non-blocking #lock-free #atomic #rc #weak-references #linked-list
  28. pincol

    PINned COLlections: data structures utilizing Pin pointer

    v0.1.1 340 #pin #collection #linked-list #heap-memory #pointers #structures #memory-management
  29. deepmesa

    fast Data Structures and Algorithms in Rust. Every data structure is hand crafted for performance, well tested and has an extensive API.

    v0.10.0 #data-structures #linked-list #algorithm #collection #performance #linked-data #high
  30. linked-vector

    A hybrid linked list and vector data structure

    v1.2.1 #linked-list #vector #list #linked #data-structures #linked-data
  31. rblist

    A block-based, non-circular double-linked list implementation for Rust

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #data-structures #structure #node #deletion #iterator #memory
  32. llist

    Lisp-style singly-linked list

    v0.7.3 #linked-list #list #lisp #memory #experimental #lisp-style #memory-management
  33. fast-list

    A doubly linked list using SlotMap for improved cache locality, and to solve the ABA problem

    v0.1.8 #linked-list #list #data-structures #slotmap #graph #thread-safe
  34. stackstack

    A singly linked list intended to be chained along stack frames

    v0.3.0 1.3K #linked-list #stack-frame #json-path #call-stack #recursion #chained #along
  35. fwdlist

    A simply linked (forward) list

    v0.3.0 #linked-list #list #linked #forward #collection
  36. listfree

    lockfree prepend-only list

    v0.4.0 170 #linked-list #lock-free #prepend-only
  37. smallobjectpool

    A small object pool for Rust

    v0.1.3 #object-pool #fixed-size #pointers #linked-list #data-structures #structure #blocks
  38. substack

    Stackbound iterable linked list for heap-free recursive algorithms

    v1.1.1 170 #linked-list #algorithm #recursion #iterable #stack #heap-allocation #heap-free
  39. leaklist

    concurrent, lock-free, singly-linked list

    v0.2.4 #lock-free #linked-list #list #linked #concurrency
  40. rc-dlist-deque

    Doubly-linked list based on std::Rc

    v1.1.2 #linked-list #rc #doubly-linked
  41. dgunther2001-linked_list

    A generic singly linked list

    v1.0.8 #linked-list #generic #singly
  42. key-node-list

    Doubly-linked list that stores key-node pairs

    v0.0.5 700 #linked-list #key-value #list #node-key #key-value-store #hash-map #pair
  43. xcov

    Knuth's Algorithm X (featuring dancing links) for solving exact cover problems

    v0.3.1 #dancing-links #dlx #search-algorithms #exact-cover #linked-list #data-structures #lower-level
  44. easy_linked_list

    easy linked list is easy to work

    v0.1.4 #linked-list #array #return #value
  45. fplist

    An immutable, persistent, singly-linked list

    v0.2.1 #linked-list #reference-counting #immutability #persistent #data-structures #multi-threading #memory
  46. hedel-rs

    A Hierarchical Doubly Linked List

    v0.1.3 #linked-list #linked #list #tree #data-structures #dom #tree-structure
  47. obj-pool

    object arena

    v0.5.1 #object #linked-list #arena #ownership #structures #lifetime #graph
  48. rulloc

    General purpose memory allocator

    v0.1.0 #memory-allocator #memory-management #memory-block #memory-region #linked-list #low-level #mmap
  49. cycle_cursor

    Cyclic cursor implementation over generic iterators

    v0.1.1 #iterator #cursor #linked-list #cycle #vec
  50. linked_lists

    Different types of linked lists

    v0.1.7 #linked-list #different #types
  51. ensf594-project-mmap

    Final project for the ENSF 594 course of the University of Calgary, summer 2022

    v0.5.0 #linked-list #data-structures #heap #stack #queue #insert #tree
  52. tlist

    Type-level linked lists (of types) and type-level 'functions' to manipulate them. Because TList is implemented using GATs, usage is very ergonomic.

    v0.7.0 #linked-list #functional #list #generic #no-alloc #no-std
  53. containerof

    Macros and traits facilitating the use of intrusive structures in Rust

    v0.3.0 #intrusive #linked-list #data-structures #macro #container #traits #containing
  54. pin-list

    A safe Pin-based intrusive doubly linked list

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #pin #thread-safe #intrusive #data #mutex #doubly
  55. leetcode_prelude

    Some useful macros and definition for exercising in leetcode

    v0.2.3 #leetcode #macro #definition #prelude #binary-tree #exercising #linked-list
  56. linked-syntax-tree

    A doubly-linked syntax tree

    v0.2.0 100 #syntax-tree #linked-list #ast #doubly-linked #collection
  57. tsil_cev

    LinkedList on Vec

    v1.1.0 #linked-list #allocator #linear-memory #no-std
  58. dynamic-list

    A powerful and efficient implementation of dynamic lists with versatile data structures, capable of storing any type!

    v0.3.0 #linked-list #data-structures #generic #bidirectional #typed-list #static-dispatch
  59. listpack

    Rust wrapper for the "listpack" data structure created and maintained for Redis

    v0.1.6 #byte #linked-list #elements #redis #structure #byte-length #data-structures
  60. secured_linked_list

    A cryptographically secured and provable linked list

    v0.5.4 #linked-list #safe-network #safe #secured #provable
  61. pi_slotmap_tree

    A tree structure implemented by dense memory linked list

    v0.4.0 #pi #tree #tree-structure #linked-list #slotmap-tree
  62. linked-list

    An alternative implementation of std::collections::LinkedList

    v0.0.3 1.9K #data-structures #collection #cursor #featuring #experimental
  63. coding_pk

    pk for coding solution

    v0.13.0 #leetcode #solution #coding #linked-list #zeroes
  64. c_linked_list

    handling NULL-terminated C linked lists

    v1.1.1 97K #linked-list #ffi #null-terminated #node #pointers #wrap
  65. compactmap

    Compact Vec-based map that choses assigns IDs for your values on it's own. Very similar to Slab.

    v0.3.7 #key-value #slab #compact #linked-list #id #structure #key-index
  66. allocvec

    A vector type that preserves the index of every inserted element

    v0.1.0 #alloc #linked-list #vec #no-std
  67. cons-rs

    containing a Cons data structure

    v0.7.3 #linked-list #cons #data-structures #structure #containing #singly #linked-data
  68. simple_linked_list

    A singly linked list made using smart pointer

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #singly #pointers #smart #smart-pointers
  69. rustgym


    v0.2.0 #binary-tree #solution #sorting #binary-search-tree #linked-list #numbers
  70. unrolled-linked-list

    unrolled linked list in rust

    v1.0.1 #linked-list #data-structures #structure
  71. ds-list

    singly linked list and a doubly linked list (with sentinel node)

    v2.1.0 #linked-list #node #sentinel #doubly #singly
  72. mini-linked-list

    A package containing a minimal i32 LinkedList implementation

    v0.1.3 #linked-list #i32 #structures #data-structures #learning #left #right
  73. cdl-list-rs

    A circular doubly linked list implementation using Rc<T> and RefCell<T>

    v0.2.0 #linked-list #circular #interior-mutability #doubly-linked-list #dequeue
  74. doubly

    linked lists in rust

    v1.1.3 #linked-list #list #linked #container
  75. nexum

    collection of commonly used data structures

    v0.2.0 #data-structures #collection #linked-list #user-friendly #standard #hash-map
  76. llq

    Wait-free SPSC linked-list queue with individually reusable nodes

    v0.1.1 1.0K #queues #node #linked-list
  77. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  78. concache

    A fast, concurrent, shared hash map

    v0.2.1 #lock-free #map #hash-map #shared #linked-list #concurrency #manual
  79. linked_lists_rs

    various data structures using linked lists in rust

    v0.1.2 #linked-list #stack #queue
  80. atlist-rs

    LinkedList which is allowed to insert/remove element by immutable iterator.Adding, removing and moving the elements within the list or across several lists does not invalidate the iterators or references…

    v0.2.1 110 #linked-list #list #collection #collections
  81. linked_list_c

    Safely work with c compatible linked lists

    v0.1.2 #linked-list #ffi #c
  82. tdf_utils

    such as tree

    v0.2.4 #tree #node #list #linked-list #double #generic #menu
  83. open_linked_list

    A linked list which allows unsafely mutating, removing, and adding elements in the middle of the list through a pointer

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #pointers #middle #elements #remove #unsafely #unsafe
  84. ati

    Introduces the At trait, which allows collections to be indexed by u|i{8,16,32,64,128} and isize. Supports Python-like negative index, where -1 is last element.

    v0.2.0 #collection #indexing #traits #index #negative #vec #linked-list
  85. orml-utilities

    Various utilities including FixedU128 and LinkedList

    v1.0.0 650 #substrate #module #run-time #orml #linked-list #fixed-u128
  86. concurrent-list

    An append-only, single-writer multi-reader unrolled linked list

    v0.0.2 #linked-list #append-only #reader #unrolled #multi-reader #single-writer #reference
  87. indexlist

    A doubly linked list, backed by a vector

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #vector #backed #index #doubly #doubly-linked #data-structures
  88. rust_linked_list

    various data structures using linked lists in rust

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #stack #queue
  89. dsll

    Fast Thread Safe Doubly Sorted Linked List

    v0.1.1 #linked-list #thread-safe #sorting #concurrency #sorted-linked-list #doubly #access
  90. gvc-sys

    graphviz rust bindings

    v0.1.1 #binary-tree #tree-node #binary-search-tree #ii #medium #graph #linked-list
  91. moonlight_collections

    Collections for Rust

    v0.1.1 #collection #linked-list #moonlight-collections
  92. just_linked

    fast linked list;give you a different feeling!

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #different #give #feeling #lur-linked
  93. qmap

    LinkedHashMap alternative using nested VecDeque as LinkedList replacement

    v0.1.0 #nested #linked-list #vec-deque #linked-hash-map #replace #hash-map
  94. blist

    A deque implemented as a hybrid linked-list-of-arrays

    v0.0.4 #hybrid #linked-list #implemented #deque #data-structures #linked-list-of-arrays
  95. uell

    A bumpalo-based Unrolled Exponential Linked List

    v0.1.0 #exponential #linked-list #unrolled
  96. unlink

    Lock free linked list

    v0.0.0-pre-release3.1 #lock-free #linked-list #stack #push #pop
  97. const_list

    A tiny linked list usable in const contexts

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #context #const #tiny
  98. double_linkedlist

    double linked list

    v0.1.2 #linked-list #double #linked
  99. illist

    An indexable linked list implementation backed by a Vec

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #list #index #collection
  100. ixlist

    The “ixlist” is a linked list in a vector, or if you want a list in a pond or an arena-allocated linked index-chasing fest. Implements a queue interface and a cursor.

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #index #data-structures #nah #are-you-serious
  101. xor_list

    An xor doubly-linked list

    v0.1.0 #xor #list #linked-list #linked
  102. array-linked-list

    A data structure, which combines the advantages of dynamic arrays and linked lists

    v0.1.0 #combine #linked-list #array #dynamic #structure #advantages
  103. vec-arena

    object arena

    v1.2.0 6.3K #object #arena #deprecated #linked-list #now #arena-t #options
  104. rustgym-gvc

    generate svg for some data structure in rustgym

    v0.1.0 #binary-tree #tree-node #binary-search-tree #medium #graph #linked-list #solution
  105. pi_tree

    A tree structure implemented by dense memory linked list

    v0.1.0 #pi #tree #tree-structure #linked-list #implemented #dense #memory
  106. linked_lista

    LinkedList data structure

    v0.1.5 #linked-list #data-structures #structure #data #linked-lists
  107. matecito-dll

    Doubly Linked List backing Matecito

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #matecito #doubly #backing
  108. r-collections

    Created some collection example LinkedList, Stack and Queue

    v0.1.0 #queue #collection #linked-list #stack
  109. rustgym-testcpp

    rustgym cpp solutions

    v0.1.0 #binary-tree #solution #binary-search-tree #medium #linked-list #graph #leetcode
  110. stack_list

    A heapless linked-list with no-std compatibility

    v0.1.0 #linked-list #stack #heapless #stack-memory #heap #node #heap-allocation