#template #create #productivity #setup #generate #command-line-tool #structure

app proplate

Proplate is a CLI tool that allows you to quickly create and set up project structures based on templates, and also create your own templates for your future projects

6 releases

0.5.1 Apr 1, 2024
0.5.0 Mar 14, 2024
0.4.1 Feb 24, 2024
0.4.0 Jan 21, 2024
0.3.1 Jan 8, 2024

#738 in Command line utilities

MIT license

1.5K SLoC

Proplate 🛠⚙

Give up setting up the environment each time you begin a project using the same technology; instead, make a template once and utilize it for all upcoming projects.

Table of contents

  1. Installation
  2. Use a template to create a project
  3. Craft your own template


Prerequisites: git

Github release

You can download it from the release page.
I recommend making it globally available in your terminal. (wip: install.sh)


If you have cargo installed

cargo install proplate

cargo will make it directly available in your $PATH

Use a template to create a project

proplate create --template <location> --dest <output_dir>

location could be a Github repository or a local directory

For the sake of testing, I'll leave this template https://github.com/YumeT023/proplate-simple-npm-template
Run the following command to start your project from the above template:

proplate create --template https://github.com/YumeT023/proplate-simple-npm-template --dest your-project-name

NB: Add --git if you'd want proplate to initialize a git repository for you

At this point, ... talk to Proplate:D

Craft your own template


  • Proplate template is a directory that contains a meta.json

Learn by doing

The template for the example can be found at https://github.com/YumeT023/proplate/tree/master/examples/learn-by-doing

tiniest template config

The tiniest configuration is as follows:

  "id": "initial-template",
  "args": []


What are "args" for?

Proplate uses them to create an interactive prompt during template initialization.

There are two variants of input you can get with Proplate: Select and Text.

"args": [
    "key": "project_name",
    "q_type": "Text",
    "label": "Enter your project name"

Text input is rendered as follow:

text input

Let's try to add a select input for the license with some options

"args": [
    "key": "project_name",
    "q_type": "Text",
    "label": "Enter your project name"
    "key": "license",
    "q_type": "Select",
    "label": "Select a license for your project",
    "options": ["MIT", "BSD-2-Clause", "none"]

Select input is rendered as follow:

select input

... but now... what ? args is what:( ?

Context binding

args or context are used to replace the var binding in specific files called dynamic files

How to write dynamic files ?

... pretty straightforward: $var_name, in our case $licenseand$project_name

Let's add a file README.md dynamic file, as follows


# $project_name

licensed under $license

run proplate

proplate create --template learn-by-doing --dest dynamic-uh

Lezz open the output dynamic-uh/README.md


We actually nailed it ✨


How to i tell proplate that I want to write $not-binding as is ?

just escape them -uh


# $project_name

licensed under $license

hey proplate, leave this one \$not-binding

I mean...


You are free to create as many files as desired and add the bindings, Proplate will handle them

more about dynamic files

Additional operations

Sometimes, you want to do things beyond just replacing dynamic files. Well, Proplate's got you covered.

At the moment, proplate supports 2 basic fs operation: Remove, Copy, CopyDir

these operations are enumerated under "additional_operations"

... let's say we just want to delete something for no good reason

Add the file SIMPLY_DELETE to your template directory.

  "additional_operations": [
      "operations": [
          "Remove": {
            "files": ["SIMPLY_DELETE"]

You are free to add as many operations as desired under the "operations"

... but wait, "additional_operations" is kinda weird... and why don't you just omit the SIMPLY_DELETE file directly ?

Removing and copying become more practical when executed conditionally right ?? ... Proplate can do that!!

Let's modify our template a bit

add MIT to the ".proplate_aux_utils" directory (this directory is ignored by default more info


add the $author binding;)

MIT License

Copyright (c) 2024 $author


Now, only copy the MIT to the LICENSE file when MIT license is selected

  "args": [
      "key": "author",
      "q_type": "Text",
      "label": "Who is da author"
  "additional_operations": [
      "conditions": [
          "lhs": "$license",
          "op": "Eq",
          "rhs": "MIT"
      "operations": [
          "Copy": {
            "file": ".proplate_aux_utils/MIT",
            "dest": "LICENSE"
proplate create --template learn-by-doing --dest additional-op-uh

supported conditional op are: Eq, NotEq

-You might say-

can't we just run some bash script-uh ? ... for your own security, NO

Some extras

  • "dynamic_files": If you don't include this prop, proplate will treat the template files as dynamic.

    • For a larger template, you may want to specify exactly what the dynamic files are. You can enumerate them under the "dynamic_files" prop as follow you can enumerate "files" or "directories". However, at this point, the rest of the files/directories become static

        "dynamic_files": ["package.json", "directory"]
  • "exclude": I told you earlier that the ".proplate_aux_utils". By default, (auxiliary) is ignored, which means it is not included in the template directly But maybe later, during "additional_operations"

    • You can also add your own auxiliary directory/file under the "exclude".

      Note: "meta.json" and ".proplate_aux_utils" is pre-excluded

        "exclude": [".git", "node_modules"]
  • "args": Input of type Text may have a "default_value" prop, which proplate will use as a placeholder

  • "additional_op" op list:

    • Copy { file, dest }
    • CopyDir { path, dest }
    • Remove { files }


~222K SLoC