Deadbolt 2
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Deadbolt 2

Powerful authorization for your Play 2 application

About the Book

Deadbolt 2 is an authorization module for the Play 2 framework.  It features idiomatic Java and Scala APIs and a comprehensive range of tools to help secure your web application.

This book, written by the author of the module, covers all aspects of integrating Deadbolt 2 into your code.

About the Author

Steve Chaloner
Steve Chaloner

Steve Chaloner has been a software developer, consultant and mentor since 1999. He specialises in Java and Scala, but believes in using the right tool for the job. The right tool for him, for web-based applications, is the Play framework.

He is the author of several open-source projects, the most successful of which is Deadbolt, an authorization system for Play.

In 2011, he was selected as one of the Expert Reviewers for the Play! Framework Cookbook, along with the creator of Play and one of its oldest contributors. Since then, he has been an expert reviewer for four other books on Play, covering Java, Scala and reactive programming.

In 2012, Steve co-founded the Belgian Play Framework User Group with Ben Verbeken. This later merged with BeScala, the Belgian Scala User Group.

Steve blogs at and tweets at

About the Contributors

Daryl Greensill
Daryl Greensill
Francis De Brabandere
Francis De Brabandere
Peter Hilton
Peter Hilton

Table of Contents

    • 1. Deadbolt 2
      • 1.1 About the author
      • 1.2 About the book
    • 2. Introduction
      • 2.1 History
      • 2.2 Java versus Scala
      • 2.3 Versions
      • 2.4 Target audience
      • 2.5 Acknowledgements
      • 2.6 Feedback
    • 3. Root concepts
      • 3.1 Template-level constraints
      • 3.2 Controller-level restrictions
      • 3.3 Core entities
      • 3.4 Hooks
      • 3.5 Static and dynamic constraints
  • I Deadbolt for Java
    • 4. Using Deadbolt 2 with Play 2 Java projects
      • 4.1 The Deadbolt Handler
      • 4.2 Expose your DeadboltHandlers with a HandlerCache
      • 4.3 application.conf
    • 5. Java controller constraints
      • 5.1 SubjectPresent
      • 5.2 SubjectNotPresent
      • 5.3 Restrict
      • 5.4 RoleBasedPermissions
      • 5.5 Dynamic
      • 5.6 Pattern
      • 5.7 Unrestricted
      • 5.8 Deferring method-level annotation-driven interceptors
      • 5.9 Invoking DeadboltHandler#beforeAuthCheck independently
      • 5.10 Customising the inputs of annotation-driven actions
    • 6. Deadbolt Java Templates
      • 6.1 subjectPresent
      • 6.2 subjectNotPresent
      • 6.3 Restrict
      • 6.4 Pattern
      • 6.5 Dynamic
    • 7. A deeper look at dynamic rules
      • 7.1 Using sessions and requests in your rules
      • 7.2 Strategies for using dynamic resource handlers
    • 8. Integrating with authentication providers
      • 8.1 Play’s built-in authentication support
      • 8.2 Third-party user management
  • II Deadbolt for Scala
    • 9. Using Deadbolt 2 with Play 2 Scala projects
      • 9.1 The Deadbolt Handler
      • 9.2 Expose your DeadboltHandlers with a HandlerCache
      • 9.3 application.conf
      • 9.4 Using compile-time dependency injection
      • 9.5 Tweaking Deadbolt
    • 10. Scala controller constraints
      • 10.1 Controller constraints with the action builder
      • 10.2 Controller constraints with action composition
      • 10.3 SubjectPresent
      • 10.4 SubjectNotPresent
      • 10.5 Restrict
      • 10.6 Pattern
      • 10.7 Dynamic
    • 11. Deadbolt Scala Templates
      • 11.1 Handlers
      • 11.2 SubjectPresent
      • 11.3 SubjectNotPresent
      • 11.4 Restrict
      • 11.5 Pattern
      • 11.6 Dynamic

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