About Us
History of IPC
God, in His mercy, chose Pastor K.E. Abraham as the founder of The Indian Pentecostal Church Of God. Born on March I, 1899 to Godly parents of Jacobite faith at Mulakuzha, boy Abraham was saved at the age of seven in 1906 and was baptised in water on February 27, 1916 by Mahakavi K.V. Simon. As a young man Brother Abraham ministered among the youth and many young people were saved. As a minister of the Gospel he had built a small place of worship adjacent to his house at Mulakuzha in 1920. Those who were saved through his ministry were baptised by him and the congregation began worshipping in this place.
IPC UK & Ireland Region
From the year 2000 onwards there were influx of Indians, especially the Keralite nurses into United Kingdom for work. These nurses settled with family in various cities of UK had been struggling to find Malayalam language worship places. Kerala Traditional Pentecostal Churches were in scarcity in the country except few churches in main cities. Discussions were started in 2007 to form an IPC region with existing few churches in UK and Ireland which was further advanced during the visit of Pastor K.C. Thomas (then Kerala State Secretary). However, it took few more months to reach an understanding and the region came into reality on 10th May 2008.
Our Vision
Moulding believers, influencing the world
Our vision is to reach the unreached and to see lives changed and our communities transformed through the power of the Word of God.Our vision is to see people’s love for God increases day by day through systematic study of Word of God and worship in Truth and Spirit and constant fellowship with fellow Christians, so that His Kingdom grows through everyone who comes in contact with Jesus Christ.
Our Faith Statement
The assurance and convictions of things
The Holy Scriptures as the revealed will of God, the all sufficient rule for faith and practice. The Holy Bible consisting of sixty-six (66) books including the Old and New Testament, is the inspired Word of God, a revelation from God to Man, concerning the will of God in all things necessary to our faith, conduct and salvation, so that whatever is not contained therein is not to be enjoined as an article of faith (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Peter 1:20-21; 2 Timothy 3:15-17).
Our Pioneers
The torch bearers of the past
Proverbs 22:28 says; “ Do not move the ancient boundary which your fathers have set”. From time to time, God raises up great men of God to lead the church and they are considered the pioneers of Indian Pentecostal Church of God. They are the founding fathers and great leaders of Indian Pentecostal Church of God who had the great visionfor the Kingdom of God. Their passion for The Indian Pentecostal Church of God in Indiaand around the globe were astounding. Their profound knowledge and Spirit leadpreaching and teaching of the Word of God on the basis of the apostolic teachings hadbecome the pillars of Biblical principles and values for the Church. Church alwaysremember and give respect to each of them for the contributions they have made. “But asfor you, go your way to the end; then you will enter into rest and rise again for your allottedportion at the end of the age”. Daniel 12:13
Our Governance
The stewardship and accountability
Church governance is based on the guidelines of the Charity Commission of the United Kingdom and we ensure that high standard of accountability and stewardship of its activities and finance are maintained. As a responsible church, we ensure that vulnerable people and children are taken care of and we have statutory guidelines and procedures to safeguarding children, young and vulnerable people.